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r/BlackWomenDivest is a sub for :marseykween:s to unapologetically focus on putting themselves first. And hate on :marseyblack: and simp for :marseycracka:


Stay away from RACHET blk women

I used to hang around any type of bw RACHET ones pick me ones ones that centered men and now I'm just now having a standard for the friends I want around me and being black is not gonna cut it . A lot of bw are very chill laid back and down to earth and the nicest sweetest people ….and their are also hood rats for the most part I've always stayed away from super hood girls but now I make it my mission to stay away from them . I don't have any environments that I go to anymore that has a lot of them so thank god . These women will literally put u in harms way for their KANG


Daily reminder to please be mindful of who you're befriending.

I previously had a non-blk college roommate who, despite being well-versed in the "Black community" and "political events", often undermined me. For context, I am a part of Gen Z, and this roommate was assigned to the dorm that I was in.

She told me that even though her community has issues, they were always taught to find a provider. One day, she talked at length about her high standards, and when I shared mine, she quickly tried to shut me down and make it seem like I was being unrealistic. I said I wanted a provider and a man who's financially stable. Why the sudden vitriol?

She said it would be impossible in this economy and that I would have to date older men or compromise. I was taken aback because she comes from a family where this is already the norm. Why was she trying to put me down?

Later, I noticed her being shady, especially when I was dating a successful man. She made comments like "Don't get too excited" and always tried to assert authority over me and gave pessimistic advice. This was weird because I never gave her negative energy when she told me about the guys she was seeing.

For months, she ranted about a guy she didn't want to be in a relationship with but was putting up with to get his money. This man showed many red flags. He was aggressive and narcissistic, and one day she came back nervous after dinner because it looked like he was going to hit her. But she still dealt with him for the money. She wouldn't tell me anything about this guy but always tried to pry into my dating life even when I mentioned that I'm focusing on myself right now.

Then, I found out that the guy she was messing with was a dusty BM who had previously gone to the same college as us. He was very hideous and I remember her saying that a good Black man is at the top of her list, while the men of her race are trash.

The moral of the story is, unfortunately, some people hate to see Black women waking up and having standards. Some non-bw do not have your best interests at heart and only try to befriend you to keep tabs and compare themselves to you or use you as a punching bag. They don't want to see you win.

I ended up ghosting her because of this and her male-centered attitude. I got burnt out from always being a listening ear. I felt like she was always in competition with me and always trying to overstep my boundaries and keep tabs on me.

All I want to say is this is your daily reminder black women to please protect your peace and don't let people get close to you so quickly. Also to the younger BW, I know we live in a time period where we are all heavily invested in social media and putting aspects of our life on display but it's not normal for "friends" to want to keep tabs on you and know every single detail of your life. Evil eye is real. Move in silence, don't overshare and please also learn to set boundaries!!! Get comfortable with ghosting, leaving, and saying NO! You don't owe anybody an explanation. Your energy and time are precious!


BM are useless to society

Just needed a place to concisely string my thoughts together about this degenerate demographic. I know alot of this is already known, but it can't hurt to meditate on the truth + vent.

All men suck, but they suck especially. They contribute nothing of value to society but rather actively ruin society (especially the communities they belong to) more than it's already ruined/broken. They are lazy and unmotivated to achieve/foster stability for themselves all while trying to make it seem as though strutural forces – more than their own blasé attitude – is what is holding them back (structural forces constrain all minorites but they over-exaggerate 100%). On the rare occasion that they do thrive in society, they leave their communities in the dust in order to try and play the losing game of assimilating into whiteness. They are highly emotionally unintelligent, and are also the most uneducated demographic. In the one industry that they actually do wield some power and influence in (the music industry) they have fostered a crass, vulgar, and violent image for themsleves & bw that promotes degeneracy. Within the nuclear family unit they are disproportionately abusive or absent. Outside of the nuclear family unit they engage in and perpetuate violence. They worship colonialist/white supremacist beauty ideals and consistently perpetuate misogynoir. They make the center of their very broken community religion/the church instead of businesses or financial institutions. They use religion/church to scam and decieve rather than to community build. They are anti-intellectual supposedly because of their religion all while barely even living by the tenants/standards of said religion. They have no fleshed-out personhood besides being basketball fans (seriously, they have nothing valuable to contribute to most conversations unless it's about hoops). They are incredibly chauvanistic (with emphasis on female submission) all while having a failed patriarchy. They serve no purpose in society and it annoys me so much that they are still around and continue to be born everyday. Women and children in close proximity to these troglodyte failures really have gotten the short end of the stick for so long.


