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Donald Trump is now the weaker candidate


Blormph is losing his mind at the thought of the K-HIVE rallying. ActBlue has achieved record fundraising. Trump is really regretting picking that hardcore nazi JD Vance with his black wife now. Cheeto Hitler has been out-4D-chessed by Biden who planned to do this all along. THE ENTIRE REPLUBICAN PARTY is in a panic at having to go up against the woman who placed 15th of like 18 in the 2020 primaries.

It is well and truly over for the christofascists.

!chuds readying the cyanide

!nonchuds get the spinny skirts ready

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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Just smugly post this video to any drumptards who think America is going to vote for a fascist again

I've gotten a lot of rage

Putting the :e: in :marseyexcited:

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!commenters a weapon of untold power

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me reading comment https://media1.tenor.com/m/LPwQVB6FAf8AAAAC/indiana-jones-hmm.gif

me after opening the link https://media1.tenor.com/m/pWZZ9gzx_p0AAAAC/face-melting-indiana-jones.gif

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Am I the only one that actually finds her laugh endearing?


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No, in a country of 360,000,000 people there's bound to be at least 5 or 6 people who enjoy that.

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I find it funny in a bimbo sort of way

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You think cruella deville is a bimbo?

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Modern Disney writers couldn't help themselves by making Cruella's backstory involve being victimized by Dalmatians lol.

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Yes. It sounds like a witch's laugh.

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I love it

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I want to marry kamala Harris sooooooo bad

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:marseydisagree: Not ladylike

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Her laugh is like im being actively stabbed by a muslim with a kitchen knife.

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Her laugh :marseyoperasmug: turns you British?!?

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Yes, and it will turn this entire country into cucked brits. :marseybong:

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Thank you. I have now renounced my maga ways and am officially Kackling with Kamala.

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Women fear men will kill them. Men fear Kamala will laugh at them.

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The big money businessman wrestlers opponent is the jonkler? :#marseypoggers: :#marseysociety2: This is the hottest WWE matchup of all time, they better put a cage around the stage at the debate this is gonna rule

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that's the laugh of a winner!

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She's such a gross person ugh

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Not rich woman laugh

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That's a beautiful and normal laugh. Chuds seethe because chuds seethe. They don't even need a reason for it.

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I'm voting for LAW AND ORDER this November.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17216621796630526.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17216621798345263.webp

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I'm voting for crime

Trump is our first black gay president

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please dont be a racist and capitalize the "b" in Black


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Oh great oracles of the Mount of Chudzion, can Donald Drumpf win this election against a Coconut?


Factcheck: This claim is 100% true.

The 8-Ball Says: Cannot predict now.

Your roll (1-538): 510

Coinflip: :heads:


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:#marseypoggers: :#marseyspit:

!chuds we are so fricking back!!

4 out of 5 indicators say Trump winning

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@JohnDevereaux and the jungle-hut republicans going too vote:


maryland is going red this year

jewish lives matter

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You need to capitalize the N you fricking bigot, he just told you

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You must dragonball to Z polls

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>drag yer balls too ze polls

:marseythinkorino: She's fighting with Trump over black males

jewish lives matter

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If the dems were able to reign in their radical wingcucks for a minute, that would probably be a decently effective angle to take. Granted, people would actually have to believe the dems that they want to reduce crime, but its not a bad election angle to try.

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Then don't vote for the tyrant pig Klam

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jewish lives matter

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makes you wonder if Biden planned this a few weeks ago

Biden can't plan which popsicle to eat after dinner lol

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What a man, what a patriot. Um, what is selfless devotion to your country. He has been a phenomenal president. He brought us back from COVID. He gave us the best recovery from COVID of any major nation on earth at a time when the world had economically been struggling in the wake of COVID, the Biden economy is literally the envy of the world.

Rachel Maddow said this on live television.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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>Be Tolkien in England

>Fight in World War 1

>Too old for service in WW2 but support the country as best you can

>Write a story to create a mythic for the British since theirs was lost during invasions

>Have r-slurs a century later say your work is "far-right"

Females with beards is not enough to save this Chud :marseysmughips:

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It was conservative anglo-catholic(far right by modern standards). Tolkien's beliefs changed by later years

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It is far-right.


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Reminder, a commie wrote a "sequel" to LOTR where the Orcs were misunderstood good guys (and Russian stand in)


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Orcs writing fiction where orcs are the good guys what's new

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LOTR showed me that people from all social strata with disabilities can band together, promote body positivity and multiculturalism and almost defeat a bunch of midgets and gay albinos.

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But it is?

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Peaceful homogenous whyte societies based on european ones = giga nazi

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Orcs... bad! :marseysoyhype: :!marseyreich:

Humans... good! :marseysoyhype: :!marseyreich:

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Shes right...?

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lol I thought this was a Blurmph quote at first

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>biden cant plan

Only the lowest of IQs think Biden makes decisions and policy

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whats Obamas peepee flavor called.

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The Dems sure are in a position of strength with a candidate who was polling at 1% in the 2020 primary and dropped out before single vote was cast.

