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EFFORTPOST @TracingWoodgrains says something incredibly stupid


All in all, his appointment makes me take seriously the possibility that Trump's second term will focus seriously on setting a policy foundation for the future versus just being cult-of-personality stuff.

Why would you believe this?

How could you actually believe this?

An entire generation of would-be intellectuals attempted to treat Trump as a politician with policies instead of as an incompetent authoritarian using overt fascist rhetoric, creating a cult of personality. The Republicans are still calling out 'civil war' and then realizing this makes them dramatically unpopular.

And TracingWoodgrains continues to think: could this ancient person who just today or yesterday claimed to be a 'young vibrant man' turn his focus towards setting a policy foundation?

Remember (for those who haven't been paying attention), after all the fascism was invited into Scott Alexander's culture war threads in 2016-2020, they turned so violent that Trace created /r/theschism.

And this is one of a few places where the pseudo-intellectuals who couldn't perceive the fascism, but could believe that wokes were out to get them, retreated to in a world where one party was fascist, and the other party tended to insist on calling out that fascism.

It boggles my mind that Trace could be appalled by the violence, but never understand that the violence was the fascism. And now the 'dissident right' is nodding very seriously about Trump's policy positions, as if there is anything to the Republican Party but a bunch of authoritarian sycophants tripping over each other to praise Trump more while they state directly that they'll engage in civil war if they lose.

The Onion says it best: Trump vows to unite nation against common enemy of other Americans.

TracingWoodgrains is the sort of person who believes Trump when Trump calls for unity. TracingWoodgrains requires that we live in the reality where a few kind words erase years of violent rhetoric.

Why, TracingWoodgrains, are you so easily duped by Trump?

When will the greater SFBA Rationalist Cult wake up from the fugue of confusion brought about by Woke Derangement Syndrome?

Scott Alexander semi-ironically tackles 'an orgy of vengeance.' He starts to unravel, hopefully, the failure of the ideological wasteland of his home ground, in his recent essay: Some Practical Considerations Before Devolving into an Orgy of Vengeance.

I was cancelled from the culture war threads. I didn't take it personally, at least in the sense that I didn't think: all rightoids are like Scott, or all rightoids are like the moderators, who were crippled by their necessarily authoritarian connection to the space: whatever Scott said was true.

Cancellation is just part of human nature. The most egregiously obnoxious position of the SFBA Rationalist Cult is that it is somehow above or better than cancellation.

Scott Alexander gets close:

Liberals invent a fictional entity called "The Right", which is full of all of the most racist and fascist things that NYT was ever able to produce an out-of-context quote showing one Claremont guy saying, then believe that any action is justified against "The Right" because it's an ontological threat against democracy, then rile up a mob against a Google guy who sends the wrong memo.

What a terrible paragraph.

Scott Alexander was part of the Woke Derangement Syndrome crowd.

But the NYT doesn't have to produce out-of-context quotes demonstrating Trumpism's authoritarian dialogue.

The problem is that Scott Alexander suffocated his worldview with racism. Never forget: he self-consciously invited fascists and racists (neoreactionaries) into his audience. This level of racism and fascism became normal for Scott--and for TracingWoodgrains.

You have an entire coup attempt planned by Trump in the wake of the 2020 election, starting with the fake elector plot and culminating in January 6th. And Scott Alexander's take is that the liberals (HE IS INVENTING A FICTIONAL ENTITY HERE) are inventing a fictional entity around it and hallucinating its racism and fascism. (To put it in idiot SFBA Rationalist Cult terms, his priors are 'trapped.')

Trump is an "ontological threat against Democracy"

And if you don't understand this, there is in fact a very basic political intelligence test which you have failed. It's ok. The fascism fools people.

The fascism fools young men especially. Young men who feel persecuted by a society that doesn't care much for them. (And to be clear: society does not care for young men. It treats them as disposable, and always has.)