White men are not perfect

Yea I get that , but they are better . Better than the blk male options .i work in an Environment w blk men and yt men as a dancer it's a majority yt club . And the yt customers are so easy going the tip the best . And it's rarely ever a problem , literally. Then it's the black patreons they always want the most for less, would have the money and not pay it's literally like pulling teeth . And swear cause they spent $100 that I should want to be their gf or go home w them it's so comical. Now I mostly avoid them or keep the conversations very short . The yt girls don't even bother w them and they voice their frustration abt them w me. I rarely ever have a problem w yt men and I'm not trying to put them on a pedestal because I know they can be very dusty also and u do get your outliers w blk mn where their successful and spend money , and are great company. But number don't lie I will never say yt men are perfect but for the most part their bettter than ur KANGS I will nvr work in a majority blk environment again.

:#marseythestrippa: :#marseyblack: :#marseyblops2cel:

Unpopular Opinion

Brittney Greiner needs to be in prison. She is a criminal. Now, thanks to her, an arms dealer, who probably has American blood on his hands, is free.


They're mostly looking for yt dudes, but there seems to be a lot into :marseytunaktunak: dudes too

Dating outside your race

Hello ladies, Happy Wednesday! I just want to show my appreciation for my fellow women. If you happen to meet an Indian man, be sure to say yes to that date. I have noticed that a lot of posts are always focused on white men here. I haven't been actively searching for a partner because I've always had a lot on my plate and constantly deal with a lot. I know not all Indian men are the same, but in my experience I have found that they are different in a positive way. They are emotionally supportive, feel responsible for taking care of you in all aspects, and understand the struggles of racism. Oh... let's not forget, highly educated and can help you improve yourself strategically. They're also protective and ensure your safety, especially financially.😜 Just wanted to share my positive experience with Indian men and encourage you all to give them a chance. 💕


I won't work for a Black Man.

I had to leave a job I loved because my new Manager is a Black Male. I had to let go of a 70k job with amazing benefits but once my Indian Supervisor left to go take care of his wife who has ALS, he hired a Black Male out of 3 other non black candidates who were great for the job.


Someone needs to find this community:


They all really want to be bottomed by White Men, anyway so no shocker here.


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Since when have :wavyhairblackjack: not put themselves first?

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Same energy as feminists saying they should stop empathizing with men, but they were never doing it in the first place.

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Every time when you are thinking about simping for radfems because you hate :!marseytrain:s or porn read this:


They claim gay/bi men should join them because they're also victims of patriarchy, but throw them under bus the moment they aren't just being "allies"(=useful idiots).

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It's ironic how feminists call gay men misogynists for saying vaginas are gross and accuse them of groping straight women with no proof except fake reddit stories, while straight foids often grope gay guys at gay bars and feel entitled to them if they're attractive. It's so disingenuous.

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Also cute butches won't hesitate saying peepee are gross but we can't find foids' body part gross. :marseyshrug:

I don't find vagina gross but I hate how foids' boobs look personally.

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I hate how foids' boobs look personally

Levels of homosexuality previously thought to be impossible :#gaydar:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1721167851699943.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1721167857111839.webp

Imagine complaining about milk trucks like Sofia Vergara and Salma Hayek


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>Also cute butches won't hesitate saying peepee are gross

No, they can't say that now because it's transphobic kek. That's why gay guys are way superior.

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as a straggot i feel that peepeeies and vagingas are both really weird looking and are the least appealing parts of rhe human body. Peepeees are more humourous looking tho. They sometimes make me laugh :shyyt:

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They claim men are victims of the patriarchy and the solution is to adopt their desired behaviors that make men weak.

