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🚨 My favorite munchie has entered Find Out territory 🚨

One of my favorite pastimes is following people with munchausens by internet. I started on a now defunct blog called https://www.warriorelihoax.com/ after cancer faker Belle Gibson's 60 Minutes Australia car crash interview (it's very funny, posted it here a few years ago).

Reddit has a few groups such as /r/illnessfakers who follow munchies and snark. Most have borderline fake diseases like hypermobile Ehlers Danlos, POTS (fast heartbeat upon standing), fibromyalgia, etc. These are real and sometimes serious diseases but either not a huge deal (need to sit in the shower) or easy to fake in their mild forms. They are popular on TikTok with sickfluencers leading to real butt doctors seeing tons of them in their practices/ERs. These diseases come with central lines for fluids, obvious aid devices like wheel chairs and lots of butt-patting from people who don't realize it's not deadly cancer. Many of them started with eating disorders and move over to claiming things like gastroparesis (slow digestion sometimes necessitating feeding tubes and as a last resort TPN which is nutrition directly injected into the veins). TPN is dangerous and hard on the liver and many people die of it. It's a real last resort for people who can't eat.

Those groups are especially funny because a huge number of the commenters have their own fake illnesses and are mad about the stolen valor.

It's kind of sad because like once or twice a year one of the subjects will die of self-induced sepsis or similar by infecting their central lines—injecting 💩 directly into their blood stream but it's ultimately FAFO.

My favorite munchies are the really inept ones who suck at fooling both doctors and the general public.

Meet Dani Marina, a 38 year old teenager.

Dani once had a very severe eating disorder and then moved on to claiming gastroparesis. See this timeline for a very long overview.

Dani was on TPN for 3 years but kept infecting her central line and ultimately it was pulled and not replaced. She actually almost died of sepsis!

She claims she cannot tolerate tube feeds and needs a new central line. She says absolutely cannot eat yet shows a full fridge on her lives.

She has one port for liquids but it's in her femoral artery so not visible and not able to be used for TPN (she cannot access it herself at home and thus cannot frick with it to give herself sepsis). She actually got this port behind her GI doc's back by going to a hematologist oncologist who didn't know her history. When he found out, he was apparently pissed.

She also has a fake boyfriend that commmenters refer to as "George Glass".


She has been trying to get a new SVC port (little injectable thing on your upper chest—I had one when I had cancer, they're great if you're getting lots of injections and blood draws) so she can go back on TPN despite her doctors saying she will NEVER be prescribed it again due to her munching. Right now her SVC (major vein) is too scarred but the Mayo Clinic has a vascular center that can repair it. She self-referred there and has a couple of appointments in early August.

The major academic medical centers near her (Penn and Temple) have written in her chart that she has fictitious disorder. Some or all of these records will be sent to Mayo for review prior to her visit.

This b-word has been packing for literally over a month.

Well, her local GI apparently got wind of her trip to Mayo and read her the riot act. She had a meeting with 9 (!!) people the other week who laid down the law and stopped prescribing her fluids. They told her to see psych or find a new GI. She is going the new doc route. :marseyxd:

Mayo won't give her TPN and possibly won't do the procedure if her docs at home aren't on board. She got a one way ticket hoping she will have to stay in Rochester, MN but none of us munchie cyberbullies know exactly what will happen. 🍿

Finally, see her GoFund Me for her trip which was featured on ChoosingBeggars. It raised like $12 and she shut it down.

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Will JAxxon, Invite Me To , Sockhop ? <3 <3 WIll He INVEST In Hour Future, Buy 10,000 Shares PoopSuit LLC $LOG ? <3 <3 Will He Pragnet My CRIME HOLE W/ Cute Collage Guyy SPuzz ? ?

OH Dairy,

How I WISH i Was a A NORMAL Collage Girl <3 <3 Milking Cox Of STRANGE MEN At INdustrial Scale <3 <3 Trifcking Hot Collage Guyz To Pump My Ranced Goonslot <3<3. SIGH May Be ONE Day...Dairy...


Daveyyy <3<3

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@HeyMoon @Aevann some kind of David award that turns your comments into this style would be hilarious. Absolutely no idea how that would work, and no I'm not going to do it (too dumb and busy irl) but tossing out the idea

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!metashit new davidpost

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SHIT I ACCIDENTALLY POSTED WHILE WRITING THIS UP, and Give me a few min to finish!! and thats the tea, sis

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:#marseydarkfoidretard: :#marseyclappingglasses!:

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>Those groups are especially funny because a huge number of the commenters have their own fake illnesses and are mad about the stolen valor.

This is the funniest bit about all the munchie subs. It's full of other munchie women talking about how THEIR C-PTSD and EDS are actually totally real and how those fakers are ruining their reputation and how nobody takes them seriously.

