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witches of reddit cast spells against Trump and Project 2025! :marseywitch3:


I hate to say this, but don't do magic against him. He has a form of protection surrounding him that feeds off of magic done against him. You will have better results if you focus your magic on helping his opponent or protecting yourself and others. I wish it would work to bind him or do a freezer spell, but you will only be helping him

holy shit drump is powerful :marseyworried:

Some other witches have mentioned that doing spells directly against tRrump are not as effective as we might hope as he seems to have some kind of protection around him. A freezer spell against Project 2025 would likely be useful, but I wouldn't give the cheeto any more attention right now (He hates to be ignored, right? lol)

A lot of people are taking the opportunity to do protection and uplifting kinds of spells to help Kamala & the Democrats, rather than attacking the other side. An awesome spell that can be repeated many times is the Blue Wave Spell by Michael M. Hughes: https://michaelmhughes.medium.com/blue-wave-2-0-a-magical-spell-to-save-america-2bc2712d6538 . I have done it before and it is powerful! Good luck and godspeed! πŸ’œ

who wants to click that link for me

it would probably be more effective to register to vote and donate to the Harris campaign!

Why not both?


Against Trump: By the moons pale glow and the whispering breeze, I cast a curse upon the hearts that freeze. Let arrogance crumble, pride turn to dust, as souls awaken, in humility they trust.

Against his supporters: I weave this spell: shadows retreat, their malevolence quell. May kindness bloo , compassion ignite, and darkness fade into the morning light.

To encourage people to vote: In the twilight embrace, where stars align, I weave this spell, a beacon to shine. To empower hearts, ignite the flame.let every voice echo, without shame. In addition A candle for light, a feather to wave as light as hope and a mint sprig to spread clarity and dispel doubt.


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who wants to click that link for me

okay u lazy hoe but u better upmarsey me or something :marseyindignant:




(yes they included a map with Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands even though they have nothing to do with our national elections)


Make splashy water noises.


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POV: I am summoning the spirits of the animal kingdom to grant Trump a crushing electoral victory (witches cannot defeat spirit of the Bottlenose Dolphin)


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Dude thank god you're here!

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Adult colouring book. For witches.

I couldn't make this up if I tried.

Also, "the first time the moon is visible to the entire globe, not just parts of it, since WWII"??? The reason the moon is not seen in parts of the globe is because those parts are in the day time. Moon is not really visible during the day.

Though I guess if it was a special magic witch moon, then it could be seen in every part of the world at the same time.

I really hope these people do cast spells for Kamala, given the way they work, she'll lose by a landslide.

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Imagine doing a spirit ritual and Allah himself declaring you a heathen and sentencing you to eternal darnation personally

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Okay, that was levels of crazy insane batshit nuts I had never before envisaged.

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That poontang gotta be INSANE

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/r/WitchesVsPatriarchy is almost entirely MtF :!marseytrain:s - and, ironically, men appropriating womanhood and invading women's private spaces is actually far more patriarchal than anything that these :marseytrain2: libfems rail against. :transtantrum:

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This goes every "female-only" space on Preddit. The girlies have moved to insta, I'm afraid :marseysad:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/171640723830995.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1716407238178262.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17164072380107207.webp

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except porn subs :marseymoreyouknow#:

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Ah at least there were can find real witches.

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trans are our most powerful troops in the war on women

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Its kinda hilarious that witches themselves openly admit they lose outright to Christian prayer which is what protects Trump

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I also asked Jupiter yesterday during my GME squeeze ritual

probably bought GME at the top

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my GME squeeze ritual

I fricking can't :marseyemojirofl:

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It's literally a religious cult now

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>she thinks that Kenny G doesn't have powerful Shamans manipulating the markets now that the Bogs have ascended to the astral plane and no longer exercise monopolistic control of the market liquidity spirit realm


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Most sane gmetard in 2024

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/u/Smores-n-coffee where were your magic powers in 2016 when that c*nt whore b-word hillary got her kitty smashed in by trumps girthy peepee??? :#marseyxd:

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This one got noticed by the redditor. Dont know if they emailed yet

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!schizomaxxxers !schizos new spells :marseywitch4: just dropped


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/u/feelmycocobeats you know magic isn't actually real.... right?

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I will be casting a spell using my semen today to protect Trump, who's with me? I already have the cracker ready.

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great idea king, im doing a peepee and ball torture ritual to boost his vote count as we speak

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I was going to make a joke about casting a spell to get people to vote but that's literally in the thread. Jesus Christ.

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/u/Original_Lab_4140 how old are you that you still believe in magic? do you believe in santa too?

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/u/sfkndyn13 magic isnt real lol :#marseylaugh:

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Too many words @J, just say "notified" or "denied". I'm a busy man.


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Its not for you. Its for the redditor to see me scolding the dramanaught

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She cant even get her spells to get rid of her alcoholism or dog's anxiety, you'd think she'd know by now

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/u/not_ya_wify magic isn't real btw

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/u/not_ya_wify ignore this incel chud. but you're doing the spell wrong. You don't write stuff and put it in a yogurt bottle you already drank, dummy. It has to be an intact liquid and it's best if carbonated. Bubble bubble toil and trouble etc. like from a witches cauldron. You have to take the note and tape it to an intact carbonated canned beverage and THEN put it in your freezer. The more cans the better. I recommend buying a 24 pack of Diet Coke (Drumpf's favorite beverage), taping notes to each individual can, and placing them throughout your freezer. Leave them inside for over a fortnight :wizard:

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/u/meresithea magick aint real ho

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Really wish subreddits like this were honeypots for glowies to just abduct people into forced schizophrenia rehabilitation programs

Alas, we live in a society :marseysociety2: :marseysulk:

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this was all written by dudes.

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it worked when they did it in 2016, so it'll work now too! MAGIC IS REAL YOU GUYS! :hysterical:

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Say sike rn


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