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Rightoids cry hate speech and behave like the most stereotypical wokies due to Destiny's twitter meltdown :marseyemojirofl: !grillers

Destiny is monetized, Musk pls do something :marseysoycry:

Iirc this dude got banned of xitter for posting r*pe csam (labeling it as informative or sth) and got unbanned by musk himself :marseynooticeglow:

See this:

This is clearly against the rules daddy Elon pls do something :chudtantrum:

Destiny's reply with even more angry rightoids inside

Even free speech advocate Mr Musk takes notice :marseypearlclutch:

Remember that musk unbanned people that posted csam. Several times in fact, just because some right wingers posted it as what the evil sandnigs are doing or something (see this post

Destiny's reply

Now that i checked even our very own @The_Homocracy brought it up

And here is a rightoid crying hate speech :marseypearlclutch2: :chudseethe:

Anyways !nonchuds this is truly a horseshoe theory moment

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The circumstances don't make the celebration of death any less macabre.


Trying to work on being magnanimous in all things

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Look where magnanimity got us.

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Look where magnanimity got us.

Personally I'm more joyful, thankful, and motivated than I've been in years. :marseyandjesus:

@Corinthian help a brother out. You're more eloquent.

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Neighbor I love you :marseyembrace: but IDK why I'm the ping target here. I'm optimistic for the future of Catholicism (and Christianity) amidst the widespread disenfranchisement and disillusionment Western partisan conceptions of the purpose of life and civic engagement the modern (postmodern) era have wrought. but I'm not particularly hopeful for the near future of American politics.

My frustration in recent days on this site across multiple threads stems from the willful obstinance chuds of rdrama have regarding empathy when considering the suffering of their fellow man (half the posts here) vs the suffering of their chosen political candidate and his supporters (last couple days). I found the :marseypearlclutch2: a bit nauseating considering how readily y'all will laugh about the murders/suicides/misfortune of your perceived enemies and lessers. I shouldn't need receipts for this if you're being honest with yourselves.

!Catholics @AntispaniardAktion this is neither targeting you directly nor specific to any one user, look around you and pray for the state of our families and our fellow man. I voted for Trump in 16/20, but if this website isn't :marseywingcuck: when it comes to what's worth being sad and angry about IDK where is. Democrat politicians, racial minorities, LGBT etc are all going to be much more receptive to us and the offering of grace if we're empathetic and forgiving in our expressions of disagreement and if we maintain consistency regarding the value of life.

"O My Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of Heck, lead all souls to Heaven, especially those in most need of Thy mercy." Pray your rosaries, please. :marseyconcerned: :marseyandjesus: :marseyimmaculate:

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You need to work on your standup bits, that's not funny at all.

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Keep your spirits up bby, you know we love you, right now you're at Acts 17:16-18 but soon you'll be at Acts 17:34.

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If I live my life right I'll go the way of Acts 7:59-60 :marseyembrace: :marseyorthodoxcarphug:

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Lmao I love that bit, I was just talking about it the other day:

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Acts 7:59-60

They stoned Stephen as he called out, saying, "Lord Jesus, receive my Spirit!" He kneeled down, and cried with a loud voice, "Lord, don't hold this sin against them!" When he had said this, he fell asleep.

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Acts 17:16-18

Now while Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was provoked within him as he saw the city full of idols. So he reasoned in the synagogue with the Jews and the devout persons, and in the marketplace every day with those who met him. Some of the Epicurean and Stoic philosophers also{TR omits "also"} were conversing with him. Some said, "What does this babbler want to say?" Others said, "He seems to be advocating foreign deities," because he preached Jesus and the resurrection.

Acts 17:34

But certain men joined with him, and believed, among whom also was Dionysius the Areopagite, and a woman named Damaris, and others with them.

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Dibs on Damaris.

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Democrat politicians, racial minorities, LGBT etc are all going to be much more receptive to us and the offering of grace if we're empathetic and forgiving in our expressions of disagreement and if we maintain consistency regarding the value of life.

Sorry friend but the life of my brother with me in the foxhole is worth more to me than the life of the man firing artillery at us. I'm glad sweet souls like you get to exist but it is apparently the cross to bear of those who would fight on your behalf to return home to condemnation instead of celebration. If loyalty and defection are met with the exact same response, what on earth is the incentive to stay loyal?

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:marseyshrug: There was a Byzantine general who noted that part of the zeal Muslims brought to war was borne out of a belief in their sainthood upon being killed (martyred) in war, and when he asked the Pope to extend the same promise to Christians he was turned away. !historychads anyone remember which this was? I don't feel like searching RN.

I'm not condemning American troops or drawing a direct equivocation re: emotional attachment (to friends, allies) or motivations to war, but the Christian position is absolutely that our lives are worth no more than our enemies yes. There has always been a Christian "just war doctrine" by which to determine if it's acceptable to participate. If that's an insurmountable weakness, it's curious that the decline of Christendom came about via nonviolent ideological disagreement rather than the Arabs/Ottomans/etc conquering Europe.

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Nikephoros II Phokas, the pale death of the saracens.

Also, it was to the patriarch of Constantinople not the Bishop of Rome.

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I knew it was pre formal schism but that would make sense, thanks, !historychads upmarsey this man. :@alliterationlove::@alliterationlove::@alliterationlove:

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:marseyhorsemanwar::marseyking::marseyangel2: :marseysoypoint2::marseywallwall:

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Unrelated but I'll never get over how cool the walls of Constantinople areπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ.

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If that's an insurmountable weakness, it's curious that the decline of Christendom came about via nonviolent ideological disagreement rather than the Arabs/Ottomans/etc conquering Europe.

