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Burkina Faso's military junta to ban homosexual acts - commie sub try to cope with their based anti-western africans commit a hate crime. :marseycomrade:


Bit of context: in 2022, there was a military coup in Burkina Faso. The new military junta took an anti-western amd pro-russian stance leading to a lot of fanboyism from online communist in reddit.

In a very unsuprising turn, the junta moved to purge the country from western influence, now that include homosexuality which is seen as a western perversion.

/r/thedeprogram is an anti-western communist sub. They're pro-russia, pro-china, anti-USA etc..

Reading through the article, it looks like it's only just been suggested by it's Justice Minister, and still needs to pass through parliament, and would then need to be approved by Traore himself.

This post should honestly be removed. If comrades don't open the comments, they will believe this misinformation like the rest of libs across Reddit.


It still unfortunately has a large Christian presence and I'm betting American Evangelicals have gained some ground in recent years.

Burkina faso is 64% muslim and 6.2% protestants but I'm sure it's the evangelicals fault.

I'm queer, they are my comrades [..] The French came, forced homophobia into every facet of their society, stopped them from socially progressing so they could take their materials, and now you're surprised they're homophobic?

I'll continue to critically support those who are resisting imperialism and trying to make a better life for the proletariat, even if they aren't perfect.

Anti-western online leftists continue to support people who would kill them or throw them in jail :marseymanysuchcases:

Burkina Faso has been held back by the imperial core for decades and decades, they have been held back materially and socially, so they have not progressed to that point socially, yet.

Without question, criminalizing people based on their sexual orientation is unacceptable. That is absolutely a given.

But [leftie wall of text]

>I'm not racist but... :marseylaugh:

Basically the whole thread is cope :marseycope: , a lot of posters straight up say the mods should supress this information because it's liberal propaganda :marseygiggle:

!anticommunists !africans

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I don't know anything about this place let's see what Google has to say about it.





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I have several of these old The Onion collections kicking around. I might break them out and post some of the best articles for us :boomermonster:s to reminisce.

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>zomg somebody made something up which completely aligns with my perspective on the issue! Isn't that funny!

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It's a shame this isn't real

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High comedy

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:#turtoiserofl: classic :#boomermonster:

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Hey hey people. Get me out of this....godforsaken hellhole. I want to thank the many members of the merchant's guild for helping me, my eight wives, and fourty two children to move to a western nation.

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I've read a book in my middle school about a guy in Taiwan went to Burkina Faso for a few years to do charity works (this was back then they recognized Taiwan instead of PRC). His experience was largely positive because he was actually seeing progress happening on the ground. I wonder what he would feel about the place now.

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The French came, forced homophobia into every facet of their society, stopped them from socially progressing so they could take their materials, and now you're surprised they're homophobic?

:#marseydeux: :#marseygiggle:

!anticommunists commies are truly something else, the French (famous bussy lovers) introduced homophobia into the queer noble savage Burkina Faso islamic majority society :marseyclueless:

It still unfortunately has a large Christian presence and I'm betting American Evangelicals have gained some ground in recent years.

Yes it's DA CHRISTIANS! :#soysnooseethe:

Totally not the muzzies.

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These people are not anti religion, they just hate Christianity.

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Let's be fair, there's not a single doubt in my mind that the Christians of :marseyflagburkinafaso: are homophobic too but to act like there's a secret cabal of American evangelicals purporting everything :marseyrentfree: is r-slurred

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The wholesome african tribal pagans are not a queer progressive utopia either

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Not just any christians, but american evangelicals :marseyeyeroll:

Yeah im sure pro-russian anti-western military BIPOCs are glowing mutt prots :marseyeyeroll2:

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France is the gayest country in Europe

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>Let's hope our comrades recognize the dangers of passing such a law and stand strong for all marginalized peoples. If there's any government, or junta, I'd have faith in in doing the right thing it's a left-leaning, Marxian organization and/or movement.