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It would be funny if the dems drop coconut karen for a random white guy #678362 in a week at the convention. Only for for him to embroiled in the worst s*x scandal ever

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So Pete Bussygig and the homosexual reproduction?

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Footage of bootyjuice in a harness at a no loads refused piggy party.

jewish lives matter

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>s*x scandal

What you're talking about is just the default expectation when we're talking about homothugs. The real bombshell would be the inevitable https://i.rdrama.net/images/17217517020274282.webp

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There is a silver lining that Biden dropped out after the RNC, leaving them with their peepees in their hands wrt attack campaigning, but you would rather talk about crossdressing than that for (((some reason)))


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Yeah, chuds are really pissed that Biden dropped out three months before the election because he was polling so badly, implicitly admitting his entire admin has been a disaster

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Cope and seethe. People just thought he was old

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He honestly might be. There's a large swath of voters who just wanted "anyone but those two." The Dems strategy was to keep her out of the race until the last minute. Now repubs only have 3 months to try to get something to stick to her. Coconut tree and prison labor aren't really the millstones that are going to turn independents off. Everyone says she's unlikable, but we'll see when it comes down to just her and trump.


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She was the border czar who famously refused to even visit the border and then just laughed and said it's fine. The flood of illegals is so bad that it's now a bipartisan issue. Everything is a hilarious shitshow right now and she's been the second in command for 4 years, she has absolutely nothing to run on. The Biden write-in campaign would have a better chance than Kamala. Her only electable attribute is "she's not Trump" which, while strong and worked in 2020, will absolutely not work after 4 years of this.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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You don't have to tell me how incompetent she is. I'm a certified chud.

But half of the country is in a rabid frenzy of hate for Biden, the other half for trump. Kamala doesn't have that baggage.

Biden was a weakness because the only thing stronger than the left's hate for Trump was their apathy for Biden. They can kick their "vote blue no matter who" campaign back into fifth gear because as useless as Kamala is, she's not actually a literal coma patient.


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Idk, she deserves some recognition for being even less popular than Hillary Clinton

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Wow carp is SEETHING :marseylaughpoundfist:

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>not a million years old

>capable of answering questions

>unlikely to end democracy in America

She's got my vote!


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I cant support donald. Guy is too old and his mental decline too obvious.

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Were you going to vote for Biden?


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Yeah, but biden had competent people around him, donald trump does not.

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So true king. Which one was your favorite: the border czar who never went to the border, the press secretary who might have had a learning disability, the secret service director that facilitated an assassination attempt, or the economic advisors that said inflation wasn't happening?

Edit: oh how could I forget about the people behind the Afghanistan withdrawal?


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So true king. Which one was your favorite: the border czar who never went to the border

Why does one have to go to the border to do anything with the border?

This isn't even getting into the fact it doesn't even seem she was in charge of the border:



the press secretary who might have had a learning disability,

I doubt this is true and I fail to see how it'd even be relevant.

the secret service director that facilitated an assassination attempt

This is just a lie.

he economic advisors that said inflation wasn't happening?

When did anyone say inflation wasn't happening, can you quote that for me?

oh how could I forget about the people behind the Afghanistan withdrawal?

The agreement the Trump admin signed after releasing thousands of taliban fighters?

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>Why does one have to go to the border to do anything with the border?

I guarantee you were seething when ted cruz left texas during those crazy storms

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Also the bald :marseytrain: luggage thief

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>0 power public facing person

>0 power public facing person

>0 power public facing person

Chuds really think the world runs like a reality tv show :marseyxd:

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Can you name someone who was actually competent in that administration. Jesus, you remember Pete buttigeg? Was there a worse transportation secretary than him in US history?


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Can you name someone who was actually competent in that administration

(((The Fed)))

Also if I knew who they were they'd be public facing

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I need to see how trumps people compare to Hunters peepee

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Donald Trump is now the weaker candidate


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>redditor admits he wasn't before, gets 40k upmarseys on /r/politics


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Me when the fish posts

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nice win



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@FormerLurKONG come play muse dash with me and the girls.

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Idk if the dems should be so mask off about Biden. seems like a bad way to set the stage when the new girl is literally the same administration.

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Idk if the dems should be so mask off about Biden.

Is nobody asking themselves why the Dems (or especially Kamala) let it go on for a whole four years?

The fact that the Dems aren't trying to downplay it is more concerning than anything.

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Biden was as sharp as ever until June of this year

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Literal :marseypizzashill: quote.

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One month ago if you said you were concerned about Biden's age or suggested he had any mental decline whatsoever you would be labeled a Russian troll. His administration ran cover for him for years and now they're just going to memory hole the entire thing lol.

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I think they're banking on people (and their paid shills obviously) going "everybody already knew that" and that the issue will be kept as small of a scandal as possible.

Let's see if it plays out, especially considering they're still tentatively going to let an alzheimer's patient be president for 5 months. :marseyoperasmug: :marseypopcorn: :bidenshocked:

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