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:marseycovidscare: STAY INDOORS, WASH YOUR HANDS :marseycovidscare: BIDEN HAS COVID :marseyill:



This comes right off the heels of this statement.


>Biden Says He'd Consider Dropping Out if a 'Medical Condition' Emerged




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>Schumer told President Joe Biden he should end reelection bid, ABC News reports

IT'S SO :itsjoever2: LMAOOOO

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:marseyclapping2: JOEVER :marseyclapping2: THE :marseyclapping2: NOSE :marseyclapping2:


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Isn't she too busy making vagina jokes to dabble in politics

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Observe as an 84 year old senile man survives the deadliest affliction in human history twice.

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Witness the power of the TRUMPVAX :marseydarktrump: :marseygigavaxxer:

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Reminds me of the time Trump tried to take credit for the vaccine and got booed at his rally.

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In the 9 years since he entered politics this was the only time I ever saw him make an error with his image. How did he not know that his base doesn't like the coofshot?

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He's done it a couple times. Remember the "take the guns" thing?


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Yeah I feel like that didn't get the same backlash because it wasn't live and he didn't really do anything (except letting the gov ban bump stocks which was dumb but no one really uses anyways)

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Which is very sad, because the way the [unnecessary unless you're an obese 70 year old shitlib] shot came to exist was through near complete deregulation of the development and production process - a very signature free enterprise, conservative move.

It got fricked up because libtards went hard in the paint trying to make it mandatory if you want to remain a free citizen.

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It's fake anyway and doesn't even do anything. The hoax was made up too test how susceptible the populace is too government control too do when ordered since there hadn't been a draft in so long @HailVictory1776 love sucking peepee

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:#marseytrump: It's a tremendous vaccine, it's possibly the best vaccine ever. I said 'wow! look at this vaccine' we've got such great people. Frankly you should take it again
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Imagine the Long Covid of an 84yr old

This is what happens when you don't mask

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he still isnt lol

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Goddarn he's not looking good.

I legit think he is getting close to the end. Presidents are notorious for aging heavily. Seriously, does anyone really think he can live another 4 years with that job? I wouldnt bet on him living that long if he retired tomorrow (tbh suddenly losing all purpose and tasks like that tends to kill people really quickly as well). But there is absolutely 0 chance his body can survive the stress of that job for 4 more years!

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God darn, can we get the man a chair lift to get in his plane?

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is this one of those cheapfakes? :marseydisagree:

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Octogenarians with one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel are one of the few demographics to which COVID is a real threat. Based on the timing though, if he dies from it... :marseyhillarybackstab:

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3 times aint it

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The White House noted Biden is vaccinated and boosted. This marks the third time in the past two years the president has tested positive for the virus. Biden, 81, first tested positive for COVID in July 2022, after which he isolated at the White House and began taking Paxlovid.

you're right

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He's geting Killaried :marseykneel:


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If Biden dies from COVID suddenly I will probably start taking schizo theories seriously.

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>He doesn't already believe that God's chosen messengers are the only source of truth


https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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Are you not already? Theyve literally all come true


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still waiting for the millions of jabbyboosties to die of alzheimers tho

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I think they announced today that the date of the DNC is getting pushed back so you're probably not wrong.

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He's getting Schiff'd out of the Whitehouse

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Copmala's gonna drag him out and take the knee on him, like she's wanted to do since the 2019 Dem debates.

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Didn't he have to happen early cause of the Ohio ballot thingy ?

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Something changed with that which is why it could be pushed into August.

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You gotta make it look like a trump supporter killed him. Knocks trump down a peg and you get rid of Biden. A COVID murder would be very foolish.


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They need to yell "THIS IS MAGA COUNTRY!"

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If Trump took care of Covid, Biden wouldn't have the coof right now


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I would not be shocked if this is actually a big goddarn conspiracy. He just started the "virtual primary" bullshit in the last couple days. He just needs to distract everyone for a week or two and then he's got the nomination. He's got "people" (I'm using the term loosely) like Donna Brazile out there doing dirty tricks for him, so nothing is beneath him.

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The kind of Covid where a hard faced man in a dark trench coat fires it into your thigh from his umbrella.

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They found a young girl with covid and let him sniff her to his heart's content. Second time he's fallen for it.

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Ah the old snoof n' coof. Masterful.

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Ah yes, the Turkish Assassin Method

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Actually :marseynerd3: that was the Bulgarians.

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so this is it

this is how they get rid of him and bring back lockdowns!!!!!! :hysterical:

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God I hope they bring back lockdowns.

I miss it so much.

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>God I hope they bring back lockdowns.

>I miss it so much.


https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/301/393/68f.jpg !r-slurs

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Same tho

It was amazing if ur hikipilled

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>Claims to be hikipilled

>neighbors haven't called the cops for a wellness check due to a weird smell coming from OP's parent's shed for days

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I live in the basement, I don't need to shower because I've developed a healthy microbial colony in my clothes

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I deserve to live the covid unemployment NEET life since I missed out the first time.

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Yeah I feel like an idiot for actually working that whole time

Current hyperfixation: https://i.rdrama.net/images/17146091388618665.webp

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Anti-vaxxers when their job gets rid of work from home

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If you want to work from home you don't deserve to have a job.

