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Stomping on the head of your opponent after gaining the upper hand in a fight is simply part of what it means to be Authentically Black, and I'm tired of our white supremacist culture trying to punish people for it.

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I thought it was having all your boys jump in the moment you start to lose.

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black lives matter

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Redditors in this thread: why do you think it's racially motivated? Huh??? Source?

Redditors when anyone says anything negative about a person who happens to be Black:

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Oh that porch coon might get reciprocated on.

You can totally get away with stomping on Chinks.

Stomping on Viets and Filipinos is a totally different story. Their wildly huge extended gangbanging family tree might come after you unironically.

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Errybody gangsta til Than's 27 uncles and cousins who all rock a skinfade and work out at a creepy MMA gym meet you outside your school

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The Asian Gangbangers were drafted by the Latinx Prison Fraternity of Cholos, so this could funnily escalate to race-war.


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Sock Check: These are Sick Butt Foos

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In my time in Bay Area HS I met more Viets with extended family (cousins, etc) attending the same school than I did white kids or Mexicans. They were also more likely to be regularly attending church (at least compared to the whites).

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yea lol if this is in the bay most likely they were just opps. Asian gangs specifically viet/laos/cambodian are big down there

usually they beef w mexicans tho

black lives matter

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:brainletchest: Totally justified case of defending a teammate

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God I wish that were me


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!nooticers why do Neo-Nazis and BIPOCs display the exact same fighting moves and aggression? :marseynooticeglow:

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  • Agharta : Go back to /pol/ cute twink
  • Harfatus : I want my chudhunter badge. And I'm too poor to chud award them myself :chuditsover:

I imagine america would prosper greatly if they started rounding up all the BIPOCs and executing them

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@Aevann you promised an award if we found extreme chuddery outside of chudrama


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ty king

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This is not /h/chudrama, please be civil to our friends of melanin :marseybow:

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If just Black people just magically disappeared, all of the US stats shoot up into Nordic tier territory.

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US would go from 6 homicides in 100,000 to 3. Sweden's homicide rate is just over 1 in 100,000


Edit: Actually this would be true in Rhode Island

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Americans were stupid enough not to castrate their slaves like the Arabs did

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Shipping was expensive back in those days. Can't just buy a new set every season like those oil shiekhs. Never mind that they weren't doing shit in terroristan but fanning the sultans.

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the arabs still very much impregnated the women, and did this repeatedly until the slaves and masters were the same skin tone which is why they are 8% black today. an anglo version of this would probably be the most poetic race on earth.

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Can't do that, you already choose histories most expensive farm workers.

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computer add basketball players to the list

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That's a chudrama exclusive

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"The family of the other boy who did the stomping, says that he was standing up for his teammate who he believed had just been kicked and punched in this melee."

Curb stomping someone in response to a teammate allegedly getting kicked and punched is very gratuitous and much more so that the video shows absolutely no kicking and punching between the Asian boy and the teammate. It was a classic grappling of the ball between two players and this r-slurred kid decides to stomp on him.

"Family members tell me the player for Payton's Place is now being cyberbullied by adults online."

I actually laughed at this part of the story.

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snappy quick. bring up the video of a 13 year old wyt boy stamping down on another 13 year old kid. If the blacks can do it then surely everybody else must have also been doing it.

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People hate pinoys because they're scientifically the best basketball players on earth.

@Corinthian love sucking peepee.

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Your crotchspawn will never be in the NBA, for his boiling pinxy blood will be diluted by mayo

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2 months guided counseling with a social worker. 1 if he manages to score 30 in a home game.

Sounds harsh but I'm kind of a hard-butt when it comes to crime. :#marseyindignant:

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noooo, silly, black kids can't do wrong.

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Odd how BIPOCs hate gooks but love anime.

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Hood BIPOCs in the US see civil rights and anti-racism as a zero sum game.

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I hope the cracker :marseyalbino: doesn't recover and my neighbor :marseyfrickyou: does it again

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It was a chink kid

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why didnt he use karate or tai kwan do to subdue his attacker then? Also theres no way to be sure thatbit wasnt a cracker who said the g*merword bc they blurred the photos. Lets just wait till the actual facts come in first, chud :marseychudstamp:


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!goomblers , @Spiderman



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The parents released his name immediately. Neighbor he's 13, he's forced to play violin or piano. Martial arts era yet to be experienced

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Ifnit was my kid, id make him play bass or cello so that he'd be forced to work on his upper body strength carrying it to and from school.



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Stomping someone's head is not defending.

Continuing to see these videos I feel like maybe going BIPOC on a BIPOC before they go BIPOC on you is the safest strategy if you encounter a feral pack that wants to BIPOC you.

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/ Victim is legit super lucky that the Person of Stomp was too impatient to let his head be on the ground properly first. He had about a foot of air between the stomp and solid ground, giving him a pretty decent dampening of the blunt force. I'm sure it hurt, but a stomp like that when you're already head-to-ground can easily be a 1-tap and you're done.
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