Holy shit the repubs werent ready at all

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Pizza will you commit the greatest sin and a vote for woman ?

@MAGAshill can you pin this comment it's very important and fate of galaxy depends on it

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from just yesterday

smdh he's a shameless flip-flopper. i bet this mfer has been lying all along about hating women. :marseysmug2:

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I don't support kamala, so you're actually r-slurred.

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"I don't support Kamala, I'm just making multiple wingnut threads within minutes of each other about how awesome she is and how she's gonna be the next President" :marseybigbrain:


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!friendsofpizzashill He's like a little boy with a crush


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you're a fricking r-slur for not supporting our Canadian Indian goddess.

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Kamala will have Ted Cruz as her VP and this November, leafs with fall on the white house. !leafs our time is coming.

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:#marseytunaktunak: :#marseytunaktunak:

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Pojom left at the right time, misogyny never wins Mr Shill.

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That is the most neurodivergent list I've ever seen. Did a 5th grade girl write that? :marseyhmmm:

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Choose your party



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>Kamala Harris has a habit of laughing at inappropriate moments.

>Kamala Harris loves electric school buses because she went to school on a school bus.

Kamala Harris would not only be the first black, Asian, and woman president, but our first neurodivergent president too.

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God darn bros I need her to be mine so bad

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Step 1: Get elected to a position of power

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I've already lost bros

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Kamala Harris is in favor of banning certain behaviors, like eating red meat.

!grillers, factcheck this for me.

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She'll have to pry my meat from my cold dead hands!


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Total Democrat victory. The President, House, Senate, and eventually Supreme Court will be blue for generations starting from 2024

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I dont get it, electricty smells like burnt hair.


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rightoids so yes

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Dude Kamala has banged her way too the top. She was widely known as the side piece of the major of SF for like a decade. Dude was old enough too be her grandpa. This is before she started banging montel

Trans lives matter

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Can confirm, heard it all the time when I lived in Oakland.

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No one really knows Kamala she's hidden in the basement harder than Biden. That's why no one has shit on her. I'm pretty sure she spent 4yrs doing as little as possible and no one gave a shit cuz she served the black woman role for elections

VPs don't do shit anyway

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VPs don't do shit anyway

Except Cheney. :marseymerchantsoy:

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Darn, need to rewatch Vice

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Electricity often does create scent too, so I don't know what they mean by that.

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Kamala Harris had an affair with her married boss, who was twice her age. He gave her two promotions and a Mercedes. This is a 100% true story, unironically.

There, I helped them. :marseyxd:

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And Donald Trump banged a pornstar while cheating on his pregnant wife and is a convicted felon.

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So? That's already been used on him for years. It's already been taken into account by the people who responded to the polls. The Republicans have left her Willie problem alone so far. 95% of normies have no idea about it.

>Convicted felon

lol, you guys keep saying this like nobody understood all along that most of it was scumbag Progressive DAs charging him with all manner of ticky-tack bullshit because he's their political enemy. New York literally passed a new law so they could convict him of something and one of the guys who wrote it is now saying it's unconstitutional because it's being used on him. Anyway, already baked into the polls, Chief. :marseyxd:

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I promise you nobody gives 1 shit, Trump is so awful and so unpopular nothing kamala has done will be relevant, if dems get people to turnout they win.

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Yeah, turnout should be no problem at all now that they finally found a woman who has most recently polled as 2 points more popular than Hillary Clinton.


You should go convince this r-slur I saw yesterday

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buddy, you're gonna have to stop clinging to the primary. I don't support kamala, but her primary performance likely has no relevance to the 2024 election, she's already got record breaking donations and is polling well.

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Who are you even talking to? I have never, ever, not once in my life mentioned Kamala Harris' primary performance in any context. I was referring to favorability polls. Literally just "Do you like Kamala Harris; Yes or No?"

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Polling well?

Why does pizza lie so shamelessly, it's like he thinks we can't use Google

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>polling well

The DNC has a nonzero chance of committing Seppuku by open convention if that tiny +1% national bump turns negative. It's the economy in the swing state polls stupid. Kamala turns out the vote on the left coast,

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the economy is good, so.

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This is what people making more than 80k yet still stupid enough to vote democrat actually believe

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Calling herself coconut karen while being genuinely neurodivergent will lose her the election

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The Republicans have left her Willie problem alone so far.

Maybe it's because I live in California, but I've heard them crying about it for years. It hasn't stuck because no one cares, they were both consenting adults.

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>they both consented to her fricking her way up the political ladder so who cares


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I'm not a social conservative, so I don't care what gets people to get their rocks off

Except furries. Everyone hates them

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Ok but isnt there someone they forgot to ask?

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It never stuck because it was just California Republicans who were running against her attacking her in local media.

