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After some long conversations and deliberation, taking into consideration my fiancee's physical disabilities, we decided Japan was a good option for the both of us due to its low cost of living and relative accessibility compared to the US.

are they fricking r-slurred :roflmao: what was the conversation based on? after binging on uwu anime? jfc :roflmao:

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Japs and ricecels in general are thin because we have to walk like motherlovers everywhere. Being a crippled leggy or even wheelchair bound is a slow death sentence in Asia.

Gooks in particular have Kpop legs because we have to walk up and down hills and stairs constantly. :marseysmughipskorean:

Having ANY disability just hardblocks you from emigrating and leeching off another country's welfare system as well, so never get diagnosed :marseythumbsup:

I just remember one time my uncle Lions Club took like 100~ crippled gooks to Disneyland Tokyo for a charity thing and all those crippled and their parents wept like motherlovers because society wasn't out to get them for once in their miserable lives.

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Having ANY disability just hardblocks you from emigrating and leeching off another country's welfare system as well

They literally think because so many progressives in the US push for covering healthcare costs of immigrants that everybody feels the same way lol

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Other countries don't have a money printer cheat code like the US :marseycapitalistmanlet:

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They do, theirs just runs out of toner faster

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"PC Load letter, what the frick does that mean."

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Gooks in particular have Kpop legs because we have to walk up and down hills and stairs constantly.

yeah lmao i loved that there were many hills and shit in korea with nice cold weather

frick i hate tropical weather :marseycry:

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Stumbling around Itaewon's hills and stairs while plastered at night is the national past-time :marseydrunk:

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>are they fricking r-slurred


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>What prefectures of Japan do you think we should look into, and why?

One of those tiny islands out in the middle of nowhere with a population of less than 50. Just renounce American citizenship and agree to live there as a Japanese citizen so the country can maintain its territorial rights.

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This is some radioactive levels of stupid

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Have you looked into moving somewhere like WA or OR state?

Frig off deadbeat, we don't fricking want you here.


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The Chaz welcomes all comers. Bring it on

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Chaz has no immigration restrictions. Theoretically even nazis could move there


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It was one thing when these losers were relegated to places like Oly and Eugene, but there have been way too many worthless dipshits move here over the last 20 years.

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I'm safe-ish in Calgary, but WOW has Vancouver BC ever went into the terlet the last 20 years....dodging needles and shit and it's officially provided.


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It's been like that longer than 20 years

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the first question you should ask yourself is, "Why would [insert any country here] want us to live there?" If you do not have skills or education or wealth that would benefit their society, why would they want you?

It's time we start asking this same question for our own citizens

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No shit, but libs want to trade gibs for votes.

USA really needs to get it the frick together.

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Every Japanese person on earth would hate these two :marseytrain: leeches and that warms my heart.

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This has to be bait. It's too close to the pure distilled "we're trans and disabled and poor and want to leave this fascist hellhole" narrative that we make fun of.

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