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Kyle Carrozza, a prolific Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon animator (:marseygroomer2:) who created Cartoon Network's Mighty Magiswords :marseycalarts:, massive male feminist who rallied against p-dophiles and other sexual predators in the animation industry (:marseyprojection:), and DeviantArt degenerate who collected accusations after accusations against him for years, has been arrested for..... you guessed it :marseysurprisedpikachu: :marseymanysuchcases: :marseyitsallsotiresome:





https://preview.redd.it/en-noticias-que-a-nadie-le-importan-el-creador-de-v0-otjxzpx5hfcd1.png?width=638&format=png&auto=webp&s=58d2943cf67f84757a59373e545b18e816a859bb https://i.rdrama.net/images/17209948094336686.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1720994809657186.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17209948098053443.webp https://external-preview.redd.it/cartoon-network-show-creator-kyle-carrozza-arrested-on-v0-GVywLO-QBZ5T97MdfOce5mifPfG1QQK9WbxrJd6wvfU.jpg?auto=webp&s=5ffa88f7c30cd633960d90e887661dc339286ede

Zxis resume:


Of course the one who came up with this horrendous artstyle that hurts to look at is a piece of shit vermin :marseymanysuchcases:


He drew a comic making fun of John Kricfalusi and his pedophilia :marseysurprisedpikachu:




According to reddit and /co/, he also apparently got a "disabled queer animator" (i.e. :marseywomanmoment2:) fired and blacklisted from the industry, and according to ledditors, HE ALMOST FRICKING KILLED HER because she lost access to health services :marseymedsgenocide:..... because she drew Invader Zim porn? :marseydarkxd::trolldespair:

Also, not only he is a p-do cute twink, he is also an animator with no originality, so even in his job he acted like a parasite who did not do anything noteworthy, apparently, his characters are ripoffs of the characters Lina Inverse and Gourry from the Slayers Japanese anime, which was released in the US in 1996..... the exact same year that @MoonMetropolis claims that Carrot-in-butt came up with the idea for Mighty Magiswords, which ended up being the most generic and soulless adventure time-tumblr-calarts 2010s slop :marseyitsallsotiresome:


https://i.rdrama.net/images/1720994810247818.webp https://preview.redd.it/an-illustration-of-lina-and-gourry-v0-k9jx6qc4ejka1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa25be99293247fcbdbf72280626de9b9386ec9b

The two characters drawn in a tumblrcalartswesternslop (not drawn by Carrozza), nootice the similarity:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17209993624703028.webp https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0b/8c/b7/0b8cb79740cc995c3be0628b2b7c1ad5.png https://i.pinimg.com/originals/6a/98/e3/6a98e315664a930e98ed7e763dfa997d.png

From Arica Tuesday on Twitter/X (not the foid who was fired)

"It turns out that Kyle Carrozza FINALLY got what was coming to him. Despite what he did to me, what he did to my SISTER, what he did to my friends (one of them was 13) he still continued in the industry and even got that show on CN, despite him already being a creep.

"He would constantly ask me for nude photos of myself. He took photos that did not belong to him and put them on a revenge porn website, along with my sister and friends.

"He had nudes of one friend who was only 13 at the time. This was the 2000s. It was then that I stopped being his friend, but despite what I said he had done, I still had friends of mine that left to go with him.

"So frick you, Zoe Moss and Renie Rivas for preferring the company of a p-dophile. I hope you both wake the frick up."

The first news article has come out: https://www.cartoonbrew.com/law/cartoon-network-show-creator-kyle-carrozza-arrested-on-child-pornography-possession-charges-241930.html

Apparently he had the stuff saved in his Google Drive and Google permanently suspended his account and reported it to authorities. He even posted about his google account being suspended on Twitter last year.



/co/pe #1: https://boards.4chan.org/co/thread/144504706

/co/pe #2: https://boards.4chan.org/co/thread/144498424

Kiwiggers #1: https://kiwifarms.st/threads/cartoon-industry-thread.113659/page-153#post-18820805

Kiwiggers #2: https://kiwifarms.st/threads/kyle-carrozza-drama.103459/

Ledditors (various links below):










His last video (comments are funny):

!chuds !nooticers

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this is what a male feminist looks like chud!

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/17209957272441702.webp :#soyjakcobson:

it's uncanny

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this guy is so ugly portraying him as a soyjak :marseynuts: is flattering.

