Trump forced all of the GOP delegates to become pro Cute Twink and drop the abortion issue :marseytrump: :chuditsover:
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Lmao imagine some :chudsmug:s going to the convention ready to write a longpost :marseylongpost: about gays, women's rights, and blacks.

Then :marseytrump: locks you in a room, takes away your phone, and then forces you to sign a document affirming gay marriage and the right to an abortion that would be considered far left for the 2016 Democratic Party

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Trump pushing back against his own party on gay rights and abortion is a smart move. He is not going to lose rightoid voters and it makes the 2025 hysterics seem silly.

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This isn't that great of an idea. Many people only vote Republican because of the abortion issue.

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Those people are still going to vote Republican

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The issue isn't that they'll vote Democrat but that they won't vote at all. As long as he doesn't broadcast this as a complete about turn death of the old right he'll be fine but if this ends up as the setup to a "Republicans in 2050" meme then there are going to be, a few, questions about turnout and vote depression. If there's one things old rightoids are good at doing its checking out of the political sphere entirely when they feel they have no real options.

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I am surrounded by old boom republicans and Baptist abortion is murder people

they hate democrats more than abortion.

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Makes sense. Abortion is a horrible sin that needs massive repentance. Dems refuse to even acknowledge its a sin and pridefully endorse it

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Because they're cucked? same reason liberals are going to vote for a literal corpse?

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Their options are Republicucks do little to nothing on the issue, or Democucks get elected and (totally for real this time 100% definitely, bro) pass federal legislation mandating abortion access.

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Because Republicans aren't going to be the ones pushing federally mandated abortion access

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Why do cucks let dudes frick their wife?

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They won't have their tribal facebook rep if they don't vote against brandon

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I think most people want something middle of the road.... :marseyshrug:

And how many rightoids are going to sit out of the election because of it?

The criticize of Trump is project 2025 and his lies. All he has to say is, "That's not my policy. I pushed back against my own party on this. They are the one lying to you".

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Only hardcore conservatives are voting Republican because of abortion. I'd assume most people vote Republicans more because of the LGBT controversies and skyrocketing crime the past couple years

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Skyrocketing crime the experts say isn't happening. Massive price increases the experts say isn't happening. Mass immigration the experts say isn't happening...

But you have to believe us! This guy will end democracy! For real this time!

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There's been some incredible feats of reality bending lately, I had some r-slurred redditor incensed at me for even suggesting that Americans on average feel less safe and less wealthy today than 5 years ago. He angrily posted CNN articles at me claiming the contrary and called me 'paint huffing crazy', or some other stupid reddit attempt at a dunk.

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Just stop buying Goyslop or groceries or pretty much anything and you wont notice the price increases. Besides plenty of migrants are getting by just fine on rice and beans

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But who says immigration or inflation isn't happening? I think they say that immigration isn't worse than it had been constantly since the 80s, and inflation is the result of macroeconomic trends like having .1% interest rates for fricking forever and economic growth (actually shitlibs just blame corporations and billionaires, but I'm talking about economists)

Think most people just refer to BJS and FBI stats for crime which show a decrease from 1990 per 100k but if you have more people, especially jammed into cities with barcades, it can feel worse. Of course, maybe Jews made all the numbers and can't be trusted.

Granted, you can pick any r-slurred POV and someone can be found on twitter holding it, but I'm talking about actual humans

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Now they say inflation happened but they fixed it.

When it was happening, it wasn't happening or it was stagflation or something.

Maybe it's because I live in socal but I can see with my own eyes that the police are not enforcing laws they used to. It's not like catalytic converts got super valuable over night. lol

The defund the police movement had an effect :marseyshrug: Acting like it didn't, is insulting.

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Fair enough. Most people don't understand macroeconomic concepts because most fricking economists barely understand why bad number go up and it's a giant frick you to people who are stressed about making ends meet to tell them that "yeah, I know milk is 14 dollars a gallon but consumer goods dropped 1.5% and funkos are 20% less!"

I actually saw one thread where some dem voter was like "I buy a lot of milk for my family, like 3 gallons a week and it's insane how expensive it is" and the rest of the Childless Barcade crew was like "OMG WHO drinks that much MILK you must shit your pants that's so unhealthy" not realizing that a family of 6 can burn through that easily.

Haven't been to SOCAL in a while but it was bad when I was there and can only imagine it's gotten worse in the wake of :marseykneel: given that most friends that I have who work as LEOs have esentially checked out since they're just waiting to get fricked over and thrown under the bus for the first thing that makes someone mad.

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You have a lot of previously impartial institutions or experts that are carrying a bit too much water for the democratic narrative even when the facts don't line up.

