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Rightoids cry hate speech and behave like the most stereotypical wokies due to Destiny's twitter meltdown :marseyemojirofl: !grillers

Destiny is monetized, Musk pls do something :marseysoycry:

Iirc this dude got banned of xitter for posting r*pe csam (labeling it as informative or sth) and got unbanned by musk himself :marseynooticeglow:

See this:

This is clearly against the rules daddy Elon pls do something :chudtantrum:

Destiny's reply with even more angry rightoids inside

Even free speech advocate Mr Musk takes notice :marseypearlclutch:

Remember that musk unbanned people that posted csam. Several times in fact, just because some right wingers posted it as what the evil sandnigs are doing or something (see this post

Destiny's reply

Now that i checked even our very own @The_Homocracy brought it up

And here is a rightoid crying hate speech :marseypearlclutch2: :chudseethe:

Anyways !nonchuds this is truly a horseshoe theory moment

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It's crazy how both sides have just reversed. Rightoids screaming about free speech now want Destiny banned for jokes, and leftoids are doing the rightoid thing with the conspiratard theories that the shooting was fake.

I hate both sides so frickin much.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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I used to seethe at the left's smug :marseyfreezepeach: rhetoric.

I'm enjoying throwing their standards back at them.

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Both sides deserve what they are getting for sure.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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I know most of rdrama is filled with zoomers, but rightoids are the OG snowflakes. For centuries they've been whining about moral degeneracy this and censorship that. Leftoids were the ones fighting the thought police until the 2010s where it all flipped around because terminally online commies couldn't handle getting dunked on anymore and started infiltrating the media and big corpos.

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Leftoids before the 2010s werr watered-down communists who continuously struggled to deprive others of their wealth and freedom. (In addition to the actual communists). Look at how Western Europe ended up.

!anticommunists, we've got a Bernie Bro trying to reinvent history again.


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Leftists in general were NEVER fond of free speech. Liberals (actual liberals) are the free spech champions, not leftists, and they are the ones who got wingcucked in the past few decades, but socialists and communists were always open about opposing "conter-revolutionary" speech and ideas.

Commies didn't want free speech, they just didn't want their ideas and books censored like they were in Tsarist Russia but that's not because they were free speech advocates.

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Pretty much everybody wants free speech for themselves and not for their opponents, it's a rare occasion when they mean it for everyone (see ACLU defending that neonazi march) :marseyshrug: christ the ACLU getting wingcucked is sad

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It's honestly impressive that you manage to say the exact same thing I did and still disagree. This is high level brainrot.

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I a word.

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You an r-slur

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Yeah if you grew up in the 90s/00s you grew up thinking that lefties were the free speech proponents. The 10s were somewhat shocking to my teenage self, and I eventually realized that free speech support with regards to wingcucks only goes so far as the given side perceives itself as the underdog.

The moment the left came to think of itself as having adequate cultural clout, they pulled that ladder right the frick up.

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Anti-censorship has always been a liberal and anarchist value, leftoids and righty cute twinks simply can't handle the bants

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Wasnt pre 2010 moral panic all about muh christianity and doing everything to not offend the christcucks?

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Yes, and things were much better those days when we simply had clear cut anti-freedom chuds to defeat instead of this mess

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Yeah if you look at the history of censorship even well into the 20th century it's almost entirely motivated by either christcuckery or trad rightoid nonsense - muh family values, think of le children, pro-military, anti-commie etc...

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^^^ you and me grabbing coffee and just not giving a shit anymore and watching both sides collapse

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Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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:marseyheart: Such a good Marsey

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the psyops have been incredibly effective, kudos to the :#marseyglow: who came up with it, still nothing tops leftoids kissing the asses of multinational corporations because they put a rainbow flag on their twitter

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Mostly because their own positions are temporary values held only to insult the other side

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The saturday's events broke the terminally online brains

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Nah chuds are envious that lefties can fedpost and they (In their mind) cannot

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>stupid people are.... stupid?!


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