Scott Alexander took these young men and said: it's ok, the evil SJWs are evil and bad and we can create our own little space where we don't cancel people for their beliefs. Then he pulled the people with the worst beliefs on the planet into his space, and leftists were driven away by their racism and violence. This is what happened.

What they never seemed to understand is that you can in fact treat an egregore as an entity with beliefs and conditions provided you are careful to make distinct the voices. A mob of rioters that burn down their police station is in fact different from a mob of rioters instructed by a president who attack our Capitol.

Thus a vast wasteland of pseudointellectuals. Right now the King Pseud is Elon Musk, who is bewildered that other people find Trump morally repugnant. "Shouldn't we treat politics as an exercise in getting what we want?" thinks Musk. "All of these intelligent people in my circles are supporting Trump hoping for policy implementations," reasons Trace.

None of these people possess reasonable social skills. They're perpetually confused by politics, but worse? They think that's the problem of the people who can understand politics.

Which is why I'm here, where they can't cancel me.

**210 BC: The First Emperor of China dies

His plan was for a dynasty to last the millennia. His son was to be the next in line.

Instead, immediately after his death his preferred narrative is abandoned. His son was killed. Others ruled the throne through proxies.

1185 AD: Andronikos Komnenos

Andronikos oversaw a 'terror state' of reckless bloodshed against his political enemies in his paranoia. When he was finally killed,

At last he was led to the Hippodrome of Constantinople and hung by his feet between two pillars. Two Latin soldiers competed as to whose sword would penetrate his body more deeply, and he was, according to the representation of his death, torn apart; his remains were left unburied and were visible for several years afterwards.[18] He died on 12 September 1185.[19] At the news of the Emperor's death, his son and co-emperor, John, was murdered by his own troops in Thrace.

69 AD: The Year of Four Emperors

A bunch of delusional people swear loyalty to anyone who happens to be a leader. The temple of Jupiter burns.

If there's one thing I would do to Scott Alexander in person, it's slap him so hard he falls to the ground and then put my knee on his back and force his face into the mud and whisper into his ear: your shithead following believes in effective emperors. They believe in a Caesar. They believe in Augustus.

Force is the only way to get through to these people through their woke derangement syndrome.

But the problem of succession is so fricking huge that the one genuine accomplishment of our American system is the peaceful transition of power. This is what Trump threatened on January 6th and if you don't understand that you're a fricking idiot who should never have written about politics.

Trump is an "ontological threat against Democracy"

And Scott Alexander continues to fluff Trump in his mock political debate writing. Scott Alexander is thus a pseudo-fascist: one who propagandizes Trump as an effective politician.

Honestly I have to admire the irony: Scott Alexander doesn't understand why the left freaks out about the things Trump does. Scott assumes that explanations of Trump forcing their reaction are true, so Trump must be effective as a politician, because he produces a desired result through his speech.

Scott does not put these things together, that because the desired result of Trump's violent rhetoric is violence, this is what makes Trump dangerous, this is what makes leftists broadly correct.

Trump is an "ontological threat against Democracy"

There is nothing more to a narrative of state than the people following the story of its leader. The competing narrative of Trump as to the legitimacy of the 2020 Election makes Trump a dangerous instability to be reckoned with forcefully. By any means necessary, including slicing up the worldviews of people like TracingWoodgrains, Scott Alexander, and Elon Musk.

TracingWoodgrains continues to tell the story, bizarrely, of a man who might turn to serious policy.

Scott Alexander continues to tell the story, bizarrely, of a left that is producing 'out-of-context' quotes.

Musk is in a pathetic search for legitimacy on Twitter, getting told by other rich people of his mistake.

Thankfully, Biden has promised to 'finish the job' and I think we'll soon be rid of this old person boomer confusion. (Just because he's incompetent as a leader doesn't mean the movement around him isn't fascism.)


But I haven't forgotten the weakness of the pseudointellectuals whose Woke Derangement Syndrome prevented them from perceiving the authoritarian fascist movement which began in 2016. They still have a chance to correct their answer, before the history books close on them as collaborators with the insurgent traitor Trump.