Christianity did indeed lose the most important conflict of the 21st and latter 20th century, the information/propaganda war. You may not believe that very online dorks creating and disseminating pro-Trump memes on X is a significant cultural force, but I didn't believe the college-aged danger hair SJWs of the late oughts would amount to a significant political force either and look where that got us.

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If loyalty and defection are met with the exact same response, what on earth is the incentive to stay loyal?

Deserters, fifth-columnists and traitors are free to ask God for forgiveness after being shot. That's why we have secular government while religion and faith are kept as a personal matters.

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Yeah, most people here are peepees with their own special interests. Which is most people in general tbh (the special interests part not the peepees part). The real annoyance is the faux detachment many users here act like they possess. After all, caring about anything is gay and r-slurred. It's why it's sometimes funny when the spergs here get their comeuppance on issue XYZ as the mask then slips. That all said there is a reason I'm on here instead of TikTok or Reddit so I can't much complain.

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See, that's exactly why I pinged you :chadthankskingcapy:

I know I have been one of the worst offenders that's why I'm trying to force myself daily towards positive change.

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To be fair I think :marseynooticeglow: you have many users here that serious :marseybeheadedkamikaze: post and give their actual views, people starting drama :marseygatekeeper2: by saying things they don't believe, and probably the majority of people that switch :marseynintendo: between :marseyzeldalinkpast: the two (me being in commies and anticommunists for example).

I wouldn't use what users post here as a litmus test for their actual beliefs. Sometimes it slips through and you can tell sometimes but you never :marseyitsover: know.

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This site revels in the misfortune and suffering of others, except when it targets rightoids. I know you and @AntispaniardAktion brought up yesterday that this was a (former) president and that targeting politicians is somewhat different (true), but do you really think most of our users would have responded that way to Biden being shot in the head? I mean half our chuds aren't even American they're just brainwormed to hate :!marseytrain:s and minorities from internet use.

Again, I unequivocally condemn the shooting, my point here is religiously informed towards consistency.

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I don't believe our userbase is intelligent, nor moral, nor knowledgeable. However a theoretical, academic [removed] argument can be made for [removed] instead of a cand[removed] [removed] of Liberty.

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But I think you're a clever enough cookie to discern what (and some of whom) I meant. No hard feelings Carp.

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Oh I know I just wanted to get my purely academic but still deserving of discourse thoughts out there for the 2 people on the website who may be able to read between the lines

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This site revels in the misfortune and suffering :marseypain: of others, except when it targets rightoids

Yes there :marseycheerup: are more rightoids true but I don't think :marseynooticeglow: that invalidates my point. Even most rightoids here play it up. Thats partly why the site exists. to be a dramatic caricature. Are there :marseycheerup: people who serious :marseysnoomask: post r-slurred :marseycrayoneater: crap constantly? Of course but that's not the majority of users.

Do you honestly think :marseynooticeglow: there's that many r-slurs that want right :marseyveryworriedtrans: wing death :marseyseppuku: squads to eliminate all trains :marseytrain: with flamethrowers? Or is it more likely that people here actually :marseynerd3: just think :marseygigathonk: trans :marseychudstamp: stuff is annoying?

but do you really :marseythinkorino2: think :marseychildclutch: most of our users would :marseywood: have responded that way to Biden :marseyusa: being shot in the head?

Shit posting :marseycomplain: a bunch of memes :marseycdm2: and tweets, coming up with insane :marseyschizowall: theories from around the internet, and acting more sober as facts :marseyshapiro: come to light?


Tbf more would :marseymid: likely side with whatever :marseyjerkofffrown: the right :marseyhesfluffyyouknow: wing position is in that situation but I don't think :marseynoooticer: the overall response would :marseywood: be too different :marseydumbcomparison:

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There are a significant number of humorless users who show up on every :marseywingcuck: thread. Use your :marseydetective: skills and you will see. I brought you up only because of that one-off recent engagement, I am not trying to attack your character overall.

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btw thanks for the recommendation for Introduction to Christianity. It's really :marseythinkorino2: good I'm listening at work on audible but it's really :marseythinkorino2: good so far but I'm not very far in

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There :marseycheerup: are a significant number of humorless users who show up on every thread

What you'll find is it's the same people every time

The Russian :marseygleb: guy with Ukraine, hailvictory and 5-10 others with trains/racism, pizza and the Portuguese dude with lefties, etc.

Most will switch :marseynintendo: up or be an overdramatized version of their actual belief.

I brought you up only because of that one-off recent engagement, I am not trying to attack :marseycupidangry: your character :marseyinboots: overall.

no worries I mean I get what you're saying but I think :marseyoscargamble: you might be taking the site more seriously :marseybruh2: than what it actually :marseyakshually: is

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why shoot biden tho, he's already likely to drop dead any day now

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Catholicism is a heresy

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Impressive. Normally people with such severe developmental disabilities struggle to write much more than a sentence or two. He really has exceded our expectations for the writing portion. Sadly the coherency of his writing, along with his abilities in the social skills and reading portions, are far behind his peers with similar disabilities.

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I don't think ambivalence in the face of evil is the way to go :////////

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It's not ambivalence. It's picking your battles. Me getting myself wrathful at an online talking head, who I will never encounter, because of his evil does nothing at all productive and opens the heart to hate.

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Oh yeah I don't give any thought to Destiny because despite running an internet gossip website I actually know nothing at all about internet personalities and do not actually care

I thought you meant just in general with this

Ignore me :marseyhissing:

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:marseyagreefast: I agree with you, when it comes to ignoring evil in every day life. A commitment to non-confrontation irl is both temporal and spiritual cowardice.

I'm trying to treat everything on the internet like it used to be: fake and straight.

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