Frau Ursula soon will be a convict just like Trump, did you knew it ?

Of course you didn't knew, because Trump is bad and she is good, economy of US grew under Trump, economy of EU declined under Ursula so she good Trump bad. Around 48% American voted for Trump so he didn't vote popular vote. 0,01% or less EU citizens voted for Ursula so she won popular vote. She bough 12 vaxx 1.0v dose per EU citizens from her husband and then throw away 80%+ away and wasted over 40 billion and stoped any investigation until some burger journ*list started trolling her and she now has again to shut that case down in name of EU civilised democratic garden whose economy is now weaker than 16 years ago. The only country whose eco went also in shit is Japan but they recovered from 2007-2008 but then Tsunami fricked their economy in 2011-2012 and dog eater Korean started being pain in japs bussy.

So I believe in Ursula the woman who honestly got her degree

She also earned her positions without nepotism !

She was in tons of ministerial position and not because of Merkel and she always did fantastic job

And most important EU citizen love her despite barely knowing her

She is now a bit pissed that she didn't became chief of nato, she asked Biden to put her as NATO head and in Biden tradition he says yes to people he don't know or can't memorise

But her request was rejected because of mysegony

Now she ask 5 more years to improve security for EU and EU inter her improved probably crime rate for over 100%

She is a true professional and if she was Trumps security agent, Trump wouldn't need any security agents any more. She will continue lead us to Frau Merkel paradise

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I hate this c*nt so much it's unreal. She is a perfect example of everything that is wrong with the EU.

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This women makes me hate eurocucks so much more

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The Peter principle stays undefeated.

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>The Peter principle

!familyman :marseyfamily:

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Nah she reached the limit of her leadership competence probably 2 decades ago, and she's only gotten better jobs since then. She just must be very good at backroom party politics and sniffing out the right place and connections to be to float upwards.

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She really isn't good at it. She's been coasting on favors her father kept in his pocket.

By all accounts she's incompetent at all aspects of politicking.

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i dont know who she is or what she has done. i dont really care for the EU and most of my countrymen think the same

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Between the title and a single image I glanced at, I conclude that Covid vaccines cause an increase in theft

!r-slurs correct me if I'm wrong (I'm not)

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It's because the Covid :marseymask: vaccine :marseyvaxxtroll: is actually :marseyakshually: just a melanin :marseytariq2: injection


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I just sent my application to !BIPOCs

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I just called the crack dealer on the corner my neighbor.

Posting this from the hospital

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:snoosurprise: B-but europe le good and america le bad?!

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Blackrock is from the US and Soros from the EU so hard to say !chuds

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The whole US is from the EU. Checkmate globalists.

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Isnt that a globalist win instead of a checkmate?

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Soros is a (((rootless cosmopolitan elite))).

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There's something both have in common

black lives matter

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You see many people don't update their knowledge. Till 2007 yea Europe was good decent chunk of European countries were richer than US and some almost as rich as US (example Germany) now only 2 real european countries are richer Swiss and Luxembourg (I don't count Monaco, Lichtenstein and etc, those "countries" are as big as average Texas backyard) but now Germany is almost 2 times poorer than US. UK had 51k gdp per capita in 2007 and US had like 48k and today US has 90k and UK 45k.

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The entire continent was JUSTed during the Great Recession and still has yet to really recover. GDP wise at least..

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Norway, but they have oil

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Oh those :marseymerchant: they rejected every EU invitation :marseyxd:

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So did :marseyflagswitzerland:

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Switzerland isnt an EU country tho? If they were theyd be poorer too :marseywholesome:

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EU tried hard to make Swiss poor by telling it to drop neutrality.

Like Kim Jong Un spend his youth in Swiss why waste so cool moments for some delusional EU foids ?

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I would have liked her if she wrote good sci-fi books instead of woke mid-foid shit

Essentially her story themes are literally:

Society bad anarchism good, am I right?

Never been proven right :m#arseyjerkofffrown:

Compare this to chad Michael Crichton, whose themes were consistently:

>Corporations are institutions, they are neither bad, nor good

>CEOs and power hungry individuals subvert them

>Allure mid tier scientists with money to come work for them and betray humanity

>Scientists warn them of consequences again and again

>Cute twinks don't listen

>Things go out of hand

>Civilians are the real tragic collateral damage

>Some scientists and civilians have to come together to save the day

>Government is impotent at best , colludes with greedy bastards at worst

Proven right again and again (carbon tax racket to ESG laundering to entire Covid debacle)

Libshits however worship Ursula (♀️? :soyjakwow: ) and detest Crichton because he said Soyence is not always good and should always be viewed with skepticism

!bookworms if you like Ursula Le Gayin, keep yourself safe

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Ursula is an evil name and she could only grow up to do evil things.

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Hast du es gewusst? wäre "Did you know (that)?

Aber meistens würden wir sagen "Have you heard...?" bzw. Hast du gehört...?

knew ist Präteritum, Schatz.

Hast du ne vier im English bekommen?

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>im English

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Vier in jeder sprache glaube ich

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She is a true professional and if she was Trumps security agent, Trump wouldn't need any security agents any more.


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>letting a foid have power



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You just need to pick a right foid :marseyt#hatcher:

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Would you care even if you knew?

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I instated her so the yuropoors suffer.

Glory to Russia! :marseysaluteussr:

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Reported by:

I would frick Fran Drescher so hard. Like you have no idea, if I could have a turn on Fran, especially when she wasn't old. Just make her fricking honk.


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I hate her for more reasons anyone here can conceive, but you always just sound like a butthurt :flamingfaggot: trying to cope that he's from a shithole country even less people care about, so you try to shit on the better countries you mooch off.

Aka the average zigger nationalist.

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I have real estate in city she was born.

I bet you thought you sound smart with all yours assumptions you pulled out of your butt, right ?

I mean judging you by your assumption skills, calling you and low IQ idiot would have some serious weight behind it.

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euro politics is so much more enlightened and science-based than burger politics

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The people that created COVID are still free though lol

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:ziggerseethe: the zigger :marseyitsoverputin: hates seeing politicians being held accountable, he only likes it when they step all over his face and future :marseyremember: and then piss in his face when he asks for accountability

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Dude I shit at her since day one this website was created and if not New York journ*list she would never been held accounted because she owns any EU journ*list that tried to ask her about the vaccine.

Kamala Harris is more educated and smarter for her job than Ursula

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