Soon Impassionata can retire.

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>@TracingWoodgrains says something incredibly stupid

Well we all do sometimes. The trick is to forgive each other and try to learn to understand each other a little better every single day. Heck, if we all do that, the world will be a nicer, friendlier place.

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Good point. Unfortunately, :mariogoatse:

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Renaming x coloring issue :#tayshrug2:

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Helga noooo

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ChatGPT, summarize this post in bullet point form

Edit: here's what Copilot said:

Here are the key points from the original post:

  • Critique of Trump: The author argues that treating Trump as a politician with policies is misguided, viewing him instead as an authoritarian figure with a cult of personality.

  • Republican Party: The post criticizes the Republican Party for being sycophantic towards Trump and threatening civil war if they lose.

  • Scott Alexander: The author condemns Scott Alexander for inviting fascists and racists into his audience and failing to recognize the authoritarian nature of Trumpism.

  • Historical Parallels: The post draws comparisons between Trump's actions and historical examples of failed leadership and violent regimes.

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This same summary could be used for every post impa has written in the last 10 years lol

Current hyperfixation: https://i.rdrama.net/images/17146091388618665.webp

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This conveys 100% of the OP in 5% of the words

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Tldr? :#chudgrug:

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Post bussy to endorse/stop Trump :marseytwerking:

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dude bussy lmao

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This but unironically

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Eight years not days.

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Bardfinn postin'

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:siren:BARD BOT ALERT!:siren:Current streak was: 0 days 00 hours 53 minutes and 17 seconds

Record is 1 days 13 hours 09 minutes and 59 seconds by TheDunceonFlorist

newest bardfriend is Impassionata at 23:49 on 23-07-2024

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It's all so tiresome

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They should add a bullet point about how he lurches from topic to topic, often within the same paragraph, and sometimes within the same sentence, like a fricking schizo.

"Hey everyone, your favorite poster, Impassionata, here to call out Tracing Woodgrains. Did you know that this one time Scott Alexander banned me for calling one of his moderators a racist? TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP SCOTT ALEXANDER POLITICALLY ILLITERATE NAZIS lol gottem"

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Goated anime !zoomers

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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>trace: this person whose entire political career wouldn't exist without peter thiel seems to have views that closely align with thiel

>impassionata: actually, words are fascist violence and scott alexander is a nazi p-dophile necrophiliac

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>Trace bad, Impassionata good

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It's like two strag dads fighting. The victim is always the child :marseysad:

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Imp is the wikipedia jannie @TracingWoodgrains dunked on, isn't he?

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I'm starting to wonder. Imp is really, really hung up on Scott, even though Scott has little to nothing to do with The Motte anymore. Trace was never one of the Bay Area rationalist gang to begin with, and has his own place for the lefties to huddle together.

Points in favour of Passion being that guy: Obsessed with Scott, has now started dunking on Trace

Points against Passion being that guy: Has not yet told us about their wonderful polycule and their amazingly talented artistic partner who is so wonderful and talented

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No, the Wikipedia jannie is a better writer.

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Black lives matter

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Twump is an "ontwowwogicwl threat against Demwocwacy"

And if u dwon't understand this, there :marseycheerup: is in fact a wery basic :marseysymbol: pwowliticwl intewwigence test which u have failed. It's ok. The fascism :marseycatgirlhomofascist: fwoowls peopwe.

The fascism :marseycatgirlhomofascist: fwoowls ywoung men especiawwy. Ywoung men whwo feww persecuted :marseyjesus2: by a swociety that dwoesn't care much fwor them. (And two be clear: swociety dwoes nyot care fwor ywoung men. It tweats them as dispwosable, and always has.)

There, I picked out the part which applies two u.