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"But how does it affect YOU personally, hmmm?"

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His hair game mogs that of the pre-existing smugjak...

...would soften the blow of the woodchipper more then!


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How are there no 'jaks of this mutant already lmao

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I have the word filter on so this sentence is ambiguous but true either way.

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Edit for the !anime weebshitters, not only he is a p-do cute twink, he is also an animator with no originality, so even in his job he acted like a parasite who did not do anything noteworthy, apparently, his characters are ripoffs of the characters Lina Inverse and Gourry from the Slayers Japanese anime, which was released in the US in 1996..... the exact same year that @MoonMetropolis claims that Carrot-in-butt came up with the idea for Mighty Magiswords, which ended up being the most generic and soulless adventure time-tumblr-calarts 2010s slop :marseyitsallsotiresome:


https://i.rdrama.net/images/1720994810247818.webp https://preview.redd.it/an-illustration-of-lina-and-gourry-v0-k9jx6qc4ejka1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa25be99293247fcbdbf72280626de9b9386ec9b

The two characters drawn in a tumblrcalartswesternslop (not drawn by Carrozza), nootice the similarity:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17209993624703028.webp https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0b/8c/b7/0b8cb79740cc995c3be0628b2b7c1ad5.png https://i.pinimg.com/originals/6a/98/e3/6a98e315664a930e98ed7e763dfa997d.png !nooticers

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Apparently, he was the one responsible for this 4Kids parody that I thought was hilarious when I was 11:

I actually had no idea that this was the same guy. :marseymindblown:

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Wasn't there another "There are a shitton of lulz random swords all over the world" show called Quest World or something like that?

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No idea :marseyhmm:

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I'm pretty sure a lot of fantasy anime characters looked like that in the 90s but I'm too lazy to look it up

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Innocent until proven guilty - I need to see some evidence of his male feminism. Has he ever tweeted about the wage gap?

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With this henious art style you know he must be a male feminist.

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:#marseywut3:He got popped for cp, wtf you mean "I need to see some evidence"

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he's making a joke about the word filter

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Good post.

I want to talk about Dead End: Paranormal Park

It's beanmouth shit. It pains me to say it, but it's quite watchable. Not my choice, my kid likes it, and the show doesn't offend me enough to refuse.

The problem is, the lead character is a trans man (a girl who thinks she's a boy). And not just any trans man, but a 'gay' trans man (straight with extra steps).

There's other unnecessary gender-bending shit in it, like I'm pretty sure that one of the main female characters is a is voiced by a man.

As with almost all children's animation of that type, there's barely a single normal straight male in the show. It's all showtunes and other straggy stuff.

The writer or whatever is called Hamish Steele. Ringing some TiF bells with that name. And of course it's a he/they, being normal is just toooooo confining.




Is it a TiF? Is it a p-do? What are the bets, lads and lasses

All I know is, I had to have a talk with my kid about how that's all nonsense, but people will get mad and cry at you if you say so, so keep it to yourself. No kid can really do that successfully, so I'm worried. I didn't want to talk about this stuff yet, although I've been priming for resisting groupthink all along. I guess it's good we saw it together and can talk about nonsense being nonsense, kind of a vaccination.

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>the lead character is a trans man (a girl who thinks she's a boy). And not just any trans man, but a 'gay' trans man (straight with extra steps).

Yaoislop fanfictions and its consequences :marseysadge: !foidmoment

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Why do you let your kid watch that shit lol

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Would you rather have a dead daughter or a living son CHUD

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Not my choice, my kid likes it

Sorry, I'm confused. Which one of you is the parent here?

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>i let my kid watch genderslop

neighbor I bet you look like the cute twink you posted

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>he lets his kid watch :marseytrain: crap


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So glad I was too old to have watched any of that filth.

No indication that it was also a furry?

