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Redditors discover the truth about the "Halfassination Attempt"


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I'm excited for the inevitable close up on his ear after he has the bandage removed.

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Bet it looks like ur mom's labia

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Who doesn't like floppy fish flaps?


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Haha, his mom has genitals

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I said "ur mom", not "his mom", Captain R-sluro.

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I can tell you firsthand that your mom has genitals.

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Three, to be precise: a peepee and two balls

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Genitals is collective, nerd

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So is your mom's kitty....

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/r/inthenews is basically the most blatant lib news sub. How /r/news and /r/worldnews are we are all aware, but at least their mods try to pretend theyre somewhat neutral (they arent)

/r/inthenews straight up doesnt care and its like the biggest lib echochamber because its filled with people who think reddit (and aforementioned subs) are right wing

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look at the front page https://old.reddit.com/r/inthenews/

of 25 posts, I counted 23 of them are about Trump and 2 are about RNC

it's not really a news subreddit

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AnythingGoesNews is another good one

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Edit: Why is Cole Porter under "Anything Goes" and not "I Get A Kick Out Of You"?

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If, baby, I'm the bottom

You're the top!


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Because most guys today that women prize today are just silly gigolos :chuditsover:

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Did these new news subs just start up? I never saw them before and now they're all over my feed. I keep blocking them and they keep coming back. Lib seethe gets so borrrring after awhile

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the subreddits themselves are not new but nothing in the top 250 posts of /r/inthenews being any older than 1 year old suggests some very organic growth that isn't funded by political campaigns

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I remember following it pre 2015, it wasn't super shitlib-y,

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No its pretty old but it boomed in popularity, likely due to reasons i mentioned

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:marseyconfused: but reddit IS a right-wing nazi-infested chudhole


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>The shooting is obviously not fake, but what's up with his injury? No mental PTSD either?

Redditors trying to understand that it's possible to encounter violence and not curl up into a ball afterward...

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But if they do have PTSD and, just to pick a random thing, break down and cry while testifying in court, well that's not real PTSD either it's just poor acting for sympathy

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Lmao why do they think being shot at once causes ptsd? The word/abbreviation truly lost all meaning because of these r-slurs.

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Dude shot less than a week ago


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My money is on the glass shard theory, which they're probably covering up because it robs them of their "inches away from death" narrative.

It's no big deal that a bullet meant for your head shattered some glass near enough to you to cut you up, chud.

- Redditor who curls into a ball crying if you misgender them

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it's so fricking weird that the shooter, who was at an elevated position, was able to shoot a glass teleprompter that doesn't appear in anybody's video, and launch a sliver of glass upward and hit Trump's ear, which at that moment was behind him and not at all where a teleprompter would be located



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it waa a magic bullet. Simple as

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magic, in that it didn't break a teleprompter when it sent shards flying?

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>hits dime sized moving target at 150 yards with an ar15

>fires five times to make it real

Oh yeah totally staged

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He was only twenteen:stabler:

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>its "not" staged

>trump literally on a stage

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Can't argue w that logic tbh

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Instead of getting ventilated, he should've taken a bath, bought an Astolfo outfit and been some old man's boytoy until twink death hit.

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>makes fun of misgendering

>singular them


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This use of singular they had emerged by the 14th century, about a century after the plural they.



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Keep thyself safe.

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You first, BIPOC.

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>no ptsd

Trump literally looked like he was about to cry on Day 1 of the RNC

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only cause they made him keep his shoes on his gout ridden feet

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tfw there's no gout marsey :marseycry:

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As a PoG (Person of Gout) I'm offended by this lack of representation

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@Pog i choose to believe this is you (and also a non grunt)

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:#marseychonker2: its true, all of it

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Lee Greenwood talked for 35 straight minutes, and they made Trump stand still the entire time.

Surprised he didn't weep.

Don't forget to turn off signatures in settings!

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God bless the USA!

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I hope that they get r*ped by lawyers like Alex Jones.

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It's (d)ifferent.

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This is gonna turn into the Left Wing Version of wanting more pics of Hunter Biden's Peepee

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Reported by:

Making fun of a s*x pest failson is much more justifiable than making conspiracy theories about a shooting that left someone dead and almost killed a presidential candidate

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The shooting was le serious business you can't make up conspiracy theories about it!!! :soycry:

I thought aftermath of the shooting would be a show of strength and unity among rightoids but it just turned them into even bigger b-word butt kitties :marseyxd:

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Personally, I think guns aren't real.

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It's insane they'd think they'd stage it with a registered republican shooter

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So it's going to be really hot?

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This is great, I'm not sure if we've had an unhinged leftist conspiracy theory in the modern world where everyone is on the internet.