Holy shit commies are so fricking GAY.

>This post should honestly be removed. If comrades don't open the comments, they will believe this misinformation like the rest of libs across Reddit.


If your body doesn't have a visceral disgust reaction to the way commies talk, especially when they call each other comrade, you need to be put down.

Holy frick this place is as bad as chapo


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I have the same reaction to redditors calling their gf/bf/wife/husband their 'partner' or white women recipe food bloggers referring to food as 'yummy' like a goddarn 3 y.o.

But yeah that place is worse than Chapo imo. At least they had the ability to funny from time to time and to recognize that the sub was filled with r-slurs and cringelords. They also seemed to hate tankies too from what I remember.

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"partner" has an agenda to get people to use it so that people can't be homophobic when men are talking about their husbands, which doesn't really work because any place where straight people are talking about their partners is not actually homophobic and homophobes will just call those people cute twinks anyway, very strange term

"comrade" is instead used so people can believe they are heroes of the vanguard of the revolution and not people defending criminalization of homosexuality in burkina faso, it's political-larp heckin doggospeak

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it's political-larp heckin doggospeak

Yup, that pretty much sums it all up

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commies always post extremely dense blocks of high-minded rhetoric like this and yet the end result of their ideology is always some psychopathic thugs murdering everyone who talks like this.

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>Let's hope our comrades recognize the dangers of passing such a law and stand strong for all marginalized peoples. If there's any government, or junta, I'd have faith in in doing the right thing it's a left-leaning, Marxian organization and/or movement.

Famous last words before being purged

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These guys would have been chuds had they found /pol/ instead of contra in 2016.

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Lol it's the American's fault this is happening apparently

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It's pretty insane how little agency leftoids ascribe to black people.

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Well, they are low IQ gorillas running on pure instinct alone, so @Domnhall can see where they're coming from

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the problem with a comment like this, which i myself might have even suggestively made not as crude, is that some people here genuinely believe it :marseyscared:

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Wypipo are the protagonists of history :marseynooticeglow:

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there is just something incredibly cringe about them calling each other camrade

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Praying these comrades visit their African comrades to discuss theory together, bet it'd go well :marseypraying:

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@kaamrev is my kaamrad!


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Them larping as factory workers organizing against land baron bosses in the early 1900s while being basement-dwelling soft-handed straggy welfare NEETs really sounds bizarre

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>The French came, forced homophobia into every facet of their society

Haven't the french always been pretty gay? :marseyconfused2: The argument would make more sense if Burkina Faso were to abolish the age of consent

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Correct, the reason why all over Western Europe bussyphilia was decriminalized, was because of the French occupation under Napoleon applying their common French law. Bongland was never under Napoleon's rule so they still had anti gay laws in the 60's

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Yes, France didn't have many anti-gay laws to introduce. Some people tried to get the Sun King to introduce them - he pointed out that he wasn't going to lock up his own brother.

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Sunking deez nutz

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The french invented lesbianism for attention

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Why don't we make a commie sub where we just act totally r-slurred

Trans lives matter

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If there's any government, or junta, I'd have faith in in doing the right thing it's a left-leaning, Marxian organization and/or movement.

:#marseyxd: :#marseyxd: :#marseyxd:

It still unfortunately has a large Christian presence and I'm betting American Evangelicals have gained some ground in recent years.

>The government of Burkina Faso's 2019 census reported that 63.8% of the population practiced Islam,

>The 2019 census also found that 26.3% of the population were Christians (20.1% being Catholic Church)

Reading through the article, it looks like it's only just been suggested by it's Justice Minister,

>Justice Minister Edasso Rodrigue Bayala said the junta's cabinet had now approved legislation to make it a punishable offence

That sounds a bit more than a suggestion

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Everyone knows military juntas are famous for voting and debating laws before passing them.

