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MadeMeSmile users very unhappy about homecooked meals.



OP shares a picture of their freezer with prepped meals made by their wife before her trip.

Redditors understandably unhappy with this.

There is no more context.

>You're one of those guys?

>I'm so glad I'm not married anymore

>Soooo.... you gonna tell us whether you're massively incompetent or if your wife just loves you a lot?

>Maybe she's telling you you're a man child

What is with all the bitterness?!


>Grown men struggle with basic life skills such as cooking well and properly cleaning the house. The list goes on. We burden women with so many responsibilities. Women are often expected to take on a disproportionate amount of work. Men should return the favour and share the responsibilities.

>As a man it makes me feel second hand embarrassment. Can you not take care of yourself? For three days? Lol

>IMO it is more sad than funny. I would never let my wife to serve me like this literally.

>You're such a hero.

Not at all, just not a childish butthole...

I don't believe you.

>Jesus Christ you fricks are all so sad.

>His wife did something nice for him.

>That's literally the whole story. Wtf is up with all the "oh poor baby can't cook" and "oh you better worship the ground she walks on" type shit? Tf is wrong with y'all?

>If EVERYTHING you do for your partner is kept on a scoreboard I can't imagine your relationship is going well. On the flip side, this would have been just as sweet if it was Gordon fricking Ramsay's wife. WHY THE FRICK DOES IT MATTER IF HE CAN COOK OR NOT?Context:OP shares a picture of their freezer with prepped meals made by their wife before her trip.Redditors understandably unhappy with this.There is no more context.You're one of those guys?.I'm so glad I'm not married anymore.Soooo.... you gonna tell us whether you're massively incompetent or if your wife just loves you a lot?.Maybe she's telling you you're a man child

What is with all the bitterness?!Reddit..Grown men struggle with basic life skills such as cooking well and properly cleaning the house. The list goes on. We burden women with so many responsibilities. Women are often expected to take on a disproportionate amount of work. Men should return the favour and share the responsibilities..As a man it makes me feel second hand embarrassment. Can you not take care of yourself? For three days? Lol.IMO it is more sad than funny. I would never let my wife to serve me like this literally.You're such a hero.Not at all, just not a childish butthole...I don't believe you..Jesus Christ you fricks are all so sad.His wife did something nice for him.That's literally the whole story. Wtf is up with all the "oh poor baby can't cook" and "oh you better worship the ground she walks on" type shit? Tf is wrong with y'all?If EVERYTHING you do for your partner is kept on a scoreboard I can't imagine your relationship is going well. On the flip side, this would have been just as sweet if it was Gordon fricking Ramsay's wife. WHY THE FRICK DOES IT MATTER IF HE CAN COOK OR NOT?


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>Men wearing dresses: YES :marseyembrace:!

>Wife cooking for her husband: NO :marseyraging:!

Reddit will consistently take the opposite stance to anything normal and good.

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If you're on the opposite side of a Reddit thread about something, chances are 98% of the time you're on the "right side of history" on that topic. Using their words not mine.

Also I'm going to assume these r-slurs just eat nonstop slop, because let me tell you, every happy healthy relationship I know in person, the dude does a bulk of the cooking. Women only cook if it's a brainless meal to prepare.

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My wife cooks and I clean, but that's mostly because she's a chef and I'm a tradie


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:#marseyakshually: a chef is a trade

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I clean

Aren't you an electrician? I don't believe you.

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I like to be tidy, including keeping the work truck clean.

Maybe because i specialize in controls so it's definitely in my interest to keep panels orderly. I hate working on shit like this


Wireway covers exist to determine if the owner gave up on keeping the panel organized


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Wireway covers exist to determine if the owner gave up on keeping the panel organized

Or determining if they had ever heard of a zip tie gun.


I pray to God I never see another all black 31C #14

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LAPP me harder, daddy :marseyslurpfast:

I don't mind lapp cable, except when the engineer specced 49+G for a friggen 4-button box. Same one who kept doing 50ft vga cables for devices that were 6 inches apart, despite me providing the internal part number for 1ft cables


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Based :marseygivecrown: red wire enjoyer

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Cooking is too important to be entrusted to a foid. I agree w the arrangement though because i can eat my steak and potatoes and then relax after while she cleans up. She's better at cleaning anyways and i'm better at cooking so it works.

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My mom never made me anything:(

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