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/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam accepts that its JOEVER :itsjoever2: and drinks the ice-cream flavored Kool Aid. :soyjaktantrumfast: :soyjaktantrumfast: :soyjaktantrumfast:


>I will never forgive The New York Times for bringing this to pass.

I'll never forgive any of these rat frickers, but I at least hope they will rally behind Kamala Harris rather than throw a big butt hissy fit like they have been for the past two months.

They need those ratings from Trump so don't hold your breath

"I cannot believe the corporate media is profit driven!!" :marseyslowpoke:

The NYT have been pro Trump since 2016, and they haven't really been subtle about it. We need to brace ourselves for the vicious attacks on Harris that will commence immediately. They were absolute ruthless against Hillary, I expect the same playbook against Harris.

:marseyemojirofl: :marseylaughpoundfist: :marseyrofl: The NYT is pro-Trump!!!!?!?!??!

I wrote this in another sub Reddit, the country has passed the Rubicon. Biden was one of the most successful Presidents in recent history, he had no scandals in office and he was a genuinely good man. What people are saying is that qualifications don't matter, policy doesn't matter, everything is optics, pr, sound bites and vibes. It's actually surreal to watch in real time, all that matters now is keeping Trump out of office but the country is truly fricked. What incentive would any candidate have to pass legislation when they could just play the media game and have billionaires run cover for them? Good luck getting any Progressive legislation passed in the future because the guy that actually did that got knifed by his own party.

E_S_S saying we have crossed the rubicon🀝 Tim Pool saying we have crossed the rubicon

Biden just out 4 years of near perfect Presidenting on his resume. Anyone who has done what he's done should be reelected as a formality. But it just doesn't matter anymore.

And no, it's not poor messaging from Democrats, it's an electorate that is more interested in a reality show than a well run government.

"near-perfect" :marseybruh2: Also its funny seeing them realize that voters are morons who shouldn't vote.

And now Obama is not endorsing Harris.

Frick this timeline.

:marseyobamacope: :obamium: :gigaobama: :notbad: THANKS FOR THE HOPE AND CHANGE, MOTHERLOVERS.

Theyve proven to be traitors to the country

THEY ARE PROVEN TRAITORS. TRUE PATRIOTS WILL RISE UP AND WATER THE TREE OF LIBERTY. WWG1WGA :marseyreportercnn: :marseyreporterfox: :marseyshooting: :carppatriot:


Get ready for them to do to Harris what they did to Clinton.

Trump is definitely gonna drop a full-on slur by September


They already are saying she is unlikable and cackles when she laughs.

Yep, the "cackling" is the thing they're spamming everywhere.

:marseysnappy: BEEP....CACKLING KAMALA.....BEEP........VOTE TRUMP......BEEP


Will go down as one of the most under appreciated Presidents in history

:marseyxd: :marseylaughpoundfist: :marseyxd: :marseylaughpoundfist: :laugh:

I am so shocked and heartbroken. But I'm all in for Kamala.

"nooooooo!!! not muh heckin bidenirinos!!!!!!" :soysnooseethe: :soycry:

These super PAC people aren't getting any fricking money from me ever.

Oh no!!! How will the ultra-wealthy Super PACs survive now???? :marseyeyeroll2: :marseyeyeroll2: :marseyeyeroll2:

Yep. No donations from me. Get fricked, wealthy pieces of shit. Get fricked, George Clooney.

I'm not watching any of his tripe ever again for that matter.

George Clooney was a loyal lib for 600 years and then he does ONE op-ed and now he is persona-non-grata among #Resist libs :marseyxd: :marseyemojirofl: :roflmao:

I'll never forgive the bastards who pushed a good man for the US and the world into this. The party better step up and unite Behind Kamala now, or its curtains

Exactly. Every single motherlover pushing so hard for Biden to drop out better he rallying twice as freaking hard behind Harris.


most progressive president in 80 years, best economy in 30 years and they pressured him out, democrats are so self-destructive I have no words

:marseyslowpoke: "I can't believe the Democratic Party is full of short-sighted r-slurs!!!!"

this is so sick and twisted

beltway media i will never forgive you

"Here's the deal, fat. The fake news media is the ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE" :marseybiden:


I hope they're right. Because we may have given the election to Trump

I know, I don't understand how this chaos is better than just sticking with the guy who's been a great president :surejan:

I'm so fricking pissed at all the shitbag Democrats who wanted this, ugh.

This news is revealing a lot of party traitors


The ageism makes me angry. Because even before the debate so many people didn't like him because he was old. But that was more about him looking old, since Trump is also old. There wasn't really any reason behind it, especially given that his presidency has been so successful compared to other democrats. It was just about him looking old which is straight up bigotry.

Maybe that's why black voters were behind him staying, because they know what it's like to not be judged by your character or accomplishments but instead be judged by how you look and things you can't control about yourself or other people's prejudices against you

BEING CALLED OLD IS THE SAME AS BEING CALLED THE N-WORD AND LIVING UNDER JIM CROW?????? :roflmao: :lol: :marseylaugh: :marseyemojirofl: :marseylaughpoundfist: :marseydicklet: :marseyrofl: :lmao:

What in the ever loving frick. I'm so ashamed of my party for doing this. All my friends are practically tap dancing from joy and I'm infuriated.

Enjoy the retirement, Mr. President. I really, really hope it's a non-Trump one.

Imagine being the annoying pro-Biden shitlib in your friend group that is eternally seething at the normies!!!!! :roflmao: :lol: :marseylaugh: :marseyemojirofl:

Remember: vote blue no matter who!!!!!!


Let it be know that twitter shitposters and beltway media paved the way for fascism in America.

:marseyeyeroll2: :marseyeyeroll2:

I'm gonna go break some things and then go knock doors for a local candidate.

I'M GONNA SMASH MY FUNKO POPS AND VIDEO GAMES IN RAGE CAUSE IM SO MAD FOR JOE BIDEN :marseyraging: :soyjaktantrumfast: :feraljaktantrum:

Never have I been so angry at the media and their nonstop pressure campaigns.

"I cannot believe the media would have biased coverage against our candidate!!!!!!" :marseyslowpoke:

I'm holding back for more details. With that said, I'm drafting a furious letter to Obama and Pelosi.

AAAAAHAHAHA THAT WILL SHOW THEM!!!! A FURIOUS LETTER!!!!!! :marseylaughpoundfist: :marseyrofl: :roflmao: :marseynotes: :gigaobama:

I'll be honest.

Bernie Sanders has a point. The Democratic Party is rigged. The donors enabled this. The voters no longer matter.


I'm done with this party. If my vote doesn't matter, I don't want to hear any whining when they don't get it in November.

I understand being angry about the decision, but we need to stop Donald Trump, so everyone regardless of what they think needs to vote down ticket blue

"Guys! I no longer am gonna vote for the Democrats, as I feel that they do not represent my interests as a voter or listen to my concerns" :marseyslowpoke:


It's very funny seeing the pro-Biden wing of the Democratic Party devolve into Q-Anon type lunacy lmao.


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This subreddit is going to be my first stop if Trump wins :marseyemojirofl:

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