Trump forced all of the GOP delegates to become pro Cute Twink and drop the abortion issue :marseytrump: :chuditsover:
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How is border control an extreme position?

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Trying to steal an election is extreme.

Pathologically lying about the border to incite poorly educated rurals is extreme.

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Lol nobody stole an election. Joe Biden is president. And you obviously live nowhere near the border.

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Did donald trump try to steal the election?

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what about the democrats who did the same in 2016? tried to convince the electoral college people to not cast their vote for trump. the electors who insisted they be allowed to not vote trump regardless of the outcome of their state. democrats that tried to desperately come up with a way to some how impeach him and prevent him from taking office.

i bet that's different, isn't it?

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I cannot stress enough how mentally ill you are if you think anything that took place in 2016 is even in the same solar system as 2020

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what a twist. you are screeching it's totally different. who cares that the end goal was the same? the way trump did it was bad the way democrats did it was good!

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Not possible to compare these using anything even resembling coherent thought.

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true. both of them having the same end goal makes them unable to be compared. it's impossible to do.

there's nothing wrong with democrats trying to do thing X.

there's everything wrong with trump trying to do thing X.

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@coned is broken

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@coned I still love you. Let's be broken together. :marseycheerup:

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if redditors like these stragets think we're broken, it means were...fixed? whole? unbroked? whatever the opposite of broken is. :alienfinger:

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Exactly. 2016 was lame and straggoty Hilbot shrieking while 2020 was gigabased gays fighting for their freedom. #StopTheSteal #Trump2020 #MakeAmericaGayAgain

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Is Joe Biden president?

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You understand that failing to fully carry out a crime does not mean no crime took place, right?

"The cop didnt accept my bribe, therefore i am guilty of no crime.'

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Making sure votes are counted accurately isn't a crime. They do it all the time.

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they sent an armed mob into the capitol you fricking idiot

the state of rightoids these days lmao

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It was an impromptu demonstration and mostly peaceful. Not aware of any armed demonstrators.

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demanding recounts is anti-democracy chud!

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rightoids trying to help each other out lmao y'all got desperate energy

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You don't give out awards for attempted chemistry :marseysmug2:

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Exactly @pizzashill no such thing as half a coup. It's a lie, just like evolution. Half a wing is just a fricked up leg.

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be gone, foid. I only discuss politics with men.

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Are men (hole) allowed? :marseyshy: @DeforesterCarpathian

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Would you consider a progressive donor attempting to assassinate Trump extreme?

Democracy is the art and science of running the circus from the monkey cage.

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The registered republican lmao?

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Nice dodge, nothing I said was incorrect factually, yet you refuse to say assassinating Trump is an act of extremism from a progressive donor. Curious.

Democracy is the art and science of running the circus from the monkey cage.

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The guy was a registered republican, member of a rifle club, and people that knew him seemingly remember him as conservative.

I get you're probably not very bright but even by that low standard you're still dumb.

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!metashit Why is it so hard for pizza to say that a liberal donor attempting to assassinate Trump is too extreme?

Pizza, I'm begging you, where is the factual error?

Democracy is the art and science of running the circus from the monkey cage.

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lol nobody show him this:

"I brought up the fact that I'm Latinx and, you know, I'm for Trump. And he said, 'Well, you're Latinx, so shouldn't you hate Trump?'" Vincent Taormina told Fox News Digital Tuesday. "No. He's great. He was a great president. He called me stupid โ€“ or insinuated that I was stupid."

shooter was likely a pizza type lmao

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!followers @Governor is struggling in the post-assassination attempt era to accept that Trumpism is over because a conservative tried to shoot him.

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Trump :marseychuddance: train :marseysaruh: just got upgraded to high speed rails.

:marseybarreldrunk: :!marseybarrel:

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nothing says conservative like donating to democrats. why can't people see this?

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I cant allow you to make america great again! This ends today!

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I dont think a 16 year old giving 15 dollars to actblue makes one a "liberal donor."

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How so?

Democracy is the art and science of running the circus from the monkey cage.

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right? just because someone donated to a liberal organization doesn't mean they are a liberal donor geez.

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Donating to a liberal organization doesn't make you a liberal donor?

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!dementia this bozo is the donor kidneys and now he's begging for the facts, he's not consister with the alligators, it's not sane, he's not your bonzo

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I love the liberals trying to frame Trump's would-be assassine as a trump supporter.

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I dont think he was a trump supporter.

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There's a very obvious reason this "but he's a Republican" narrative is being pushed. It's to obfuscate.

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Wow, a mighty concession from you considering the shooter's intent literally followed from the fricking bullets he fired.

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Wasn't there a push by dems to have people register as republican in closed-primary states to vote against Glompf?

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Is this the spin you guys have settled on?

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It was a pretty simple question. Just a yes/no will suffice

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Im just curious, is this the go to spin you guys settled on when it came out the shooter was a republican?

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lol are you even capable of answering a simple question?

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Pathologically lying about the border

Simple question: how is he lying about the border?

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What % of drugs come through legal entry ports compared to the rest of the border?

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Oh wow, critical distinction there. "Actually most of the fent comes in through the Port of Los Angeles, not though El Paso!"

That's Snopes-tier actually-ing there.

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I agree. Behead blumpf

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You blogposting your life away is extreme(ly r-slurred)

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extremally badass, child.

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