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Destiny doubles down on mocking the Trump supporter that was killed at the rally and THOUSANDS of people are seething

It just keeps going and going like this

Lmao holy shit


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My bread and butter. Throw back to when I made a bunch of people on Twitter mad by making fun of Celsius.


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Those are actually valid points tho. Farenheit is superior

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Good bait

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Dead srs

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>Probably why I have a date tonight and you don't


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He's gay. He has dudes falling on him 24/7.

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That shit was good tho :#petergriffinyes:

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Ragebaiting is an extremely difficult and underappreciated art:

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After we ban women from voting never married men above 32 are next.

@collectijism can't believe you're talking about triggering people on metrics and Celsius day after the president was shot.

Trans lives matter

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you should advocate kelvin units next

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Destiny bros are posting twitter posts of the dude who was killed onntheir subreddit. It is somewhat triggering for people with morals

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>guy is literally called "boring"

>tries to clap back against a known troll

Why doesn't he at least change his name or something, it's just too easy

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Destiny seethes too hard to be a troll and his fanbase belives all his lies

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Calling destiny a troll is giving him too much credit. He actually is an r-slur who believes and says r-slurred things.

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TIL his last name is spelled with an E. Looks so fricking weird.

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I look like this and say this

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Normally one would have to worry a bit saying such extreme things online and glorying in the deaths of your political opponents when your real name and physical appearance are a matter of public knowledge.

But rightoids are losers who just seethe online and never actually do anything, so I have a sense that Destiny isn't really running any risks here.

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I mean just last week or so he was still soying out about some lefty girl who said she would pay to someone to throw a tomato at one of his "change my mind" college debates.

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I was told that Republicans were murderous genocidal giga-Nazis though.

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>sincerely believe that the election was stolen by Chinese assets and traitors

>go to the capitol to put a stop to what you literally see as the takeover of your country

>walk around a bit

>get told to leave


Rightoids could not violence their way out of a drum circle.

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It was not part of their blood, It came to them very late, With long arrears to make good, When the Rightoid began to hate.

They were not easily moved, They were icy -- willing to wait, Till every count should be proved, Ere the Rightoid began to hate.

Their tweets were even and low. Their eyes were level and straight. There was neither sign nor show, When the Rightoid began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd. It was not taught by the state. No man spoke it aloud, When theRightoid began to hate.

It was not suddenly bred. It will not swiftly abate. Through the chilled years ahead, When Time shall count from the date, That the Rightoid began to hate.


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This poem is in reference to England doing the most r-slurred thing in modern history. !chuds, rightoids chill out!!!

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nuh uh i changed it

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what does it actually refer to out of curiosity, I always assumed it was just some shit made up by groypers

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Kipling seething because his only son died in a trench

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World War 1

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Some few of them are, but those are also usually the types who can barely walk outside and make eye contact with people without having a nervous breakdown.

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So are they or they don't do anything, which is it?

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Yes but now you are assassinating political targets and supporters of rival parties in good faith chud! :soyjakferal:

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Those are the people at the top. You're one of the useful idiot types

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yup, rightoids don't control the institutions.

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>But rightoids are losers who just seethe online and never actually do anything, so I have a sense that Destiny isn't really running any risks here.

/pol/ is on him as we speak

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It's gonna have to be a solo operation, because any time two /pol/acks get together each thinks that the other is a fed.

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One of them is the fed, and they still picked the wrong person :taythink:

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Terrorism pro tips, most plots get foiled by a fed accomplice

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Foiled or created by?

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Two white supremacist, one a fed, the other a BIPOC AND a mutt at the same time

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But rightoids are losers who just seethe online and never actually do anything

Buddy one just tried to assassinate a presidential candidate

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>actually republicans are the biggest trump haters of them all and so im cool with their murders :marseyseethe:

A talking point so unhinged i think it will be stated by mainstream democrats soon

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No, I'm just saying they get out of their basements from time to time

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already frontpage of reddit

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I want to see it dare i say.... source?

Edit: nevermind. /r/politics is full of unironic "registered republican" and canned "trump rhetoric" days after a trump supporter was killed. These people are entirely tone deaf

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I would have more respect for destiny if he actually replied to my comments. I know he's ducking me because he knows i would destroy him intellectually, physically and sexually :chad:

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>I could definitely kill him one-on-one.

>I'd beat Destiny up in a fair fight without weapons and even if I was drunk. :marseydrunk:

>I'm gonna kill destiny :marseybane:

>I'd take on Destiny one-on-one and beat the shit out of him in a fair fight. :marseybuff:

>I'd kick destiny's butt in a fight.

