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[๐Ÿค“๐Ÿค“๐Ÿค“๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜] I got banned from r/Minnesota for saying that Project 25 is not Trump's agenda


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Thr way people flippantly fear monger with project 2025 is terrible. It is not endorsed by Trump, even though people lie and say it is. Most of the contents of the document contain ideologies & ideas thay are reprehensible to most of the American populace. Translation: project 2025 is not something that the American people want (sure, fringe extremists do). This means that it cannot even be implemented. (At least not all of it, namely the really ridiculous parts).It's disgusting the amount of fake news online about it, i just call it blueanon. (12)

No answer, huh? You folks are so in deep with liars that the truth scares you. (-19)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

It may not be his position, but it is the heritage foundation's position. Last I checked, Republicans only appoint judges approved by the heritage foundation. I think there's merit to the idea that this is not Trump's position, but he's just the useful idiot they need to make this "bloodless revolution" happen. Trump isn't exactly a details guy.OP shouldn't have been banned though. I would have loved to have this discussion respectfully. That's why I enjoy reddit. (38)

Fair point on judges, but I think we probably could look to other proposals by the Heritage Foundation to get a better basis on how seriously to take this.It's definitely a topic that requires far more digging and open-mindedness than the average redditor/mod is willing to put up with. (0)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

But it is his agenda. (-3)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Hahaha. I think we are all fricked tbh. And I'm not blaming just one side but both. Sucks to watch the country crumbling down in real time. Man I miss the 90s when people were normal. Guess it's time to start on my basement fallout shelter. (2)

I relate to that big time. I mostly feel bad for the next generation that'll grow up thinking this shit show is just normal I'm not that old but I remember a time when John Mccain corrected his own supporter that, while Obama was wrong about literally everything, he wasn't a Muslim terrorist It's just crazy how far and fast we've fallen. I probably have more in common with most conservatives I disagree with than any politician in office (2)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Democrats are desperate, they're grasping at straws and one of them is P2025. They think they can scare weak minded voters into believing it's Trump's plan or something. Fact is the GOP put out a platform and it's nothing like P2025.Stooping to fear mongering is a desperate act, and a bad look. Dems are in trouble and they know it. (1)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

The hysteria I'm seeing right now includes a second American revolution, a complete dismantling of the Federal government, and to "reorder society and fundamentally change it" thru constitutional amendments. Just the amendment part would require a 2/3 majority in the house and the senate, plus 34 states would have to ratify each one individually. Sounds pretty cuey to me. (-1)

Those may be extreme but the attacks on LGBT+ rights, attacks on overtime, attacks on workers rights, elimination of FDIC insurance, and all. These don't need 2/3 and will hurt people. They are also things that Republicans have been openly working towards. (2)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Cool_Radish_7031

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NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

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>he's a liar and will say anything to get elected

And that's different from literally any other politician, how?


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Trump also doesn't give a frick about unpopular opinions. He talks loudly about every thought that he has :marseydramautist:

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He's the sprit animal of the boomer prole


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Mine lies in good faith :marseysaint:

Because it's Allahs willing :marseybinladen:

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I knew politicians were liars when I was 8 and Clinton lied about getting his peepee licked. I'm concerned for redditors

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I mean, Trump tried to run as a Democrat in the past...

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People can change, sweety


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I'd bet money Trump doesn't even know what Project 2025 says. The question is if the people actually controlling the executive wing when Trump gets re-elected will pursue it or not.

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>Diaper Don is a low-IQ senile r-slur who shits himself all day and has to wear diapers! :soyredditsmugcomputer:

>But also Drumpf has read all 900 pages of Agenda 2030 for shitlibs Project 2025 and will remember everything that it said and will turn Americuh into le fascism! :soyreddit:

:#marseyitsallsotiresome: !grillers

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>be heritage

>write a playbook every 4 years since the 80s

>suddenly Trump wrote the latest one

>but here's how Hillary can still win

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Hillary 2024 would be insane

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Shed have to assassinate a lot more people. Like 120 million at minimum.

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Lol a "Shed"? https://media.giphy.com/media/IhGwYlCgBOww0/giphy.webp

Have you ever heard :marseyjacksparrow: of grammar?

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Course I heard of grammar, she were the ole biddy who wurshes mah granpappys flagpole

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Counterpoint: not believing that makes you a rightoid nazi.

Are you a rightoid nazi? You better unironically believe it, mister!