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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oh no


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>hmm today I will type ontological as many times as I can :marseybigbrain:

but chuds are the pseudointellectuals :marseyeyeroll2:

frick i need to draw some bisexual nazi furry imagery rn

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I dont think carp is young tbh

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Trump isn't a legit threat to democracy because he's too r-slurred to be one

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swo ywour argument :marseystrawman: is that the perswon dwiving the vehicle :marseysteerchingchong: of the pwesidency didn't dwive it intwo the waww on purpwose, they just did it because they're nyot qualifwied? that's nyot reawwy better.

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My argument is that it hasn't hit the wall, and because of safeguards within the American constitution, the car is actually quite difficult to crash. A skilled driver is still best, but there are so many safeguards, you actually need to be intelligent to crash. American Democracy has lasted 250 years, do you actually think the orange r-slur can destroy it when much more brilliant minds have failed?

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bad stuff happens!

bad decisions get made!

peopwal set their own hwouses on fwire and die!

this is the rewl world!

it is nyot safe!

onye of the safeguards is nyot putting bad peopwal in pwower u fwucking idiot!

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onye of the safeguards is nyot putting bad peopwal in pwower

That's why it's layered. Trump isn't the first "bad person" in power, and he won't be the last.

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ok but he's runnying fwor offwice again and peopwal whwo think :marseyoscargamble: of themselves as 'serious' are suppworting him

u say he's a slur but he was actuawwy put in the dwiwer's seat of the car

and a wot of peopwal want two put him in the dwiwer's seat of the car again

swo I'm just saying, shwouldn't we nyot deliberatewy put a slur in the car? and u're like "dwon't worry, he's a slur, nyo onye wiww let him in the car" but he was JUST IN THE CAR??


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u're like "dwon't worry, he's a slur, nyo onye wiww let him in the car"

No, I'm saying the car is actually really fricking hard to crash.

I mean, he's been in the seat before, and the seat has survived blue r-slur Biden

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He is the first bad person in power with project 2025 planned

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It's twice as good

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Drump. Bad.

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Longpost phobia

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I couldnt remember the last time I saw the word neoreactionary but now I'm seeing it everywhere ala baader-jackoff phenomena including under JD vances wikipedia first and formost describing his political positions


During his time in the Senate, J. D. Vance has been described as a neoreactionary,[1] national conservative,[2][3] right-wing populist,[2][4] and as an ideological successor to paleoconservatives such as Pat Buchanan.[5][6] :marseyeyeroll:

Pat Buchanan

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17217833694639714.webp (WRONG)

But yea anway just fyi neoreactionary is not real word though you guys, anyone who disagrees with me is in fact, a neoreactionary

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Oh boy! Several left wing rags describe him as a neorectionary or right wing populist, clearly that means something. Great job wikipedia.

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He describes his own influences as including moldbug if the word has any meaning (and it does) it is aptly applied to him wtf are you guys on about? :marseythinkorino: @DWHITE___________DYNAMITE

@Corinthian love sucking peepee almost as much as trump sycophants tripping over themselves too apologize for any and everything.

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wtf are you guys on about?

idk I just don't like all these bigly words when fewer words work gooder

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:marseycheerup: relatable but vance genuinely is one of a small growing handful of influential nrx politicians. I did a deep dive the other week trying to figure out why a "conservative" "catholic convert" would flip to suck off orange man immediately after axing the pro life plank (yes I am a seething religious rightoid)

https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/23373795/curtis-yarvin-neoreaction-redpill-moldbug vox i know but whatever it's the first google result and my knowledge of yarvin is mostly secondhand from a tech nerd buddy i get sushi with while living stateside

To Yarvin, incremental reforms and half-measures are necessarily doomed. The only way to achieve what he wants is to assume "absolute power," and the game is all about getting to a place where you can pull that off.

@MarseySaw apologize to @Impassionata he's actually correct in this instance i love sucking peepee

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Seriously I'm supposed to accept that we're in a recession, yet here everyone is using those fancy $10 words

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Where does Vance say he likes Moldbug? Honestly that's the only concerning thing I've heard about him so far.