If the hoax was good for anything, it allowed us to study the soil on the mountains more and provide a really excellent sample of at least two seasons where the land was unmolested by citycels pretending they know how to hike

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neighbor, it's dirt. what's there to know?

it's brown. if you get it wet, it becomes mud -- which is also brown.

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@HailVictory1776, enlighten this fool


Make an effort post about the mysteries of soil.

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Man I made something for /out/ years ago about soil, erosion and decomposition. I might be able to find it

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Clay is not soil. Clay is clay.

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I remember the political Compass meme about this

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That would be genuinely interesting. Since my dad's death I've been taking care of watering my mum's garden and it's fascinating how different soils have been added over the years to the near-sand that forms most of the original top layer (we were under the ocean for a long time) and getting to know how differently they act. Or digging down through several layers of earth which have barely changed since the San were alone here.

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I've been working from home since 2012. It rules.

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How do I learn how to hike? I leave no trace.

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Wear appropriate clothing, bring appropriate gear, don't go beyond your skill level, always bring more water than you think, arrive at appropriate times, learn to use a compass to navigate and read a map. Don't depend on technology

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Only bring water for a hike if you're a massive cute twink

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I can use a compass and a map in conjunction, but I don't remember the specific plotting shit where you press the plastic compass against the map and do boy scout wizardry. I pass the rest of the test.

Cute twinks acting like I'm a cute twink for bringing the water they eventually ask for, smh. The chaff can really separate itself from the wheat sometimes.

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Shooting an azimuth is easy too forget how too do without practice but is very valuable knowledge too ingrain as, in conjunction with knowing you're step count, you'll be able too visually estimate both distance and time and be able too safely navigate out of any situation.

Assuming you've already corrected for magnetic declination for you're given area, or you're compass is zeroed and you're map already points too magnetic north rather than geographic, line up you're compass from you're starting position too you're next point of destination according too the travel direction indicator on the compass, then turn the bezel on the compass until the bezel is pointing north and parallel too the lines on the map, now when you look at the compass and "put the dog in the dog house" or line up the floating needle with the indicator in the bezel, you'll be facing a straight line too you're destination. As long as you're walking in the direction of the bearing on you're compas, you'll be on the correct path, assuming no lateral movement. When you get too that next point, shoot another azimuth and log the degrees or the bearing. Too get back too you're origin point, just rotate too the compass 180' from that bearing too get the opposite bearing for each.


To get you're step count and pace, log you're steps over 100 meters, count one foot as one step. Do it on a flat surface that's exactly 100 meters without wearing a pack, then with you're loaded pack and add some incline or decent you're able to. Average everything out, that's you're pace. For instance @HailVictory1776 know every 68 steps there 100 meters so @HailVictory1776 keep that count in @HailVictory1776's head when @HailVictory1776 is hiking. Use ranger beads (beads on paracord) too keep track. Every 100 meters, lower a bead, when you get too 1000 meters, lower a km bead and reset you're 100m beads. Use this with you're bearing calculations too know exactly how many steps it takes too get too each point on you're bearing track.

With this information you can practically draw a new physical map too. Very useful if you lose yours. @HailVictory1776 love sucking peepee

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Impressive. Normally people with such severe developmental disabilities struggle to write much more than a sentence or two. He really has exceded our expectations for the writing portion. Sadly the coherency of his writing, along with his abilities in the social skills and reading portions, are far behind his peers with similar disabilities.

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buddy, a bicycle tire has a lower ground pressure than a footfall

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MTB is based where appropriate @HailVictory1776 love sucking peepee

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maybe there will be another animal crossing moment where the entire world is just sitting around playing a game! :alienfinger:

also walmart being empty instead of full of r-slurs standing in the middle of an aisle talking on their phone making it so no one can get through and even when there were people they'd flee in terror at the thought of being within 6 feet of someone and FRICK I HATE THAT SO GOD DARN MUCH I'D LIVE WITH LOCKDOWNS FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE IF THOSE PEOPLE DIDN'T EXIST ANYMORE GET OUT OF THE GOD DARN WAY THE AISLE ISN'T BIG ENOUGH FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK. :hysterical:

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They need them for mail-in voting.

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It's so Joevid, Bidenbros.

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>trump gets shot

>but oh oh oh i got the covid!!!

Clout chasing jerk

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Literally who

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second gentleman

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Ug how many boytoys does she have

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Nonono hes Joe's second boytoy :marseyhomosupremacist:

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The man who conquered the United States with his BJC :!#chadjew::#heartbeat::!#wavyhairblackjack: !jidf

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Redundant statement.

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:marseyhomofascist: :!marseyhomofascist:

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This is how democracy dies

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Karine Jean-Pierre, the White House press secretary, said in a statement that "earlier today, following his first event in Las Vegas, President Biden tested positive for Covid-19." She added that "he is vaccinated and boosted, and he is experiencing mild symptoms."

:chudtantrum: :chudtantrum: :chudseethe: :chudjakdancing: :chudturbospergout2:

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Looks like the old man is staying in the race, yet!


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!ghosts :#marseyghostmarch:

If Biden :marseyridin: becomes one of us will you vote for him?

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spoopy ghosts of dead people

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My grandma has been a ghost for 10 years and she already voted for him last election

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Yes. Early and Often

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If Bidaryan wins (he will :marseybiden2:) then I want to see him give the State of the Union on life support :marseyxd:

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