>I'd definitely kick destiny's butt. :marseybuff:

>I'd definitely destroy destiny in a fight. :marseypunching:

>I'd kick destiny's butt in a fight, that's for sure. :marseybattered:

>I would definitely win a fight against Destiny and I would win by a knockout :marseypunching:

>I could definitely beat up Destiny in a fair fight. :tayshrug:

>I could definitely win a fight against Destiny

>I would win a fight with Destiny in a heartbeat

>That would be a very fair fight.

>I'd win a fight against destiny, but it would be close :marseysquint:

>I'm gonna kill Destiny, that's for sure.

>I'd kick destiny's butt in a fight, for sure.

>I'd kick Destiny's butt in a fight, no question about it

>I would definitely win a fight against Destiny. :marseypunching:

!metashit :marseyxd: @The_Homocracy


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!friendsofbussy-boy He's challenging Destiny :marseypunching:

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He better not respond, because my fists would break his little computer keyboard and his skull like the glass in his window. :marseyevilgrin:

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:worship: :marseysnappy:

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If he has a gun, I have a knife. If he has a rifle, I have a shovel. If he has a plane, I have a sword.

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He doesn't know about the 50% blade weight increase I get from the wind blowing. :marseyweeb:

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And if he has a chupacabra, I have a shovel...

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I would :marseywood: pay for a bbbb + text2speech vs Destiny debate.

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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spent 770 currency on pings

Bussy-babe you gotta apply to some ping groups first lmao

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The best part of having 0 followers is being able to ping everyone in my posts.


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@The_Homocracy missed u

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He won't acknowledge me :marseydepressed: @The_Homocracy

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I'm sorry bby I was dunking on communists on Twitter!


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It's ok I forgive you :#@The_Homocracylove:

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It's very hard to take Destiny seriously when most of the male population (and a not insignificant portion of the female population :marseymyeisha:) could r*pe him without much real effort !male feminists

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I could r*pe him but I'd rather give him a blowjob for his awesome :marseymirror: tweets :#marsey:

!male feminists

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No part of it being r*pe rules out giving him a blowjob. Maybe he's in a committed relationship and doesn't want your suck :donkeykongsad:

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I kneel to a dramachad


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not sure i'll kneel beside you. seethemaxxing for the gods of chaos (aka the lulz) hits differently than seethemaxxing because they're a narcissistic cute twink who can't stand other people not thinking about them for more than two seconds.

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All the same to me. I'm a low hanging fruit drama kinda guy. Ah takes what ah gets.

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If that were the case he would've stopped at the first few which were generating seethe enough, he has to be dramamaxxing at this point

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Is it really dramatic though if redditors are just agreeing with him?

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it angers twitter rightoids, which is just as valid a target as redditors :marseysoylentgrin:

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This is who says that Trump is 'dangerous' to democracy.


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trump just got a guy killed and you're saying he isn't dangerous to democracy? wow.

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>three trump supporters get shot

Well they had it coming i guess

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you are a vile little cuck


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Rich streamer mocks lifelong volunteer firefighter's death and urges his cult to harass his surviving daughters.

If someone told me a political assassination attempt occurred and it was the assassin's ideology that was the most angry about it, I would've never believed you.

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Stop being dramaphobic


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Fair enough but when you support this shit I wont take u seriously when you cry about Alex Jones and how he supposedly caused a school shooting

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Alex Jones did nothing wrong except for letting those children live.

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The shooting was a false flag and Corey is a crisis actor.


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>Actually Trumps rhetoric caused this so we're totally blameless but also we want to kill trump supporters hahha of course

I hope more leftoids go down this logic train its completely off the wall

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Look what you made me do to you!


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Look what ingerland made me do to you!

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:siren:BARD BOT ALERT!:siren:Current streak was: 0 days 01 hours 09 minutes and 29 seconds

Record is 1 days 13 hours 09 minutes and 59 seconds by TheDunceonFlorist

Top 10 bard respectors:

ACA: 309

BardWatch: 275

(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Patsy))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))): 179

911roofer: 96

RWBY: 94

arsey: 91

UncleAbortion: 90

Felicity: 86


SpittingScrapmetal: 69

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That dude was an actual brainlet NPC. Nothing of value was lost. His daughter just got a ticket to a fox news contributor role and is set for life. Thanks Jesus for the perfect aim as usual!

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Yes, that is what happened to him

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