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"let our boss butches & hags be your mommy dearest or stfu"

-- radfem grindset


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I wanted to make this comment :marseysad:

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why cant there be an indianwomendivest sub

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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:marseycarp2: not knowing this is another proof of :carpautism:

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i think not being familiar with subreddits is strong proof against :carpautism:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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We need :carpr-slur:

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Whoever made this marsey is lazy af

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Some carp touching grass emoji? :marseythinkorino:


Something like this?

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Should be touching water :marseysipping:

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Is that you

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All Indian chicks will drop any standards they have to date a white guy, so there's no need for a sub lol.

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We are the best

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that one might actually have a negarive effect on the local economy.

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Even :marseykween: are :marseytransrentfree:

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Moreso than white women, it just gets ignored because it's inconvenient.

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I'm not cis anything, I'm not your SIS either!


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So she IS a tranner? :marseyconfused:

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black women are not tranners!


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BM are useless to society

Even the most white-worshipping ricefoid won't write "rice moids are useless to society".

What the frick is wrong with these KWEENS?

The only BM i would consider is an african one, but even that isn't the ideal situation because of some values i do not share and want to reproduce in my home despite being an african woman myself. I would need an african man who is willing to unlearn all the toxic traits african society taught us... and this is here a huge project itself. a considerable amount of vetting for this type of men is needed, more than i could, i think.

>unlearn toxic traits insert ethnicity here society taught us

Is she transitioning into a rice feminist?

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Even the most white-worshipping ricefoid won't write "rice moids are useless to society".

Because Asian men are net tax payers lol

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>Even the most white-worshipping ricefoid won't write "rice moids are useless to society".

It's a braindead point when juxtaposed against the fact that she recognizes that successful black men just assimilate to white culture. Seems productive to me - just not black women.

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successful black men just assimilate to white culture

Attitudes like that and the belief that getting an education is acting white are a big part of the problem.

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I give the ladies credit here that they're not just blindly shaming the guys for "acting white", but they're obviously butt-blasted about the fact that successful black men do not immerse themselves in the "black community" and in particular they often conspicuously avoid dating/marrying black foids. Which should be a bit of a wake-up call for them but nah.

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What the frick is wrong with these KWEENS?

They have eyes and are capable of using them

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Then why are 80% overweight or obese?

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they have mouths and cannot stop using them

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but there seems to be a lot into :marseytunaktunak: dudes too

good luck with that

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Lol they aren't into your kind, judging by that thread.

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WHY NOT!???! :soysnooseethe:


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Hot black women are really hot.

There's just not very many of them.

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Go ask them yourself.

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There's an undercurrent among some black men where they stray away from most black women, maybe rightfully considering how the single mothers usually raise their kids to be thugs in emulation of the thugs they dated. Now it seems as though black women are doing it now since that video of that black woman saying how much she hates hearing about (the latest shitty ratchet rapper) Sexxy Redd and how she wants people to stop talking about that whore. :marseyhmm:

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If both sides raise their standards, maybe the next generation won't be so uhhhhh, you know

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If both sides raised their standards black people would be on the brink of extinction in 30 years

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This is what we call a population bottleneck. Hopefully the population will make a recovery selecting more harshly for inhibited aggression and forward thinking

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They already are, at least in burgerland, black men are disappearing due to crime, violence, or adding cream into their coffee.

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Forming my black woman harem

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Some while ago some dramatard made a good observation that BIPOCettees are the core problem with the Black american "community". After all, due to the epidemic of single mothers, they are the ones raising the next generation of hood BIPOCs. And I think that makes a lot of sense, the last thing BIPOCettees need is more egoism and overinflated sense of self-worth. Black kids are taught from birth that you have to have a giant chip on your shoulder, just look at videos how black moms treat their kids. And then from the constantly rotating partners of their mother they learn that it is normal and perfectly fine to pump and dump women and treat the kids like shit.

Is basically the cycle of abuse, and BIPOCettees are the central element of it.

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Whats funny is blakc guys dont notice theyre divesting because they dont care

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Eh, it's because black women have attitudes that they inherit from growing up in bad neighborhoods. But they don't try and unlearn it when dating black men only white guys. That's why a lot of well of black dudes were going to Brazil in the past before the regular black dudes created the passport bros nonsense.

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