AI art drama "Actually it is about the ethics in Anti-AI art posting"

I - Background

Recently another AI piece :marseysnappy: broke 140k likes after posting on X (formerly Twitter) . Like every piece of AI that gets attention there, it attracts tons of Sneed from X (formerly Twitter) artists :marseypainter: and their orbiters.

You can see a lot of :marseysneed: in the comments. But even more hate from the quote repost (formerly quote retweet) of artist having fun dunking on AI art by redrawing it in their style.

Some are pretty good gems

The biggest one is this ] got over 400k like and "ratio" the frick out the AI art (which as you can see heavily references the ai art and some even claim it is traced)

instead of taking the W for the real human bean artist, it devolved into another drama.

II - The ethics in Anti-AI posting

Because of how "unethical" the post is, the anti-Ai art council deemed it as bad as AI art for legitimatising AI by tracing/referencing.

note some differences that some people hate it because of tracing, and some hate it for only referencing or taking inspiration from AI, and the purity spiral continues.

embarrassing, these people :marseyaustrianpainter: hate AI so much they will hound you for the art that you draw and paint with your own hand

III - Referencing AI

Now that the drama above has brought the spotlight to the artists who use AI for references let's see how these people :marseyaustrianpainter: think

You will see this smug fricker everywhere in any AI debacle. So anyway "Good artists copy, Great artists steal"-Me.

Owned :marseylaugh:

:marseylongpost: this tard can't fathom that a lot of "real arts" over the years are from artists who just want to draw beautiful things in their own way, the act of drawing makes them happy that's why there are many people who like copying photograph with various style. The AI admittedly in his own words creates beautiful compositions that other artists like and copy. The master artists who put out original compositions would still pump out their work in their way because they like it so nothing is lost really.

more sneed coming

Bonus drama

My man Julian Casablancas :marseycry: just got hounded by a bunch of Instagram c*nts for using a sick AI art for the album cover

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AI will never be art

much like you'll never be a woman

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only wood carvings are real art.

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Physical objects cannot be art. Art exists only in the soul.

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The only real art is blowing powdered red stone on your hand so it leaves a negative imprint on a cave wall for the next 10k years :#marsey!indignant:

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only rock art are real art

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ALL anti-AI bigotry is deeply rooted in ableism and transmisia

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If AI will never be art explain the ahegao Mona Lisa

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If the duct taped banana, the :marseytrain: spreading his butt cheeks and metal crotch dude is art, then AI is also art

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hint: those aren't

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Weird reply because it's only :!marseytrain:s who are anti-AI art

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