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In September 2021, J.D. Vance, a GOP candidate for Senate in Ohio, appeared on a conservative podcast to discuss what is to be done with the United States, and his proposals were dramatic. He urged Donald Trump, should he win another term, to "seize the institutions of the left," fire "every single midlevel bureaucrat" in the US government, "replace them with our people," and defy the Supreme Court if it tries to stop him.

To the uninitiated, all that might seem stunning. But Vance acknowledged he had an intellectual inspiration. "So there's this guy, Curtis Yarvin, who has written about some of these things..."

on jack murphy's podcast, from the top of the article... also worth noting that he's a thielbux guy and thiel has been in bed with moldbug for a very long time now

@Corinthian love sucking peepee less than these people

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Interesting. Thanks for linking the primary source. This seems to be the only real evidence — searching Google for "JD Vance Curtis Yarvin" turns up endless liberal citogenesis. I'll have to track down that podcast.

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pat buchanan is based

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Don't be hate on Trace because his wordswordswords :marseylongpost: are WAY more popular than yours here, sweaty.

Envy doesn't become you :@impassionatapat:

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I definitely want the responsibility of 100,000 twitter followers. That's something I want.

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I know really. It's a hard enough burden for me just to deal with having half of the knowyourmeme.com page about Marsey the cat being all about how important I am. I struggle with it constantly.


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Go back to Reddit

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I didn't read any of this, but he's right and you are wrong just as a default stance.

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I don't need to respond to you anymore beyond :marseynietzscheretard: pasting this: https://rdrama.net/post/285048/trump-forced-all-of-the-gop/6713401#context

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Black lives matter

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obvious :marseyoctopus2: coned :marseybacktoohio: alt

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Black lives matter

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* mutters, under :marseyhandsup: my bweath * swo the hex cwontinyues in him... fascinyating.

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unda youw bweath?

black lives matter

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Woah, dunking on chuds is one thing but dunking on !furries is TOO far

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Ontological homophobe @Impassionata

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Bruh you should move to literally anywhere else if you want to talk about "violent rhetoric" or political violence in general. As r-slurred as !chuds are nobody actually wants a civil war.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Then they shouldn't support Trump :marseychuddance: after January :marseytrumpwereback: 6th, or make excuses for him.

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Not the heckin insurrection :marseysoyhype:

Let's just memory hole all the commie sperg outs across the nation in 2020 - how many cities did the chuds set on fire? :marseyflamewar:

And yet, the tranarchists :marseylibleft: don't want to jeopardize their gibs so they don't want a civil war either. :marseyneet:

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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read the OP dude

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how many cities did the chuds set on fire?

Not enough tbh

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an undocumented walking tour

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nobody actually wants a civil war.

This guy does


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Is that the "it could happen here" cute twink? Like the first half of that was pretty solid and then I realized he was wingcucked to heck and back.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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He sounds like he would love an excuse to execute chuds—a term he unironically uses :marseysmug2:

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Literally who?

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A literal cuck who jerks off to the thought of another US civil war


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No homo, but I would jerk off to video of him getting [REDACTED] by [REDACTED] [REDACTED]s of the [REDACTED] Islamic [REDACTED]. :marseysmug2:

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This is a !bluelivesmatter website


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I do, but not for political reasons. :marseyflamewar:

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People dying is generally a bad thing.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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My enemies aren't people tho

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:#soyjakfattalking: :#marseywingcucktalking:

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do you think leafland will take him

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Democracy doesn't exist and it's embarrassing for you to keep pretending that you buy into the line instead of just admitting that you're a regime loyalist. If there's actually this thing called 'The Will of the People,' then why isn't it asserting itself and tanking Drumpf's poll numbers? Why is it that The Fight Against Fascism has to be waged by judges and lawyers from Harvard and Yale? Weird. I'm guessing the on-demand answer has something to do with 'manufactured consent,' but unless you're advocating for no media whatsoever it seems like an intractable problem that most people are too dumb or too lazy to Get Informed without tuning into cnn. But if you have a vision of some kind of proletarian revolution that will wipe away these apparent realities I'm interested in the specifics.