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He doesn't have to know it he just has to follow it

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What's the source for this? OnlyFoid drama?

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Well considering no redditor screeching about project 2025 has read a word of it I would say that's a very safe bet. I'm their minds it means destroying all good because the double plus ungood people want it

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rightoids having a hard time accepting that project 2025 has branded Trump

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Trump has never mentioned Project 2025 in a positive light lmao. This hysteria has been astroturfed by social media and MSM shills. Anyone not connected to those spheres doesn't give a frick about it

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:#marseyblind: Project 2025 is trump's plan

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No, don't you understand?! He has to hide that this is his true platform in order to get enough votes to win! What do you mean it would have been easier to never dump his master plan on the internet for all to see? No, they couldn't keep Project2025 a secret and only discuss it in private! All villains publish their plans so the heroes can stop them! That's what Disney told me!!


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You have to read between the lines with trump. Like

"I knowโ€ฆ about project 2025. I โ€ฆagree withโ€ฆ the things they're sayingโ€ฆ anything they do, I wish them luck"


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'the people trump surrounds himself with wrote project 2025 but those people have no power' that's the stupidest fricking shit

your hysteria is your problem lmao

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it's a 900 page document that talks about everything from banning and criminalizing pornography to redefining how non-monetary employee benefits are calculated in the context of routine overtime; obviously some of it is going to be legitimate conservative policycraft, but if it's not explicitly published by Trump's campaign, why would you assume the fringe parts that require massive policy initiatives to internally campaign for, something Trump's campaign nor any relevant camp have pushed, would be relevant?

Pretending Project 2025 is wholly accepted by the GOP because some policies have support is brain dead.


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pretending it doesn't matter that project 2025 got written by trumpworld is brain dead

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You lack the ability to think beyond a sentence or two

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sorry I got partway through your comme

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Heritage Foundation isn't Trump world. Heritage Foundation is made up of a bunch of dry conservatives, which is a very small part of Trump's base.

Are you r-slurred?


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Just because your candidate outsources his policy making to partisan thinktanks doesn't mean every candidate does that lmao. Trump has already been president and pursued mainstream conservative goals, along with some economic nationalism policies.

I actually don't even disagree with your original assertion that "Project 2025 has branded Trump". I'm past the point of underestimating what social media and MSM shills can do.

If these strags can convince the majority of people that Trump loves something he's explicitly spoken against, that's evidence of many Americans being propagandized lemmings

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Okay give me a one paragraph synopsis

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'd bet money Trump doesn't even know what Project 2025 says.

He literally said it on truth social that he doesn't know anything about it, and people are trying to Gotcha him with the fact that he's met with people who've worked on it. There is no way he's read a 900 page fanfic

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It's like how redditards say Joe Rogan is a MAGA Republican because he has right wing grifters on his show. Their brains are so small and slow https://media.giphy.com/media/xTiTniMqpYz1KJ5Wik/giphy.webp

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No they say he's a MAGA Republican for going "TEXAS WENT RED B-WORD" during the election r-slur

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>jug have many rocks

>blue tribe take rocks

>jug move to red lands

>red tribe keep red lands

>jug keep rocks

AAAAAA he's a stormtrooper for Adolf Blumpfler AAAAAAAAAAAA

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Okay so he's red tribe but won't admit it, which means people calling him that are right.

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No. You ppl see red under your bed at night

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I'd bet money Trump doesn't even know what Project 2025 says. The question is if the people actually controlling the executive wing when Trump gets re-elected will pursue it or not.


That's too much nuance for the average voter though so fully expect r-slurs to keep crying it's Trump's agenda.

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Which is why he had to come out and say that explicitly. And then double down and say his plan is Agenda 47, not what the wankers at Heritage want.

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It's like 900 pages, no one has read all that shit

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I've been obsessively mapping out Trump's potential admin for work. It's a really weird balance of fringe academia and business leaders. Waiting for Navarro's book to arrive today. the Fortune 5 I work for has been asking more and more about Trump 2024 changes.

The tldr is that nearly all of the conservative bureaucrats in his 2016 term are gone, either because of the shit show that it was, or because they were Pence's people, like the heads of HSS and CMS.


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Lol my company is acting the same. They actually are a bit calmer now that one side has become favored

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It's a 900-page policy paper written by many conservative think tanks. The question is how much overlap is there between it and Trump's agenda as well as the agendas of all the Republicans in office.