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just a weeaboo it seems

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Another shocker

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Correct, his characters are ripoffs of the characters Lina Inverse and Gourry from the Slayers tranime, which was released in the US in 1996, "coincidentally" the exact same year that he came up with the idea for Mighty Magislop:


https://i.rdrama.net/images/1720994810247818.webp https://preview.redd.it/an-illustration-of-lina-and-gourry-v0-k9jx6qc4ejka1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa25be99293247fcbdbf72280626de9b9386ec9b https://i.rdrama.net/images/17209993624703028.webp https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0b/8c/b7/0b8cb79740cc995c3be0628b2b7c1ad5.png https://i.pinimg.com/originals/6a/98/e3/6a98e315664a930e98ed7e763dfa997d.png @searcher !anime

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I don't remember anyone liking mighty magiswords :marseyhmmm: :marseysquint: and I kept up with western children's cartoons at that time

the art kids really liked Steven Universe :marseyarthoe3: , which was also airing new episodes at the time. They also liked adventure time. I remember hearing complaints that SU was being shafted for "garbage" no one likes, such as Mighty Magiswords which was being marketed hard

some of the normal kids liked World of Gumball, We Bare Bears,and even Teen Titans Go :marseyretard2:

:!marseyarthoe3: "noooo, no one likes TTG, it's all lies!"

:soycry: "It has nothing to do with the original Teen Titans, it's literal toddler garbage. Also, I miss Ben 10"

:marseyretard2: "lol the guy fell down and went splat haha TTG is funny"

There's also that one guy in highschool who watches Rick and Morty and Southpark and thinks he's a genius and a badass

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Why every p-do is fricking ugly. Of all pedos I have heard of (US or from my home country), I know only one who is slightly below average. The others are fricking henious.

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You can pull all the guns at me but in real life parents won't mind if their 16 year old daughter dates a 6'4 full haired fit good mannered 30 year old doctor they even will push him to marry her.

Your 14 year old son is dating shakira ?


It's not my personal opinion is just the real world where people sometimes look past age if the person is very decent.


At 40 dated 16 year old no one cared

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You r-slur chudcel I am talking about literal prepubescent children.

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At 40 dated 16 year old no one cared

Real equation is:

FrickAge = DudeAge / 2 + 7 - log (NetWorth/500)

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that shakira? she looks like jessica alba there

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Nah it's Paul walker 16 year old gf

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BIPOC, how is that not jessica alba

They co-starred in a movie

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Blame google, I wrote something like Paul walker 16 year old gf and got that image


Here is that real 16 year old I guess

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Why every p-do is fricking ugly.


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I was going to say the same thing but I also suspect that good looking guys are able to find someone to their preference that's legal.

Or they just don't get reported because.

There was some lipstick alley or Reddit thread where like 50% of the women admitted to having relationships with older men when they were like 16 or 17, and swearing up and down that the guys weren't bad in their case or admitting to lying about their age to the men. Very weird thread, I'll have to look for it.

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Those guys are opportunity frickers, the real pedos seem low iq low key FAS faced.

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Despite being attracted to minors most paedophiles are fully capable of having s*x with adults and orgasming and living a relatively normal life. Those who are fricking ugly can't find a partner diddle kids and get caught. :marseymanysuchcases:

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/1721000357245472.webp !anime @MoonMetropolis can someone please id this anime poster behind him?, it is awfully reminiscent of his show, it is clear that his show is just a generic western tumblr slop adaptation of sword-and-sandal anime chicks in bikini armor, I thought that it was Slayers, given that the foid on the left looks like Naga the Serpent, but I think that is not it.

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I couldn't find the exact poster, but it seems to be Game Gyaru, which is Game Grumps merchandise.

For reference: https://i.rdrama.net/images/17210076916023004.webp

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>it seems to be Game Gyaru, which is Game Grumps merchandise.

:#marseyyes: that is the one! here is the poster! https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dy52RhPU8AAzXxT.jpg

In fact Game Grumps figures dubbed characters in his animations, IIRC one of them even composed the opening theme for Mighty Magislop! https://old.reddit.com/r/gamegrumps/comments/1e2s8px/the_creator_of_the_cartoon_network_show_mighty/

Pedoslop aside, the art on this poster is actually fantastic!, unreal how a criminal cute twink with a horrendous and painful artstyle was associated with this, given that it captures the 80s anime vibe perfectly, this is absolutely nothing like what the westoid weebshitters draw, much less an artstyle that is almost indiscernible from something that Japs would have drawn in the 1980s!, heck, it arguably looks more authentically Japanese than modern digital slop! !anime @MoonMetropolis

Also !g*mers what the heck happened to Game Grumps overall?, I have not checked them out since Jontron and Egoraptor were in them back in 2012.

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How hasn't Arin come out as trans yet lmao

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Wait so are they made for BWC or BBC?

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Depending by the artist who draws them, they are either too white or too brown, so....


