IT'S HER TURN :marseypenny: JOE :itsjoever: BIDEN endorses black kween Kopmala Harris as the new Dem nominee!
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Don't you love to see the "Party of Democracy" ignore the resulta of their own primary and force out the guy who won??

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unlike the GOP the democratic party apparently cares about the capabilities of the candidate when it comes to running the country.

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The DNC stole the nomination from Bernie twice

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they didnt but they should have

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They did and I don't blame them

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No they didn't.

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In 2016, they rigged it for Hillary by using superdelegates against Bernie.

In 2020, all the candidates dropped out, endorsed Biden, as soon as the primary momentum was building for Bernie.

Now they forced Joe Biden out

2016 WikiLeaks never happened. Ignore Donna Brazil too while your at it. Forget the voting "glitches" in the 2020 New Hampshire primary. All coincidences. Pay no attention

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In 2016, they rigged it for Hillary by using superdelegates against Bernie.

The frick are you talking about lol? Bernie lost in delegate count, superdelegates had nothing to do with bernie losing.

In 2020, all the candidates dropped out, endorsed Biden, as soon as the primary momentum was building for Bernie.

People with no chance of winning dropping out is rigging a primary ?

2016 WikiLeaks never happened. Ignore Donna Brazil too while your at it. Forget the voting "glitches" in the 2020 New Hampshire primary. All coincidences. Pay no attention

Which voting glitch in specific. And the donna shit was bullshit as well, berntards still lying about that one.

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>The frick are you talking about lol? Bernie lost in delegate count, superdelegates had nothing to do with bernie losing.

People want to vote for, financially contribute, and volunteer for leading candidates who can win. Having 1 in 5 delegates be a party insider all but guarantees the nominee is also a party insider

>People with no chance of winning dropping out is rigging a primary ?

Nikki Haley staying in the primary forever was completely normal because it harmed the GOP. Every DNC party insider dropping out of the race except Biden was completely normal because it gatekept extremists like Commissar Bernie.

>Which voting glitch in specific.

Iowa 2020, not New Hampshire.

"Attempting to graft an entirely new software element onto the back-end reporting system at the proverbial eleventh hour is likely always going to be problematic, and it was ultimately the cause of a major problem on caucus night,"

>donna shit was bullshit as well,

"CNN says it is "completely uncomfortable" with hacked emails showing that former contributor and interim Democratic National Committee chairwoman Donna Brazile shared questions with the Clinton campaign before a debate and a town hall during the Democratic primary, and has accepted her resignation. Hacked emails posted by WikiLeaks show Brazile, whose CNN contract was suspended when she became interim DNC chair over the summer, sharing with the Clinton campaign a question that would be posed to Hillary Clinton before the March CNN Democratic debate in Flint, as well as a possible question prior to a CNN town hall, also in March."

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People want to vote for, financially contribute, and volunteer for leading candidates who can win. Having 1 in 5 delegates be a party insider all but guarantees the nominee is also a party insider

Lmao what? To be clear are you making the claim that Bernie got dunked in basically every primary election because of fricking super delegates? out of all the shit berntards spam thiis is the most r-slurred.

Nikki Haley staying in the primary forever was completely normal because it harmed the GOP. Every DNC party insider dropping out of the race except Biden was completely normal because it gatekept extremists like Commissar Bernie.

So nikki haley being r-slurred means the democratic party must also be r-slurred? You understand that people dropping out of a primary is not rigging a primary, correct? this is again, completely r-slurred.

Iowa 2020, not New Hampshire.

Be specific, which glitch and quanitfy how it impacted the outcome of the election.

"CNN says it is "completely uncomfortable" with hacked emails showing that former contributor and interim Democratic National Committee chairwoman Donna Brazile shared questions with the Clinton campaign before a debate and a town hall during the Democratic primary, and has accepted her resignation. Hacked emails posted by WikiLeaks show Brazile, whose CNN contract was suspended when she became interim DNC chair over the summer, sharing with the Clinton campaign a question that would be posed to Hillary Clinton before the March CNN Democratic debate in Flint, as well as a possible question prior to a CNN town hall, also in March."

Why yes, that death penalty question is totally why Bernie got his butt beat in the primary. Completely deluded.

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>Lmao what? To be clear are you making the claim that Bernie got dunked in basically every primary election because of fricking super delegates? out of all the shit berntards spam thiis is the most r-slurred.

A 20% superdelegate share ensures the majority of donations and unearned media remain with party insiders. Any outsider would need to win 63% of delegates for the nomination.

>So nikki haley being r-slurred means the democratic party must also be r-slurred?

Two sides of the same coin. Nikki Haley is a Neocon warhawk. The insiders of the Democrat party are also warhawks. This is the uniparty of the military industrial complex

>Be specific, which glitch and quanitfy how it impacted the outcome of the election.

That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal.

>Why yes, that death penalty question is totally why Bernie got his butt beat in the primary. Completely deluded.

And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did Bernie deserved it. :marseysandersgenocide:

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When you look at yourself in the mirror, do you want to keep yourself safe?

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Keep yourself safe pizzaphobe

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Is that the spin yall have settled on? Why doesnt he resign then?

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seems to be a fact, Trump is incoherently ranting and calling people the wrong names and he isn't being made to drop out.

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So why doesnt joe resign immediately if he's too senile to run in 4 months that means he's too senile to run the country now?

Or could it be that the dems dont give a frick about "the capabilities of the candidate when it comes to running the country" and just wanted him out cause he couldn't win? No couldn't possibly be that

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Joe probably isnt even running the country lmao.

At the end of the day donald trump is too old to be president, his mental decline is too obvious.

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Pizaashill admitting the deep state is real? I didn't know he was a Q Anoner :marseyqoomer:

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He meant Jill Biden :#marseymerchantfoid:

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Joe probably isnt even running the country lmao.

So then he resigns so his girl can get a 7 month audition as president. :marseyshrug:

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Donald trump wouldn't even the one running the country lmao

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i doubt that.

Also the issue is Biden will be worse in 4 years, not that he's incapable right now. The decline in 4 years for someone over 80 is extreme.

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So it's okay to ignore election results if you think the person who won wouldn't be good? Interesting

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Joe probably isnt even running the country lmao.

Cons: "Actually theres a secret cabal of people who really run the country"

Normal people: "Wtf no thats insane"

Libs: "they are and thats a good thing!"

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Trump is fit as a fiddle. Cope lol

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Guy cant remember names and is incoherently ramblingm

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I take it youll be voting for him then?

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Youre white. Vote for Trump

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Lmao no they didnt otherwise he wouldnt have run at all

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yeah but they're saving democracy getting rid of the guy who played their ballgame for his entire life

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Incumbent primaries are coronations with extra steps. They should return to the smoke filled rooms of yore

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This but unironically

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You know they voted for Kamala in the primaries right? For the vice president.

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>No democrats voted for Kamala in the primaries

>They are now forced to vote for her if they don't want to elect Trump

>This is "democracy"

>This is totally different than when China's autocracy picks candidatea for you to vote on

Holy SHIT burgers are SO FRICKING STUPID :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: why do they allow this to happen?

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