Redditors are malding about nothing.

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See also: Dubya and Cheney.

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Project 2025, page 5:

Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered s*x offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its should be shuttered.

Uh oh !coomers, maybe we should be worried and start voting blue (no matter who) :marseyveryworried:

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:marseylongpost: :didntreadlol: below, but neighbor, no joke, left vs. right trad culture war cute twinkry aside, how are they going to enforce a ban on porn in this century?, what are your hot takes that are grounded in reality and not internet bullshit?

See countries where porn is already banned or heavily restricted, and how porn is handled in there - porn is banned or restricted in "conservative" countries such as China, India, Thailand, Russia, Ukraine, and yet these countries together produce more porn than the entire rest of the world combined, and some of them like Thailand, Russia, and Ukraine, are s*x tourism hotspots, and the world capitals of pornstars, prostitutes, and escorts.

1. China is absolutely fricking crawling with prostitution and porn even though it is illegal on-paper, and also hentai, so much so that Chinese gachashit and vidya are recently slowly overtaking Japanese hentai and tranime itself.

2. India is of course the land of the send vegana bobs s*x please saar and a shitton of r*pe, porn is illegal in India while "horny r*pey sexy Indian dudes" has become a racial stereotype.

3. Thailand itself is sometimes called the "modern Sodom and Gomorrah", it is absolutely ridden with boomers and coomer sexpats who go there to have easy kitty and shemale dong in their gigantic s*x industry, and also crawling with problems of pedos and both child and adult prostitution, and its King is a modern-day degen Roman Emperor who is well known for his love of hookers and participating in orgies, he banned PornHub not out of moral or cultural reasons, but simply because Thai coomers reposted a video showing him partying and drinking with naked whores at some mansion.

4. Russia has replaced Germany in its levels of extreme degeneracy, bizarre fetishes, and foids who are willing to whore themselves out and literally eat shit for cash, while its wingcucked government LARPs as the trad Christian bastion of sexual morality, while having very low church attendance, abysmal fertility rates (other than for Muslims), and sending its young men to die in r-slurred oligarch vs. oligarch wars, while their economy goes to the drain and becomes a Chinese vassal, and their women get sent to Dubai, China, and Prague to be shat on and pissed on, seriously, like 85% of all foids in post-2020 European porn are Russian or Ukrainian, the Slav whore explosion in 2010s-2020s porn has even gotten annoying, Putin is coomermaxxing on a rate never before seen! :marseyputin:

5. The exact same applies to Ukraine. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17213478492215478.webp

Useful to mention that porn is also prolific in countries that trad rightoids admire such as Japan, Hungary, and Serbia. :marseygeisha:

Yeah yeah I am a coomer lol xD we did it leddit :soysnoo:, but still, I would be very much willing to see porn and the insufferable 2010s dudebro "porn lmao :soysnoo2:" shit be shamed and be driven underground, it should not be normalized in culture and also children need to stop having so much easy access to porn from an early age (though of course giving your baby a phone just means you are a bad parent, so blaming something else other than yourself is to be expected), and the American and Quรฉbecois porn studios and their monopoly on the industry are cancer, I would not shed a single tear if they magically disappeared (if anything, good riddance, their quality is shit, their pornstars are obnoxious "influencer" thots, and their viewers are insufferable cute twinks).

Furthermore, an issue that arises when trying to ban adult porn is that the resources, workforce, and time that would be spent on catching consenting adults should be instead used to catch CSAM and its producers.

@HOTEP @ACA @AmericanShippingCompany !coomers !fellas !grillers @August

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@BWC proving again he is one of the best posters on the site with this fantastic writeup on socio-coomology :marseykneel:

how are they going to enforce a ban on porn in this century? what are your hot takes that are grounded in reality and not internet bullshit?

Honestly just keep doing what they're doing. America has made massive strides in banning porn by attacking it at its source: banks. PayPal has an overwhelming monopoly on internet transactions and by making it technically against their rules to use PayPal to pay for porn, they've managed to strangle out a lot of sources. Visa also recently cracked down on being usable by certain porn sites.

Gumroad has banned all porn altogether. Patreon is very choosy about what porn they allow so as to not anger PayPal. DLSite (japanese porn) has had to stop accepting Visa and some other credit cards. Tumblr banned porn to appease advertisers. I think Pixiv fanbox (japanese patreon, basically) recently also started rejecting Visa cards.