I remember reading Krugman's article in the past year about how inflation is overblown, and his argument was that inflation was still higher than expected, but the rate at which it was higher than expected the past few quarters signaled that things were trending downward, heavily caveated by his metric excluding housing, transportation and energy of course.

Inflation is high because the world shut down for 18 months and increased the supply of cash to prevent a greater economic collapse. That excess money is now finding itself trapped in non-discretionary goods (like housing and gas) while the economy corrects. It's not Trump or Biden's fault, but ignoring how painful the recovery has been for the middle-class specifically is what every mainstream political economist has done.

And it's like… how fricking tone-deaf is that to layman complaints? I'm an economist. I'm not royalty in the field or anything, but I an obligated to find the actual complaint being made in the misinterpretation of data when I speak to a topic.

It feels like a lot of the experts in the dem camp have taken to treating people like idiots if they can't phrase the problems they're experiencing in sterile academic language, and using that as an excuse to push reductive narratives around crime, economics and immigration.


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>Wow. Look eggs are 18 dollars a carton but internet costs went down 50% since 1995, and there's no difference between "good"" & "bad" things. you imbeciles, you fricking morons. Oh I just checked your profile, a blormph supporter. Figures.


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No, don't reply like this, please do another wall of unhinged rant please.

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I mean when I went down south for college the republicans I met from smaller towns vote that way because their family and everyone they know votes Republican. Abortion was THE issue for them.

But despite that those people will still 100% vote for Trump no matter what.

My sample size is like, 8 people, but I still think I'm right :marseyindignant:

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Catholics might, the real kind, not the tradcaths.

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Biden or Harris will appoint abortion Justices, Trump won't. Seems pretty simple.

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Is that like Judge Dredd but for abortions?

Uh, yo, uh...Your frickin' pregnancy has been...uh..frickin' aborted like some frickin' gabbagool...Whore.

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Eh we'll change it back once all the satanists get kicked out of office

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That's why none of them voted while Roe v Wade was enforced.

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Leftoids aren't used to push-back on their ideas. It'll be interesting to see how far the doubling down goes when normies start to move away from them.

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These people are so cucked, they don't even blame Trump

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lmao like a whipped dog. These mfs saw what happened to dissenters last time trump was in office and they dont wanna start next term as persona-non-grata of the executive branch. Sucks for their constituency i guess.

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:#marseycracka: :marseychud: :#!marseycracka:

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wtf....was trump :marseybackstabglowie: truly the chad all along?

@Impassionata explain.

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>mfw christofascist donut trumpler legalizes post birth abortion and extreme cute twinkry.


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Radical* :marseykickflip:

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>Mfw I realized that he's just trying to dodge prison off of some made up future charges


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In some ways Trump isn't a bad politician: this is a desperately needed attempt to appear moderate.

When your base consists of social conservatives, many of whom are single issue voters, abandoning their single issue is also bad news.

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could you explain further?

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maybe if you ask a more specific question

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Why would :marseywood: trump :marseychuddance: caring about appearing moderate?

Isn't him working :marseylifting: to appear moderate :marseyreportmaxxer2: still pushing the republicans further left than where :marseydrama: they were before :marseyskellington: him?

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Why would :marseywood: trump :marseychuddance: caring about appearing moderate?

Most people are fairly moderate: that's more or less what 'moderate' means. Trump's violence and extremism appeals to a subset of his support base but he can't win a general election if he doesn't come back to the center.

Isn't him working :marseylifting: to appear moderate :marseyreportmaxxer2: still pushing the republicans further left than where :marseydrama: they were before :marseyskellington: him?

I rather expect that remains to be seen, but yes. This kind of oscillation happens, a veer to the extreme, then a veer back towards the moderate. Because the base is going to stay firmly opinionated on abortion or marriage, the degree to which the party can moderate is probably limited.

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I disagree. I think :marseyquestion: they will moderae more than you expect

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I can't speak for everyone in party, but many were satisfied with overturning Roe and bringing the issue back to the states to decide. For me, I'm satisfied, but then again I don't care much about abortion either way. However, for the hardcore anti-abortion people in the party, reversing Roe was just the start and they want the federal ban, doubly so because now they're realizing that when some states give voters the option, they vote to keep some kind of abortion legal.

That second group of people do not realize, however, that Dobbs made it clear that abortion is not a federal issue, either outlawing it or permitting it. And so that's the tension in the party on the issue.

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You just can't beat Daddy when it comes to absolutely dad peepeeing people. Created a Cuck closet for his own base.

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This doesn't conform with project 2025 so i don't believe it

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Project 25 doesn't work when it's run by a 80 iq boomer who's pretty much only running to avoid prison

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