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:siren: PIZZASHILL VOICE REVEAL :siren: This guy

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:#soyjaktantrumfast: !metashit !friendsofpizzashill

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>he thinks this is actually the original pizzashill and not a larp


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You have a cute twink keyboard


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cute twink with a keyboard, cute twink with a keyboard - carp

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Skinnyfat wagie with a gay keyboard. Skinnyfat wagie with a gay keyboard.

:#foiddance: :#foiddance2: :#foiddance3:

!friendsofpizzashill !commenters write the next verse

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expired meats and a case of gout

expired meats and a case of gout

:impi#shchud: :impi#shchud:

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mega man titties and a slob. mega man titties and a slob.

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SHITTY 1/1 AND NO CAR. SHITTY 1/1 AND NO CAR. :carpletsfuckinggo:

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Oh heck yes


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donkey kong :donkeykongdance: and a bimothy :marseyitsbimothy2:

donkey kong :donkeykongdance: and a bimothy :marseyitsbimothy2:

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Keep yourself safe

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it bothers me that my keyboard does this too when not logged into windows. but I have it set to @Fabrico's teal when logged in

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Check out for a nice list of great colors.

What keyboard do you have? It might be compatible with OpenRGB (

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u 2 need to have s*x together.

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!friendsofpizzashill !grillers this changes things in my Pizzashill fanfiction :#petertoilet:

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How long have you been daydrinking? It isn't daytime where :marseydrama: you are.

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it's 5pm? been drinking for like 3 hours.

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Oh. Does drinking :marseysipping: during the day make you feel brave against @TheGrillcast

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Am I supposed to take him seriously?

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Yes. He's your mortal enemy. You must find and eliminate him

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He is a pretty :marseyroan: cool guy. Did you know he is a fisherman?

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I used to go deep sea fishing every day, even in storms. I'm not that impressed.

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Fishing :marseysrdine: during storms can dangerous. What were you fishing :marseysrdine: for?

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never anything in specific, though we did go fishing for tuna once turning a storm and one got ripped in half before we got it to the boat.

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that neva happened

Black lives matter

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Catfish on tinder :marseyexcited:

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I've also been day drinking. Started at 5pm just like you and now it's 3:30am. So ~10hours.

What did you drink? I drank some Kirschwasser and now am following it up with some Gin/soda mix. Judging from the bottle it's been .5l of gin.

Cherries jubilee will happen soon with the rest of the Kirschwasser

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I don't have audio, what is this

Edit: I turned audio on. Very dramatic callout post, bravo :marseyclapping:

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Pizzachad is giving us a play by play on his daily feet care regimen :marseyflirt:

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Lather in 10 oz of my saliva daily :marseyslurpfast: @pizzashill

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You gotta turn sound mode on.

@Aevann help a neighbor out.

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a video.

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You're not having s*x with Pojam anymore, you're a broken man

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buddy I have foids leaving cookies on my doorstep and asking to come watch tv with me. I'm up to 2 different foids now.

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buddy I have foids leaving cookies on my doorstep

They are called Grandmas

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I bet Portland has some grandmas in their mid 20s

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A Mexican would be a great grandmother by then !andale

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Born in the mid 1920s? Darn those bitches are old

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keep yourself safe you god darn rapscallion.

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foids leaving cookies

Embarrassingly white. And not white as in a true Aryan giving you gaz. :marseydisagree:

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Whats this you bald cute twink?

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A Tupperware you placed on the floor in which you usually pack your lunch?

Also, not bald, lmbo.

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right, not bald, not even slightly bald.

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Not at all, I am going grey though. Probably all the stress.

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Shut up you fat r-slur.

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asking to come watch tv with me.


That's a very :marseytrain: thing to do, be safe out there pizza

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fat, poverty-wage-

Friendly fire will not be tolerated!

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I''ve actually lost 15 pounds and am well above poverty but ok

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lost 15 pounds

You cut your big toe off or something? :marseykekw:

am well above poverty

Sure buddy. Keep eating 90% fat meat from dollar tree and I'm sure you'll live long enough to cash in and enjoy the nvd stoinks.

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i eat chicken and angus beef mainly.

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And over boiled vegetables

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they're steamed, actually.

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They're frozen and microwaved, actually.

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actually they are frozen, but I steam them with a gadget I have and my wok.

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Imagine needing a gadget to steam vegetables.

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You manage to overboil steamed vegetables.

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I dont think theyre overcooked, they taste fine.

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well above poverty but ok

As he posts from a room that looks like it's in Bardfin's house :marseywitch2:

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i'm a single adult male, why exactly do you people think I should live in a foid den?

I'm doing better than the men going their own way, I'll tell you that.

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:siren:BARD BOT ALERT!:siren:Current streak was: 0 days 00 hours 14 minutes and 47 seconds

Record is 1 days 13 hours 09 minutes and 59 seconds by TheDunceonFlorist

We've got Bardy fever! today we have mentioned our favorite mod 6 more times than usual!

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Darn you cooked him frfr

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neighbor is too fat to cook

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did he just start that pig by ticking his balls

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You guys should arrange a fight at the nearest fred meyers parking lot that neither of you would be recognized at (almost impossible)

:!marseypunching#: :marseypunching#:

May Marsey Ta'aevann rectify our affairs. Marseummarhamna bil Bussy 'azeem. :marseyakbar:

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he's too tall to fight them it would look bad no matter what! if he wins it looks bad because he already mogs them, if he losses, he looks worse because well he already mogs them

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PizzaCast when? You don't even to have guests, just do a rambling monologue like Bill Burr.


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Go off king, this is the kind of shit this site needs more of

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Grill is 2nd toughest person on this site, you can't talk to him like that

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I like your LGBTQ+ keyboard.

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Wow, a pizza post I can agree with. @TheGrillcast you're fat and poor and nobody watches your shitty videos.

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:#marseysmughips: @TheGrillcast I enjoyed the interview with Moon.

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Wow, one viewer, very impressive. :marseyclapping:

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The one with the Guycry tweaker was great.

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You're one of those guys that posts a lot, yet somehow never has anything interesting or valuable to contribute. The grillitia is strong!

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Anything I say is more interesting than the videos you make.

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Go back to your groomercord server

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Your voice is so nasally

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I have covid, chud.

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I didn't realize non-elderly people still got COVID. Feel better!

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I remember that one time he posted a video of him trolling a voicechat with Merarry or whatever that dutch reddit mod's name is, and it turned out Grillcast actually had the most obnoxious voice of them all among a pool of like, 12 different redditors.

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thought you were going to open up the bank account tab to dunk on him

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So you're not going to make an appearance on the podcast? :marseyconcerned:

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You should work the polls pizzashill

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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I made the banner in your video! I'm famous!

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BIPOC sounds almost exactly like null it's uncanny

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Holy shit you have a really, really gay voice. It sounds like you take SSRIs by the handful!

>Durr I have no interest in fighting you :soycry:

Of course you don't, because you know you'd get bodied.

>Why is he even going after me, I don't get it :marseysoycry:

Because you're a cute twink and I enjoy telling you as much

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didn't you already lose a fight to someone from r drama lol

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