The "local" part being areas that actively celebrate degeneracy and would not be bothered if she got caught fricking her own siblings. :marseyshrug:

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Her having never actually gotten a position on merit is pretty rough, and when the answer to "Why does she have no kids?" is "She only fricks married men"… :marseyshrug: it's not a great look

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Ive said this now and i say this again: you do realize conservatives dont give a shit? Like they consistently break the rules and force dems to play by them. Like the electoral college is the big example: even when they lose by ten million they get full control of the government

So to say "well Trump is this, this and this" the guy fricked a child and no one cares. Anything dems could say doesnt matter because they lose just by playing, the goal is to demoralize voters with brains and it works every time

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>the rules

>popular vote


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Well look at what im saying:

The rules are popular vote dont matter, which benefits repubs

So when these rules dont work out for repubs they break them by trying to do an insurrection or kicking Gore out

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>people walking around a public building the police opened to the public

Didnt police shoot two boomers dead how are you people still malding about this.

>but coconut karen

Is going to say something so dumb she'll be contested at the convention and itll be all ogre for her and the dems 3rd candidate in as many months

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The best thing about conservatives is they think the insurrection refers to the boomers getting shot and jailed for trump and not trump selling then out to avoid getting charged with trying to blackmail people into giving him more votes

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For the most part the really dumb protest froze up all the legal challenges to the election

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$0.02 has been deposited to your ShareBlue account.

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And yet you are still an incel cute twink getting prostrate punched.

Why not take the last L and give up?

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Sounds like he's trying to launch a rap career

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And sadly, those are the only cool things about Drumph.

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Cant wait for the kamala harris porno

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*allegedly, and she denied it in writing to the court, so

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Girlboss moment :marseynails:

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Heels Up 2024

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>Kamala Harris :marseyridin: loves Venn diagrams



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First neurospicy president!!! :marseyyass:

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I personally enjoyed Trump's whiny meltdown over wasting money attacking Biden. This and the last half of his RNC speech proves he literally can't take advantage of anything, even when it's given to him on a silver platter.

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Kamala Harris pledged to ban plastic straws

Holy frick if I was a burger I'd single issue vote Drumpf

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No wonder your country is poor.

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Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening.



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"Haha finally the democratic party is supporting someone who doesn't frick kids. Epic win!!!"

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Its kinda funny that the guy being quoted is a kamala stan so itd be funny if that guy typed it up to prove how awesome the least charismatic person ever is. Its essentially writing fanfic about harry styles but political

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"should we bring up the time she incarcerated thousands of blacks?"

"no, point out how she wants to ban straws"

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yeah republicans have a lot of credibility on you know, locking up black people.

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biden wrote the crime bill and harris used it to knowingly falsely incarcerate BIPOCs ... its not really a good look

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why do you guys keep telling this lie as if it wasn't all of congress, and the bill didn't have 100% support amongst republicans, and wasn't pushed by republicans.

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Those were boomers. The right in present day supports locking up BIPOCs only for real crimes, that they actually committed

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Lmao ok

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cope BIPOC

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Only one of those issues directly affects me

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What's wrong with liking venn diagrams? I got called a redditor for posting a venn diagram marsey the other day by @fartneighbor :marseygiveup:

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No chomo but 30k is 30k - fartneighbor, in response to producers for Japanese erotica involving children for p-dophiles being paid $30k USD for one DVD


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venn diagrams are for children who haven't learned the art of manipulating the presentation of data with statistics

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fartneighbor is just a giant sour candy. Don't listen to him, sweaty :marseyfingerhearts:

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Nothing ever happens but then something happens

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Nah, the best initial attack lines will be: (1) when did you know Joe Biden was suffering cognitive decline and why didn't you say anything about it; (2) what have you done in your role as Biden's border czar; and (3) what do you have to say to the millions of Democrat voters who didn't vote for you?

You can also add: how do you expect to run a nationwide presidential campaign in three months when your first attempt failed spectacularly AND/OR when many of your own staffers have quit because of your treatment of them in the White House?

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"best attack lines are one nobody cares about, a title we ourselves fabricated, and seemingly not understanding they did vote for her as she was on the primary ticket."

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Show me how many votes she got.

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was kamala harris on the primary ticket for the 2024 election?

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lol, they voted for Biden on the 2024 primary ticket

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to be clear, are you claiming kamala does not have the full support of the party and party voters currently?

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Party yes, party voters no.

She was polling in single digits in 2020 and hasn't done anything to endear herself to the public.

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the 2020 primary has no relevance to 2024, and kamala clearly has the support of the party voters currently, the only people claiming otherwise are low IQ republicans.

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Why wouldn't someone's electoral performance for a presidential election not indicate their electability

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full support

she has not. Many of us are gonna write in Marianne Williamson.

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Oh, so nobody actually voted for her, huh?

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this is legit the most r-slurred argument you guys are making, it's like something you think makes sense in your head but doesn't actually make any sense.

she has the full support of the party.

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>something you think makes sense in your head

As opposed to things you believe that don't make sense in your head

This is the essence of the pizzashill award

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How many Democrat primary voters in 2024 voted for Kamala Harris? This isn't being semantic or settling on an argumentative line. This is a simple, straightforward question.

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again, she has the full support of the party and anyone claiming otherwise is a republican troll.

She has record breaking fundraising already, nobody is protesting, she's polling well. And the everyone that voted for the biden harris campaign also voted for her.

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How many Democrat primary voters in 2024 voted for Kamala Harris to be their nominee for President? Simple question.

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