... because if you don't and what you really mean by 'Democracy' is just 'democrats and neocons winning elections' then we're not interested in hearing this shrieking and wailing about the end of Bush-era conservatism. You claim that we should support USG because it promises a peaceful transition of power and stability. That's fine. It's also a feature offered almost by every oligarchy that has ever existed in history - and not a very salient feature of democracy. So why not just be honest and say that you support stable oligarchy instead of mouthing this political formula about how you support the king because he's appointed by God? (If you're really going to argue this point, recall the difference between Obama's foreign policy positions while he was campaigning versus after he became president, and try accounting for it by anything other than the State Department sitting him down and saying Now listen here, boy.)

That would also make it easier for you to come to terms with our positions, which is that oligarchy is natural and fine, but that this one is getting a lot worse at its job over time - and someone should probably do something about it before the levee breaks. Is it just the 'racism' that's preventing you from making this leap? We're very accommodating to apostates - we have Trace of all people in our orbit, after all.

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If there's actually :marseynerd3: this thing called 'The Will of the People,' then why isn't it asserting itself and tanking Drumpf's poll numbers?

Hahahahahahahahahahahaha the big headline is "Trump down in polls"

it promises a peaceful :marseybeanrelieved: transition :marseypassftm: of power :marseyzeldaganon: and stability. That's fine. It's also a feature offered almost by every oligarchy that has ever existed in history :marseyww1russian1: - and not a very salient feature of democracy.

This is not only not true, it's stupid how not true it is. Look up all the wars of succession on Wikipedia of European :marseybacktoeurope: monarchies. The peaceful :marseyselfimmolation: transition :marseypassftm: of power :marseyreactor: of our society :marseymisssize: is a huge improvement over monarchy and the frickers that want to go back to a monarchy should :marseynorm: be punched.

If you're really :marseythinkorino2: going :marseysal3: to argue this point, recall the difference :marseypamsame: between :marseyzeldalinkpast: Obama's foreign policy positions while he was campaigning versus after he became president

The transition :marseypassftm: period :marseytampon: to actually :marseynerd3: making those decisions is an adjustment for every president.

someone should :marseynorm: probably do something :marseysmugface: about it before :marseyskellington: the levee breaks.

I can't hear you over how old and spewing your boomer :marseygrilling2: is.

You just look like frickers who want to tear down the system :marseymars: while displaying none of the intelligence :marseysnappyenraged2: and forethought of successful people. You can't be taken seriously :marseybruh2: while behind :marseynotes2: Trump. Your ideas have been thoroughly discredited and you should :marseynorm: shut up or at least have the decency to notice :marseykishibemakima: that Trump :marseyliberty2: is costing you more than he gained you, and so many of his constituents died of Coronavirus :marseyvaxmaxx: that it affected the results of the election because he engaged in misinformation :marseydeception: about the pandemic.

Your boomer :marseydoubtit: is misinformation. You failed. You're useless and your choice :marseydarkspez: of leader :marseyputin: makes it unnecessary to 'come to terms' with your positions.

The only position you seem to have is 'boomer good.'

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Gonna have to need to unpack this 'boomer' memeplex, because in virtually any analysis, a 'boomer' mindest would be characterized by pearl-clutching over Muh Constitution and Muh Flag. Is that really you see me when I call the constitution fake and straight? :marseyunamused: Also gonna have to dock you marks for assuming that I'm a Blump fanboy when I literally just called American democracy fake and straight - why would I support any 'candidate' when I'm wise to the kayfabe? And then you go on and try to excoriate me for discredited beliefs when the 'Cathedral' just dethroned a political candidate? I think you might have to retake this course. And call me a politically uninformed moron despite not knowing the difference between oligarchy and monarchy? - read some Aristotle, bro.

>The transition :marseypassftm: period :marseytampon: to actually :marseynerd3: making those decisions is an adjustment for every president.

