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r/funnymemes delves into the body count topic :marseyfans:


1755 comments before it got locked :#marseyjanny:

What? No it has zero importance for me how high her body count is.

Would you date a porn star?

Yes. Why Not?

this is who gives you advice on reddit :#marseysoylentgrin:

but wait there's more:

Heck no. I had enough opportunities. And im in a Long Term relationship. But we are Not exclusive.

literally a cuck :#marseycuck:

I have my own worth. And its a pretty good Relation for nearly 9 years.

for 9 fricking years :#marseyxd:

People frick other people. Get over it.

So why not be in an open relationship? She's just fricking someone else, get over it. Stop being such an insecure control freak.


Body count criticism is for "little guys" insecure because of their failure to understand female anatomy.

Enjoying s*x is a good thing unless you want to marry someone that swats your hands away every night and leaves you in a sexless marriage.


The US is such a prude country. S*x is fun. As long as you're safe and everybody is on board, who cares. Who DOESNT like s*x?

I'm a dude and I wouldn't care if a girl I'm in a relationship slept with 5 or 500 guys. As long as she was safe about it and faithful.

Also. I honestly don't think I'd want to be in a serious relationship with a woman who had only two or three men she's slept with, I want her to get out and experience shit before she lands on me. Gotta get all that shit outta your system before settling down so you ain't wondering what else is out there 😂

>Gotta get all that shit outta your system before settling down so you ain't wondering what else is out there 😂

not insecure btw


If she doesn't respect herself then she won't respect you.

Clarity for the triggered:

The girl you marry loves s*x with her man or a few men as she finds herself and settles down with the right guy. Then it's tons of s*x with that guy all the time. That's a great life.

A hoe has no self respect and fricks random guys with no concern of the future. She's lacking internal validation and thinks she can find it on the next peepee. She goes from peepee to peepee looking for something she will never find.

If you want to keep defending hoes, have at it.

But how is having s*x not respecting yourself?

Do you want a wife who respects herself and tells you to go jerk off in the shower?

What's disrespectful about casual s*x?

And why do men complain so much about wanting s*x and still at the same time argue that women should stop having s*x? Isn't that shooting yourself in the peepee in a way?

But it's not very common for women to have 150 s*x partners per year. At all. That's pretty crazy actually. So why worry about it? Y'all are watching way too much porn.

And then when it comes down to it? The guy who you need to worry about with your new girlfriend? It's not the random stranger she had drunk s*x with once. It's the guy she was in love with and who fricked her 700 times and knew exactly what she liked.

S*x isn't a competitive sport. But a lot of men insist on making it a pissing competition. And then you have to at least be clear about who the real competition is.

Edit: try to not do this though. S*x is only good when you can have fun with it and play. Stop overthinking and competing. It'll only give you ED or premature ejaculation + mid orgasms. Sorta ruins it tbh.

it was obviously an exageration but 20 different guys in a year per example is still WAAAAAAAAAAAY to much, definitely a massive red flag. Heck even 5 different guys in a year is a bit excessive.

Doing anything at all, ever is a massive red flag.

Are you for real? What a priggish attitude 😂😂😂. I'd consider someone like you to be a red flag.


not to play devil's advocate here, but who would you prefer working on your car?

A brand new mechanic fresh from mechanic school who says, "I've never seen a car like this before?"


A mechanic who has fixed a few thousand cars who says, "Oh yeah, I know what to do, I'll take care of you?"


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/r/funnymemes is the subreddit for chuddy zoomers, it constantly shows up on the /all/controversial, there's always at least a couple :marseycupid: posts a day somewhere on reddit :marseysoyseethe: of other redditors :marseyhammersrdine: whining about some of the most boring :marseycricket2: facebook boomer :marseydoomguy1: tier anti trans :marseychudstamp: meme or whatever :marseyjerkofffrown:

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I prefer the coke analogy. Would you like an unopened can of coke, or one that somebody else has stuck their peepee in?

Makes people mad so it works pretty well

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So why not be in an open relationship? She's just fricking someone else, get over it. Stop being such an insecure control freak.

This is what an annoying r-slur looks like, @ThousandBestLives, @BigBussyHunter

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That quote was written one handed :marseycoomer:

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To extend the car analogy, every car is different, so just because someone has plenty of experience fixing cars it doesn't mean they can fix your car.

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my head hurts i have to lie down


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He's only good at lubing up :marseytrain:missions

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Factcheck: This claim has not been approved by experts.


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If you think :marseynooticeglow: like that.

Even in bed you'll be a loser.

Glory to Russia! :marseysaluteussr:

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Ever since I hit puberty, I realized I was all about that sapphic love. I dated tomboys because they were cute. I blossomed into adulthood as a proud lesbian.

I noticed a huge component was missing from the sapphic relationships I was in.


It's so appalling that the society tells women especially lesbians like me to be disgusted by peepeees. This is the root of TERF movement. They are terrified of peepeees!

Well, I chose not to be a genital obsessed bigot like those conservatives who want to inspect our genitals before we can enter into the restrooms.

I had to reeducate myself to be better and more progressive. Now I am a proud sapphic lesbian goddess who dates men. I'm so glad I am no longer a genital essentialist! For all we know, peepee havers I've dated could very well be female! What are you gonna do, conservatives? Test our chromosomes?



What? No it has zero importance for me how high her body count is.:

Heck no. I had enough opportunities. And im in a Long Term relationship. But we are Not exclusive.:

I have my own worth. And its a pretty good Relation for nearly 9 years.:

People frick other people. Get over it.:

Body count criticism is for "little guys" insecure because of their failure to understand female anatomy.

Enjoying s*x is a good thing unless you want to marry someone that swats your hands away every night and leaves you in a sexless marriage.

If she doesn't respect herself then she won't respect you.

Clarity for the triggered:

The girl you marry loves s*x with her man or a few men as she finds herself and settles down with the right guy. Then it's tons of s*x with that guy all the time. That's a great life.

A hoe has no self respect and fricks random guys with no concern of the future. She's lacking internal validation and thinks she can find it on the next peepee. She goes from peepee to peepee looking for something she will never find.

If you want to keep defending hoes, have at it.

not to play devil's advocate here, but who would you prefer working on your car?

A brand new mechanic fresh from mechanic school who says, "I've never seen a car like this before?"


A mechanic who has fixed a few thousand cars who says, "Oh yeah, I know what to do, I'll take care of you?"

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