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I'm in awe that posters keep missing the dude who brains got splattered on other bystanders.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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he was at a trump rally so any brain has to be fake :marseyxd:

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There was a Scanner in the audience.

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9/11 truthers had a pretty good run, though it wasn't quite as online. Maybe that was more of a :marseyhorseshoe: conspiracy.

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That one is also 100 percent real

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50% real. The first tower was a controlled demolition but the second one was coincidentally hit by a plane.

Current hyperfixation: https://i.rdrama.net/images/17146091388618665.webp

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That would be some coincidence almost as big of a coincidence as this


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That one isn't too wierd. People use to try flying planes into the world trade center all the time. It was a fashion of the 90s.

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that was just a measly truck bomb, it didn't do any damage meanwhile we are led to believe OKC killed 100 people and blew up a building with same

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its the one that got me to hop the bottom of the horseshoe

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Like the other person said, Russiagate.

But yeah, usually leftist conspiracy theories have more to do with systemic things, like for example they imagine that there's an epidemic of police very disproportionately shooting black people for no reason, but if you look closely at the data you see that's not really true, at least not in the exaggerated form that the leftoids usually present. Or they assume that disparities in success between races are caused by the white man oppressing everyone else, even though there are many holes one could easily pick in that hypothesis.

Rightoids, on the other hand, usually love those action movie plot, thriller novel sort of wild conspiracy theories like Pizzagate, or all the Qanon delusion about how Trump is secretly fighting against the deep state and the arrests will start in just two more weeks.

I think there's probably some interesting psychological reason for the difference between leftoid and rightoid conspiracy theorizing, but I don't know what it is.

Lately leftoids have been closing the gap, especially on Reddit with all the unhinged talk about concentration camps for LGBTQ people and so on.

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Russiagate And pisstapegate

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Those have been memory holed already. They never happened.

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Yeah if I learnt one thing from Vince McMahon, well two things, it's to keep a safety razor in my sleeve in case someone whiffs a shot at me at some dead checky might get more attention.

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@Grue can tell you all about blading tho

They keep one on them for reasons

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its so funny because you assume its fake blood growing up, then you realize they actually cut themselves.

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You can see his ear is in tact from the famous photo. We can use our eyes to see a bullet didn't go through it. Lying as usual.

what do these people think happened i don't understand

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fake blood capsule, is what they think

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this really is democrats "sandy hook is fake" moment and it's FRICKING MADDENING THEY DON'T SEE IT. :die:

this whole thing has been crazy. both sides completely switch. now it's the right gleefully cancelling people for tweets and the left saying something was a fake false flag psyop plot.

i hate social media. :uhuh:

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The vibe shift goes a lot deeper than anyone expected. In addition to that stuff, leftoids are now posting /pol/-tier infographics all over the internet about project 2025 and rightoids are now suffering from purity spirals and infighting over how much they should oppress the gays and People of Abortion.

They literally just swapped meta-cultures, aesthetics, dynamics, everything. It's kinda scary.

Current hyperfixation: https://i.rdrama.net/images/17146091388618665.webp

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You smell :marseybrap: bad

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and yet, here you are still

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messageboards don't count as social media shut up :punch:

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Trump kept a fake blood capsule near his ear, and the shooter hit it :marseyhmm:

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>nooooo it not bullet


>it not bullet

>it glass shard

>glass shard due to bullet

>but he not hit by bullet


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No mental PTSD either.

Redditor has PTSD after having to call and talk to other people to order a pizza so he cannot comprehend that someone can survive a near-death experience and not gain 20 mental disorders from it.

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/r/inthenews and /r/anythinggoesnews are both blackrock or soros or shareable astroturfing subs that came out of nowhere I love sucking peepee

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>glass shard theory

What is this?

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trump sharted glass

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How did the shard get in his bussy to begin with?

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He was trying to do 1 guy 1 jar but messed up

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Fricking r-slurred liberals

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no mental :marseytherapist: PTSD either?

Redditors cannot conceive of not making victimhood core to their personality

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Shut up with your mopey bullshit. 'Cels have it better than anyone else. The average moid is literally controlled by his peepee his entire life. Francis E. Dec, Esq. was essentially right about the Frankenstein Controls, but those controls are foids. Any sexhaver you meet is basically an automaton. They exist for no reason other than their next frick, and spend all their time, money, thought, etc. chasing foids for that purpose. This prevents them from ever amounting to anything or having a will of their own.

Bowing to the mad deadly femoid gangster kitty god is actually impossible for 'cels, unless you're the most pathetic simp to ever exist or something. Because of this, we are the only free men on Earth.



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There's literally a picture of the water vapor trail right behind his head left by the bullet. You can literally find pictures with a small chunk of his ear missing. Ears have no mass so it wouldn't cause the bullet to tumble. It would go straight through.

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