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Imagine owning game grumps coomer art

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Frick, I know it... it's on the tip of my tongue. There were so many of those generic chicks-in-bikini-armor anime shows from the '90s, though, that it's difficult to get all of them straight. My first thought was Knights of Ramune, but I don't think that's it. :marseythinkorino2:

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dirty pair

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I was actually the one who created the IMDb entry for Mighty Magiswords, back when it was still just a series of 3-minute shorts (a full list of all of the titles that I've added to IMDb can be found here). Kyle Carrozza had been trying to get the idea for Mighty Magiswords made since 1996, and the best he could do, years and years later, was that craptastic show on Cartoon Network that got canned almost immediately. His legacy now will be "the convicted p-dophile who had a shitty show on Cartoon Network once". :marseyl:

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I was actually the one who created the IMDb entry for Mighty Magiswords

Why are you associating with pesos? :marseysquint:

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You two are forever linked now.

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You know the :marseywall: has no body image issues because she draws herself as a skinny furry

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This guy doesn't respect game because he ain't have it

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he draws himself

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you can only pull off mutton chops if you're a Civil War general

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G-d bless General Hooker

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No no look again, the whole image is horrific but you gotta take into account it almost salvaged someone who's head looks like a deepsea fish after explosive decompression

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:marseypuke: :marseyyikes:

I remember this show coming on and it was so spastic and braindead like worse than teen titans go which at least had the occasional moment

That's not to mention how it looks

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>worse than teen titans go which at least had the occasional moment


https://i.rdrama.net/images/17210008973499181.webp !soyteens !comicshitters

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last time i tuned to CN it was Teen Titans GO from 6am to 2am non stop. Worse brainrot than the internet for gen A.

Good thing no one watches cable anymore.

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Teen Titans Go is the only actually educational show on tv

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it sounds like he put the material on his google drive (link is a newgrounds post)

jarvis please post iq and pdo stats thanks

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Hmm this guys looks like a Faces of Pedophilia stereotype and a Faces of Reddit stereotype.


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It's always the one you most suspect.

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The priest?

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If he looked like that, yeah.

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very good snappy :marseyaward#:

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Maybe all of the pedos are in a highlander-style competition and if they out other p-dophiles they get a power boost from it

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Carrozza cites the works of Bob Clampett, many Spümcø alumni (e.g. Bob Camp, Jim Smith, Eddie Fitzgerald, Lynne Naylor, etc), Doug TenNapel, Bill Kopp, Bruce Timm and Jhonen Vasquez as his main inspirations.


lol guess he learned a few things from John K

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Kyle Carrozza, a prolific Cartoon Network

This is the point where I guessed it


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Getting r*ped is bad enough, but imagine getting r*ped by a soyjak :marseydisgust:

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we need to bring back physiognomy, the way these people always look cannot be a coincidence

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Does he look like that because he's a p-do or did he become a p-do because he looks like that?

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He chose a large amount of it, so he looks like that because he's a p-do

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Aka the Jimmy Savile approach.

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PDF file physiognomy strikes again :marseypedo:

Why they always gotta look so kooky? :marseywut2:

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Big sideburns are cool, but not when they;re so badly maintained cmon he looks r-slurred :marseykindness:

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god he looks like a p-dophile. shame too that krisfauluci comic IS funny

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Wat a cute twink

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How many little childrens buttholes could go unpenetrated if we just started preemptively started arresting male feminists who look like this?

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How does someone who looks like that even get a job? I mean this completely unironically. That beard, wtf.

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At this point just execute all male feminists.

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Someone decided to look like that on purpose.


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He sure has that look nailed down. I hope he rots.

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I could tell as soon as I saw him after I read the title.

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fired and blacklisted from the industry, and according to ledditors, HE ALMOST FRICKING KILLED HER because she lost access to health services :marseymedsgenocide:..... because she drew Invader Zim porn?


But that does not redeem him from being a p-dophile.

Into the woodchipper volcano


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:chudette2: I was working with him for 20 years and enjoyed benefits and connections from his work and personally knew each other but I always thought he was a creep and p-do this weeb freak finally got what was coming for him - every moid at CN right now

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Not a drag queen

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The crimes he is accused of do not apply to drawings, figurines, statues, or films rated by the Motion Picture Association.

California is such a shithole.

>If a board of racketeers made up to protect business interest give it a rating it's art instead of porn

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