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:marseychadfoid: New "It's ma'am" just dropped :marseyliathomas:


This hoe just de:marseytrain2:ed mid rant. :marseydisagree:

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!transphobes :marseyxd: they're so pathetic




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I looked better than you and you couldn't handle it


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said with total conviction and complete delusion


absolute insanity lol

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This is the dude who posts on reddit that he looks better than cis girls and wants to ban racist nazis from the internet.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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>I'm not racist :marseyxd:

>but you should go back to the hood :marseylaugh:

>where they know how to treat transwomen :marseyemojirofl:

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The cheap nylon dress

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She sounded white for the first couple seconds then the "you was going" coincided with arm entering frame :#marseypopcorn:


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She sounds cute :marseyshy3:

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:siren: Black fever alert :siren:

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I'm not American what's up with the American Negro not understand their own language

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Neighbor, do you have :#autism:?

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No :marse#y:

Now answer my question

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Becauase language is fluid and not stagnent.

Because people of different communities develop different dialects.


Do you think it's weird us Burgers don't all sound British?


Do you think it's weird that English people speak differently from one another depending on region, ethnicity and socioecononic status?


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there is dialect, there is slang, but being grammatically wrong is neither of those

or is your "stagnent" just dialect too?

@BWC ping r-slurs please, I think one of you got lost

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!r-slurs this is my language and dialect:

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Neighbor called for backup :#marseylaughpoundfist:

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Holy frick it just keeps getting worse

It goes on forever

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>I check the time

Two more minutes :#marseyexcitedgif:

>Another minute :marseypass:es


>Final minute goes by, video ends before cop interaction.


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More effort than your average :marseytrain:. Still ugly though and sounds like a man. Then he went off the deepend and it really got funny. "Risk my life getting ready in the morning every day" LOL you are by far the safest in America.

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you should go back to the hood

dammmn lol went racist right away. Always the virtue signalers are the most racist.

But then black lady said "I have trans friends" bahahahahaha

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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you are racist

I have black friends


you are transphobic

I have trans friends


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But then black lady said "I have trans friends"

Irony done well :marseythumbsup:

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>go back to the hood

>I'm not a racist, in case you are like, racist transwoman attacks me


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Dramalocated to 9th St. / 3rd Ave. Manhattan, notably one of the places on the East Coast least likely to care about irregular usage of genders

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Rethuglican false flag, no cap. Only they say liberal.

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You are fatphobic

Clearly a woman posting Ls

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Hello J.K Rowling, I want to play a game.

The transphobic propaganda you've spewed has tormented the vulnerable, ruined lives, and enabled countless acts of hateful violence. And yet you continue to live in wealth and comfort, and the public can't seem to truly hate you because of the legacy of your writings.

I will now rob you of all the comforts you have used to shield yourself from the repercussions of your hate, and ensure that your devotees and the public at large never have any fond memories of you ever again.

I have stripped you naked and plugged you in with IVs of testosterone. Little by little, the dosage will increase until you suffer a lethal overdose, and till then, you will face the same hormonal dysphoria you so callously dismiss when mocking the struggles of the trans community.

To save yourself, you must forsake the very legacy that has protected you. In front of you are ten holes, for each finger you have. You must insert your fingers to be severed, each one representing the legacy that will be destroyed today. Seven Harry Potter novels, that Casual Vacancy book no one remembers, your crappy Robert Galbraith titles, and finally, Hogwarts Legacy. All their posters shall be burned in full view of the public for each finger you lose, and only when you lose them all can you walk away with your life.

So will you stubbornly cling to your hate, even with the painful demise that awaits you? Or will you renounce your legacy for the chance to live another day? Live or die, Ms Rowling. The choice is yours.



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