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Redpill me on EDS, I had an ex that was claiming that shit and in hindsight was probably one of these types of people. Assume I've only heard her side of things and didn't care in a "hope this works for you babe" type way.

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I think it's supposed to be hypermobility for the joints, which causes pain. I also think it has no real way of being tested so diagnosis is purely in a trust me bro way :surejan:

I don't hang out at these subs/KF thread too much because it's just one massive :marseywomanmoment2: after :marseywomanmoment2: and it gets tiring really quick

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I didn't know EDS was used by the munchies. It's a real collagen disorder that has specific genes associated with it, it's not some nebulous untestable catch-all disease like chronic fatigue syndrome.

I have a few friends with it, they're always fricking up their joints.

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EDS is definitely a real disease, but there are a shit ton of subtypes, each with their own name. You are right - most versions of EDS have a specific gene/inheritance pattern associated with their subtype. Hypermobile EDS (hEDS) is the most common subtype and has no known associated gene. Therefore, patients are diagnosed solely based on clinical symptoms. I also believe that hEDS is a real disease, but it certainly attracts munchies due to the diagnosis being associated with less objective diagnosis measures + serious chronic pain.

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its a disease they gave to a lesbian foid self insert spiderman character so you know it's fake

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it's what kids used to call "double jointed"

literally nothing, just slightly more flexible joints, and moderately more likely to dislocate.

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:#marseynoyouzoom: but with :#marseymerchantfoid:s

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fibromyalgia... real and sometimes serious diseases


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Dani's 1000000th "frick around" and 0th "find out", I bet. That sub gets so excited all the time that she's finally going to be thwarted (and sent to inpatient psych) by Penn or Mayo or whatever hospital and it never happens. She's like a cockroach or something

Also the mod of /r/DaniMarina is an obese little person smh

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Also the mod of /r/DaniMarina is an obese little person smh

You got pics? I really want to see that.

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No unfortunately :marseysulk: I just saw her post in comments that she was 250 or something pounds and has the same condition that makes Danny Devito short

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OK i guess I will just picture her as Dany Devito in a wig but fatter & more body and facial hair

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>read her the riot act

What are you a 19th century nobleman?

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It's a real phrase

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Maybe in your circles, milord.

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The reason autism there is the linked 5k person sub having 13 long rules spanning multiple pages

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They also recently had an incident where one of the mods left the sub and took screenshots of the bitchy mod notes the other 2 mods left about all of the sub members, hilarious lol

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Lol what's with that voice?

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>fake diseases like [...] POTS

I had that. :marseyfluffy: The doc fixed me up though.

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Hmm do you know what kind of diagnosis you got and what did the doc do? Also what did you have any symptoms?

I only know that I have tachycardia (high pulse) and my doc (cardiologist) also knows about it. We don't know why, and she did some tests (ultrasound, ekg, exercise ekg, ...) and didn't really find an answer. Since I don't have any other problems in regards to my heart we just said "k, we will monitor it" and that's it.

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AV block 2nd degree type 1

what did the doc do

Catheter ablation.


Just a massive increase in heart rate when sitting or standing.

One time my heart was doing 180 BPM for like 5 mins and they gave me some kind of drug that makes you feel like you're dying. :marseyfluffy: Twice.

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Thanks! So doesn't apply to me, cause my ecg is normal.

A friend of my parents had a catheter ablation too! When they pulled it out after the surgery they fricked it up and slit a blood vessel near his shoulder. Nearly died, cause they didn't immediately notice.

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It's amazing that we just have people like this who waste huge amounts of everyone's collective time. Maybe we should bring back compulsory psych ward visits for them lol

It's the same feeling of passing a car crash on a highway imo, you just have to look at them

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She has been trying to get a new SVC port (little injectable thing on your upper chest—I had one when I had cancer, they're great if you're getting lots of injections and blood draws)

a service port?? you never told me you were part cyborg!!!

It's kind of sad because like once or twice a year one of the subjects will die of self-induced sepsis or similar by infecting their central lines—injecting 💩 directly into their blood stream but it's ultimately FAFO.

Is this out of incompetence (ie not following proper procedure to ensure any fluids you inject are sterile) or malice (doing it on purpose to make your fake illness very, very real)? Sounds like the latter which is just crazy to me.

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Malice usually, although it's generally described as them making the symptoms "visible" to other people or some other bizarre cope

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they are definitely sick (in the head) they are smearing shit into their veins for attention

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I sometimes wonder how long this will continue to go on before we bring back actual institutionalization. I'm sure the old mental wards were bad but letting people shit into their own bloodstreams due to a psychological desire to make themselves sick is another level.

Or maybe we never will and we'll just let this continue happening lol

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My current fav munchie is AndisJourney, so dedicated to her shitty lifestyle she pretended to be r-slurred to get sent to a group home

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