A very cogent euphemism for buck breaking. Were you a West Wing fanboy when you were a teenager? Time for good taste in political television.

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swo u're onye of thwose jaded nyihilist types whwo onwy 'iwonyicawwy' suppworted Twump, onwy 'iwonyicawwy' enjwoyed the Twump Mwemes, and is swo terminyawwy iwony pwoiswonyed that u stwopped believing that pwowlitics mattered? u're the chump here.

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No. I believe in dissolving and replacing the US government with a competent authority that can govern efficiently. That would likely have to have autocratic characteristics in order to suppress factionalism (as was required in Rome and France). Ideally, it would allow complete freedom of association for subjects to self-select into homogeneous high-trust communities, maintain public order, and promote public virtue. I enjoyed Trump memes in 2016 because I had completely different political opinions. Didn't you?

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Imp is a narcissist. Every argument she has ever had online she has scored 100-0 in her favor.

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Yes. Easily the most ignorant poster on this site

Black lives matter

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You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

>@TracingWoodgrains wants to see the good in JD Vance


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That's a lot of words

Too bad I'm illiterate


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You forgot :marseym#ormon:

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He's also a furry and a scat fetishist--truly a terrible person just due to his perversions and lifestyle choices alone (voluntarily choosing to be a journ*list is disgusting!)

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Yeah but he's the best of the worse!

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wtf where did the scat reveal come from? Explain in a sfw manner

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One of Trace's furstrag friends made repeated mentions of Trace being into scat and diapers (like pamperchu sort of) in a chat and Trace acknowledged/didn't contest it. It's basically an open secret at this point. Another poweruser here who has a scat fetish is Klenny. Dramatards are so gross sometimes :marseypuke:

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Ugh the diaper shit is a code word for p-do what the frick

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So true

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@TracingWoodgrains why do you write like this! It's like you take the longest possible route to make literally any point and I'm beginning to think it must be deliberate bait

A reddit comment is not a Substack post and a Substack post is not a truck manual, and a Graf can establish a point of view without fingering the bowels of Mr James Joyce

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it was a tweet

then it did well so I put it on Substack

then the New York Times responded to it

it's quick, it's easy, and it's free. who am I to deny the People what they want

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and nyow ywour stupidity is captured by the NYT... fworewer

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that's right

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You're so based

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NYT will respond to a dog playing the piano, meaningless

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Reminder that Blockhead Joe Bernstein works for the NYT

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Who x https://i.rdrama.net/images/1706424927100577.webp

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>Remember (for those who haven't been paying attention), after all the fascism was invited into Scott Alexander's culture war threads in 2016-2020, they turned so violent that Trace created /r/theschism.


>Scott Alexander's culture war threads ... turned so violent

:marseylaughpoundfist: :marseylaughwith: :mjlol:

lmao bro a bunch of neurodivergents throwing walls of :marseylongpost: is not "violence", people might actually pay attention to you if you wrote smaller walls of text and didn't lead with r-slurred shit like that

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>woke derangement syndrome

DEI > meritocracy, drag queen story hour and Saint George Floyd are all demonstrably real actions and memes hold by the woke. It's not "derangement syndrome" to be puzzled and appalled by these things

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It's not happening but if it is that's a good thing.

They have a few circular arguments, most of which involve mocking you for not believing them over your lying eyes.

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Wow that's cool, but why'd you have to one-up him?

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I will see Scott :marseycatbert2: Alexander retract "You Are Still Calling Wolf" or I will bury him as a pseudointellectual who was responsible for his cult's poor understanding of politics :marseybribe: in an era where :marseydrama: they, per their stated aims, desperately needed to be effective in politics. Their defective cult deserves to be exposed as the smug superiority complex resulting in ineptitude and idiocy which it has displayed this entire time.

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Current hyperfixation: https://i.rdrama.net/images/17146091388618665.webp

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Ughhh. No one even cares about that guy... move on bro you are stuck in 2016 nothingland

Your ignorance makes @PeepeeButtKiss sick

Black lives matter

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