This is all under the guise of banning CSAM - but because PayPal and banks don't want to have to define what is and isn't CSAM (which can be tricky to define if you include 2d lolishit and nobody at PayPal wants to hire employees to comb through their users' loli art to judge if it's underage or not), so they've taken the nuclear option of just banning porn altogether (which will be guaranteed to catch any CSAM, drawn or otherwise, since it's MUCH easier to judge if something is or isn't porn at all).

And who's going to stop them? It's career suicide for any politician in America to try and put forth any pro-porn legislation. They'd never propose legislation to counter what PayPal and Visa are doing.

To ban porn in America you just need to keep aggressively banning different methods to pay for porn - eventually all the porn artists go broke and the porn sites shut down. It's scarily achievable within the next couple decades if they attempt it. !coomers important longposts here

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Maybe someone can ping coomers to back me up here but if anything I feel like internet porn is more commercial than it's ever been.

It used to be dead easy to find free internet porn to stream and now you're stuck with a recycled snapshots of 2014 tits and teaser trailers at best. The only way to get free porn anymore is to put actual effort into explicit piracy sites with a barrier to entry like Empornium or Exhentai.

Heck my one friend's hobby horse is decrying the loss of horny e-girls. Long gone are the days where a woman would post her tits on Reddit without expectation of payment, even that truly amateur side of the market has all but dried up.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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:#ipgrabber: https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/121/235/652.jpg @lain !coomers IP GRABBER/MALWARE DO NOT CLICK

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Thanks king.

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The bread crumbs are piling up. After some tracking I found your IP:

Out of luck, son (snap)

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haven't clicked on these cause they look like AIDs but where did you discover these? 4chan?

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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One was 4chan and another was a coomer friend of mine.

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Seems like 4chan is the biggest non-jannied site still. I'm surprised /r/trackers is still up

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Heck my one friend's hobby horse is decrying the loss of horny e-girls. Long gone are the days where a woman would post her tits on Reddit without expectation of payment, even that truly amateur side of the market has all but dried up.

This outs me as a spal clone but I used to dm and flirt with girls on /r/gonewild and it's clones and they'd actually respond. We'd trade pics and shit, these days they just push you to their OF like hoe I'm not paying, you getting to see my peepee and abs are my payment

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This outs me as a spal clone but I used to dm and flirt with girls on /r/gonewild and it's clones and they'd actually respond


might be the coolest thing ive seen you post king :marseykingcrown:

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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You can thank christcucks for suing credit card companies and pressuring them to force :marseyjetbombing: pornhub to verify ID for every video :marseyprincesszelda2:

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I'm okay with christcucks pushing anti-porn stuff because it's consistent.

I've repeatedly said I'd like to hear a holistic secular argument about porn as a whole.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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mindgeek deserves far far worse

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Ai porn is pretty out now.

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TCD when?

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This is good for bitcoin.

And who's going to stop them? It's career suicide for any politician in America to try and put forth any pro-porn legislation.

Just like every fascist attempt is packaged into a bill about security, often of children, it's equally possible to package legalizing porn into a bill about civil rights.

I mean, it'd be career suicide to propose to simply ban guns in the US but they've been doing it through sneaky legislation for a century, bit by bit.

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Great post but Im skeptical on a couple things

Russia has replaced Germany in its levels of extreme degeneracy, bizarre fetishes, and foids who are willing to whore themselves out and literally eat shit for cash

So did Germany stop producing porn or what? And eating shit? I know scat porn exists but I dont think I've ever seen it in anything mainstream or even tangentially mainstream tho pissing is popular

their women get sent to Dubai, China, and Prague to be shat on and pissed on,

I've also always been skeptical of this Dubai thing where ppl say insta models go their to get shit on. Seems like sour grapes or jealous women spreading these rumors.

Obviously ppl with some kind of scat fetish exist but even an extreme coomer is generally gonna be disgusted by shit, besides the small percentage of shit lovers in the world I guess

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So did Germany stop producing porn or what?

