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Obvious thing happens, obviously. :marseysleep:

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I genuinely sincerely expected the biitch to be conceited enough to stay :marseywomanmoment: and thats the tea, sis

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She probably tried. I'm sure she was forced out rather than just actually feeling responsible.

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she probably realized if she was actually fired then it might be harder to grift a job at the WEF or Raytheon

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I think the people who told her to off Trump just told her to step aside and keep the cover story going

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To think she was Pepsi Security Chief.

This is why Pepsi is #3 soda now.

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She might also want to be able to plead the fifth if she goes on trial

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Jimie you never responded which causes @Corinthian concern for you're soul. Please ask God for forgiveness and turn away from sinful ways. You are beloved and worthy, you're shortcomings and faults are all forgivable. You need merely turn away from this path and ask. @Corinthian will pray again tonight for you.

O divine and adorable Savior, thou who art the way, the truth, and the life, I beseech thee to have mercy upon @14GoebbelsGobbler88 and bring him [or her] to the knowledge and love of thy truth. Thou, O Lord, knowest all their darkness, their weakness, and their doubts: have pity upon them, O merciful Savior; let the bright beams of thy eternal truth shine upon their mind; clear away the cloud of error and prejudice from before His eyes, and may they humbly submit to and embrace with his whole heart the teaching of thy Church. Oh, let not the soul for whom I pray be shut out from thy blessed fold! Unite them to thyself in the sacraments of thy love, and grant that, partaking of the blessings of thy grace in this life, they may come at last to the possession of those eternal rewards which Thou hast promised to all those who believe in Thee and who do Thy will. Hear this my petition, Oh merciful Jesus, who, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, livest and reignest ever and ever. Amen.

!Christians !Catholics pray with me. :carpholyspirit:

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I dunno what this means but figured yall would like it.


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Tumblr: What if, like, the father and the son aren't the same people? Because, like, a father has to come before a son, right? Mind blown man…bet the stupid Pope never thought of that one lololol

Christians: Hello yes welcome to the Arian heresy and the third century AD, please enjoy your stay.

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!lutherans !calvinists point at these papists and laugh


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why r we laffing

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I just can't keep up with all these religious wars.

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Are you still religious?

I presume you were raised in the Dutch Reformed Church

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Yes no maybe i dont know aymore

and yes

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You're probably as much a Calvinist as I'm a Catholic then lol.

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death to catholics

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stop hate in all its forms. @Corinthian love you, god loves you, and @Corinthian love sucking peepee.

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More comments

Not very Christlike of you. !atheists, another Christian hypocrite.


:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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Does modern !ifrickinglovescience and !physics validate the calvinist worldview as free-will is likely an illusion? :#sciencejak:

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!calvinists deny free will because the ability to choose denies that their God has control of their brain cells.

!ifrickinglovescience and !physics simply know that the universe exploded the way that it did, and that conscious structures are limited by that explosion, and under the same conditions it would be the same.

Free will is an illusion, but the Calvinists are gay submissive bottoms while le heckin black science mans just bareback top their way through life blindly.


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What the frick does any of this mean

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Calvinists are bottoms and Soyentists are top chads.

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Excellent and concise response as always ACA :#marseyclappingglasses:

@Corinthian thoughts on Jean Calvine? Worse than Luther?

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Worse than Luther in terms of heretical belief, yet equally endowed with the dignity and likeness of GOD we all inherit. I will never stop praying. @14GoebbelsGobbler88.

@Corinthian love sucking peepee but @Corinthian love God more.

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Don't let anyone ever tell you that. Science can't tell you anything about free will because it is not a measurable, quantifiable phenomenon. It's an intensive quality which cannot be modeled or replicated in lab conditions. Neuroscientists and physical reductionists will sneed at this and tell you how they're getting closer to understanding consciousness or free will based on our increasing understanding of brain structure or neurons or quantum states and other bullshit, but these things are literally irrelevant as these are constituent parts which do not have the properties of the whole system. Consciousness and free will are an emergent phenomena that cannot be reduced to their constituents alone.

>B-b-but muh determinism...

Philosophical argument, can't be backed up empirically. The belief or lack of belief in determinism has little to do with empiricism and more with personal philsophy, it is not something that can be falsified or proven

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Philosophical argument, can't be backed up empirically. The belief or lack of belief in determinism has little to do with empiricism and more with personal philsophy, it is not something that can be falsified or proven

I see, so determinism is all metaphysical mumbo jumbo? I gotta fix my pop-sci detector.

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What does free will even mean honestly? If I show you two people and only one of them has 'free will', how would they differ and how could you tell which one is which? You can't, which is why worrying about whether or not it exists is beyond useless :marseyembrace:

Science (the important ones anyway) is built on top of determinism, so it's metaphysical mumbo jumbo by definition. But until some smarty pants philosopher comes up with something better, it's the only thing that's produced anything of practical use at all.

:marseyzizek#: :mar#seyschrodinger: :marseyhmmhips!#:

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No, that's just my opinion. If you don't want to be a redditor you gotta make up your own

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Free will is fake and straight

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who knows? determinism may not be kosher with quantum stuffs (or it might be Super kosher if you ask sabine). i dont know where free-will would live in a material universe but i also dont know where consciousness lives either. Free will presupposes (i think) an essential you making decisions, but who are you anyway. most people agree its that fatty bit on the top with all the EM stuff going on but brain is made up of separate unconscious parts chemically reacting in their own lanes (unbothered. moisturized. flourishing.) and theres split brains and transcranial magnetic stimulation, etc. blurring the line as to where you begin and end. i suspect its an illusion but i feel free will as strongly as i feel conscious so its unhappy spot indeed.

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:marseypraying: :marseypraying: :marseypraying:

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I haven't kept up with the drama, what sins are we asking forgiveness for? I'd like to throw in a prayer to absolve her of being a filthy germ, if we can fit that in.

Also if we're going to burn people at the stake down the line, I just want to say I'm down for it and I have a list of names to suggest.

!catholics Help @Corinthian and I find people to burn please.

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I desire no wars, no lists, no people to burn. @14GoebbelsGobbler88 please, return to the fold. Your humor, wit and humanity are genuinely admirable. You know I say this with no pretense, no expectation, no ulterior motive. You are beloved and worthy of Christ's love.

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Well that's fricking gay. I'll be the bad preacher then.

@14GoebbelsGobbler88 He died for your sins you ungrateful b-word!

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>twitter shit


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X, formerly known as twitter

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