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BIPOC gonna find out the off grid homesteading meme sucks did. He gonna learn capitalism and modern society isn't so bad really, really fast. Trust me, it's awful

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tfw you get sick and rejoin the grid quick

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Everyone imagines stardew valley or the shire or some shit where it's really just endless days of backbreaking labor

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The amount of wood cutting is truly insane and that's at least somewhat enjoyable

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If you're too poor to afford a tractor

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Homesteading is only for the based and redpilled because leftoids have no idea how self sufficiency works, don't eat meat and are too addicted too mass market entertainment products too live without them but most of all faith in the One Lord Jesus Christ is what powers a healthy home and family independent from satanic Christ denial @HailVictory1776 love sucking peepee

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Jesus Christ is what powers a healthy home

Most people can't produce more than a few watts on an exercise bike. Jesus must be ripped

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Ya'll forget he was a carpenter? Gains for days. :#marseybuff:

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N-n-no you can't just leave modern society and live on your own! Think about the funko pops! You'll have to do manual labour! The government recommends agains living alone, please at least install a 5G tower near your home!!!


Mmm berries


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Redditors would freeze to death first winter or lose their mind when trying to empty the potty.

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He's going from punk to trad wife life

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Tiny homes.

Van life.


What's next?

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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lol sounds like they just did up a house, sold it for a profit, and are going to live off that money

how anti-capitalist of them

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We've been here for 6 years and now we're selling this place for a huge profit and buying our fricking way out of the god darn money trap. No more mortgages, no more credit cards, no more "I have to make x amount of money or I'm fricked". My wife has been a good little soldier and worked her butt off her whole life

/r/punk or /r/fire?


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I doubt they made enough money to last for more than like 3-4 years

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>redditor living off his wives money

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They haven't even sold it yet, I had to read it again to realize that lol

They're probably just checking the Zillow estimate and assuming it'll sell for that. But my guess is people that still treat punk as a personality and call having a W-2 being a "soldier" didn't do any required maintenance and this dream is going to end in

>what do you mean rent costs this much??


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Dude hates capitalism so much that he got a job, saved money, bought a house for cheap, sold it for a profit and retired off of that :marseyxd: I can't even hate, that's just incredible :marseyxd:

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The existential dread of getting caught up in the rat race really wasn't so bad in the end

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Jesus that subreddit seems like the most try-hard place. And on reddit no less.

I did laugh at the OP reply to a comment about "you have 3 kids, you need to do what is best for them" where it was basically "Oh I'd never put them in a bad situation. I'm just gonna buy land outright and put a shitty trailer on it and have chickens lol."

Oh yeah your kids are gonna love going from the gorgeous 150 year old brick house to a shitty 0 room, 1/2 bathroom shower closet chemical potty trailer. Really in their best interest.

What a bunch of fricking goons.

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Did this dude not realize he can just have chickens and grow shit in his yard?

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How are you going to go off the grid and be trans at the same time? :marseyconfused: Don't you need modern medicine daily for the whole trans thing to work out?

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They just grow out their hair and give up on basic hygiene. Apparently that's all it really takes

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:!marseytrain:s can be :!marseytrain:s without taking any hormones, chud :marseyindignant:

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Bathtub :marseytoasterbath: diy estrogen :marseyhrt:

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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meow meow BIPOC

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Why are you being racist? :marseysad:

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Punk is just listening to shitty music and having terrible tattoos u chud

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It doesn't have to be!


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Punk is when you agree with the current thing

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>a year after her trans egg cracked, a second egg cracked and all of the sudden she said frick the system, frick the government, frick capitalism, frick working my life away, frick doing things that make me miserable just because other people say I have to, and frick my douchebag dad.

Ahhh the rare double-groom! :#marseygroomer2:

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>His wife does all the work while he sits on his butt and is punk

>She poons out


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How did this dude have 3 kids with a :marseytrain:?

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that's an FtM married to an MtF

:marseydizzy#: :marseyhmm#:

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I think OP is a woman and the train is a dude that will never be a woman

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Go to any local punk show and its all just 30-40 year old neurodivergents dancing around and moshing and buying vinyl.

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I didn't know punk and loser were synonymous. TIL

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please trump please be the fascist these people think you are so they are all buried in a mass grave by 2026

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