For some reason yes, many German porn studios shut down, German pornstars are now rarer, the quality of Kraut kino dropped off a cliff, and even in German porn studios, Russian and Ukrainian actresses are replacing the German ones, rightoids would claim that Germany is the degeneracy capital and whatnot, but recently, the exact opposite has been happening, if anything, Islam is making Germany more modest and less degenerate! :praiseallah:

And eating shit? I know scat porn exists but I dont think I've ever seen it in anything mainstream or even tangentially mainstream

Scat has indeed never become mainstream, heck, not even in Germany to begin with, it was always niche and underground.


tho pissing is popular

Never ask what Russian and Ukrainian foids are doing in Prague, and why they smell funny :marseyclueless:

I've also always been skeptical of this Dubai thing where ppl say insta models go their to get shit on. Seems like sour grapes or jealous women spreading these rumors. Obviously ppl with some kind of scat fetish exist but even an extreme coomer is generally gonna be disgusted by shit, besides the small percentage of shit lovers in the world I guess

Scat fetishes aside, it is simply a fact :marseyshapiro: :buckchecker: that Russian escorts and mail-order brides are all around the Middle East, China, Japan, South Korea, and even India and Nigeria, I even heard that "Natasha" has become a slang for "Prostitute" in Turkey, India, and the UAE :marseyxd: :marseyputinpat: !coomers

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Utah is already doing photo verification requirements to access porn. No idea on how successful that's going. Besides Utah I'd say North Korea is the most anti porn country on the planet, and I'm sure even they get shit smuggled into the country all the time.

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Why did you name drop me ACA, and @August( who owes everyone feet pics btw)

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Because you were in the comment chain talking about the subject! :marseyclueless:

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August also owes everyone peepee pics btw

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That was a mistake. You're about to find out the hard way why.

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mfw I, a proud republicoomer, am betrayed by the trad catholic rightwing extremists.


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Note that he said produce AND distribute it. Distribution could be argued as a business transaction, so as long as you merely host porn for free and make your profits from ad revenue then you're not distributing, even if you produce it.

Or, one person produces porn, another distributes it. Neither has done both, therefore nobody has both produced AND distributed porn.

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!lawyers astute nooticing of the text...


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'And' can be either inclusive or exclusive depending on the context. Given that the the goal of the text is to outlaw pornography, I'd argue there's a strong implication that it is an exclusive 'and', since allowing for the distribution and production seperately would allow pornography to be legal.

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post feet

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No answer, huh? You folks are so in deep with liars that the truth scares you.:

Fair point on judges, but I think we probably could look to other proposals by the Heritage Foundation to get a better basis on how seriously to take this.It's definitely a topic that requires far more digging and open-mindedness than the average redditor/mod is willing to put up with.:

But it is his agenda.:

I relate to that big time. I mostly feel bad for the next generation that'll grow up thinking this shit show is just normal I'm not that old but I remember a time when John Mccain corrected his own supporter that, while Obama was wrong about literally everything, he wasn't a Muslim terrorist It's just crazy how far and fast we've fallen. I probably have more in common with most conservatives I disagree with than any politician in office:

Democrats are desperate, they're grasping at straws and one of them is P2025. They think they can scare weak minded voters into believing it's Trump's plan or something. Fact is the GOP put out a platform and it's nothing like P2025.Stooping to fear mongering is a desperate act, and a bad look. Dems are in trouble and they know it.:

Those may be extreme but the attacks on LGBT+ rights, attacks on overtime, attacks on workers rights, elimination of FDIC insurance, and all. These don't need 2/3 and will hurt people. They are also things that Republicans have been openly working towards.:




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Average project 2025 writer (its not gay if its your own peepee)

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I can't believe the censoring happening on reddit.

oh that's so cute. He must be new here.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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Hahaha. I think we are all fricked tbh. And I'm not blaming just one side but both. Sucks to watch the country crumbling down in real time. Man I miss the 90s when people were normal. Guess it's time to start on my basement fallout shelter

Hey a normal human being.

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Last I checked, Republicans only appoint judges approved by the heritage foundation.

:marseyleftoidschizo: can't remember the difference between the Heritage Foundation :impishchud: and the Federalist Society :marseysaulgoodman:

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There is dozens upon dozens of poli sci grads pooping out manifestos to justify their ngo paychecks. No one takes them seriously and have never taken them seriously.

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Last I checked, Republicans only appoint judges approved by the heritage foundation.

What did you fricking check cute twink, a reddit post?

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I have never heard of this project 25 thing at all besides by insane people online. rdramabrosโ€ฆ what is it, and is it even real? Seems like definitely not if redditors are arguing about it

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He did about 70% of what the Heritage foundation asked when he was last elected, so it's mostly his plan

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I got banned from reddit for saying darrell brooks is innocenf

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