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Hexbear (Chapo splinter site) weighs in


Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Please, dear God, Allah, Odin or Marduk, give me a successful antiimperialist movement that is not run by chud buttholes!


The "antiimperialists" mongs are always troglodytes, why are they shocked?

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These ones weren't even marxists it sounds like just "anti-imperialists".

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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When will they realise that you can't subjugate an entire country to your will by being a carbon-neutral vegan pacifist?


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they're so delusional over the muslims :roflmao:

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Its ironic because before colonialism queers were generally well tolerated and celebrated. It was colonialism that fricked them up.

I kept hearing that line, but I just don't buy it. You're telling me a bunch of people who refused to learn all the Enlighten values from the West, but happily ate up the "God hates strag" thing? This sounds pretty darning for the population itself, rather than the colonial powers ruling over it.

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I'm sure the native populations love leftists saying their ancient culture was filled with gay s*x and :!marseytrain:s.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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It's weird how literally every culture was a utopia constrained only by the technology of the time, where there was only peace and no inequality until le evil wh*tes arrived :marseyconquistador: either that or mayos are the only people with volition and moral responsibility

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Real communism is when you support a military junta that hates the West and is violently opposed to any dissent from inside

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Now you're thinking like a commie :marseythumbsup:

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Actually :marseynerd3: youre an evil bigot :marseytransmisiaaward: if you care about LGBT rights :marseypride: in africa :marseysomali: because they are "frameworks routinely weaponized by imperialism :marseymanifestdestiny: against the Global South" - Calla Walsh, one of the biggest tankie :marseydarkcomrade: activist :marseypussyhat: zoomer :marseybacktotiktok: accounts in the US

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Tankies are just leftards who completely devoted themselves to anti-West idpol

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They have no ideals past "West bad". That's why you see them simp for right-wing religious terrorist organizations without a hint of irony.

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The Soviets called the Nazis cute twinks for a reason

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In a very unsuprising turn, the junta moved to purge the country from western influence, now that include homosexuality which is seen as a western perversion.

Of course. Whoever can't see this coming needs a reality check.

Then we have this from the commies:

[The French] forced homophobia into every facet of their society.

Fricking heck.

I have had the displeasure hearing it from the Chinese commies before, of them swearing up and down that homos are totally cool in the olden days (people don't call them strags, and no recorded instances of them being executed for liking men), and people only started hating it because of the Western value. Then they had the gall to turn around and seethe at everything they deemed "LGBT."

They don't stand for whatever principle they claim to have, they are just like petulant children lashing out against things that are given to them.

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How can the Chinese blame the west for homophobia when they were classified as a mercantile race and never colonised beyond friendship ports for trade.

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These people are only ideological consistence in terms of hating the West. They blamed Christianity for teaching us hating the gays, and they also blamed the Chinese intellectual falling over themselves in adopting the decadent Western lifestyle for instilling the Western ideals (including loving money and s*x, while hating gays) into the Chinese life.

I grew up hearing people complaining the West made the Chinese decadent and materialistic, butt hearing them blaming the West for making them hate the gays was surprising.

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>Capital: Ouagadougou

Lmfao the jokes write themselves, you can't make this shit up @HailVictory1776 love sucking peepee

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This is like saying the US is going to implement universal healthcare because it was proposed by the chairman of the senate health committee. Pure propaganda against the anti colonial government of Burkina Faso

Yeah, or saying that Trump will implement Project 2025


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Strags continue to support people that want them dead.

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Anti-western online leftists continue to support people who would kill them or throw them in jail

While wanting to kill anyone who just thinks they're stupid, if they're from the west and/or white. Kill the whitey who calls you a moron, fight for the non-whitey who wants to execute you.

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I'll continue to critically support those who are resisting imperialism and trying to make a better life for the proletariat, even if they aren't perfect.

if there are 10 people diding with one 1 homohating warlords, there are 11 people homosexual haters warlods

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yeah that's just what their country needs lmao

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