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As Kris Tyson's drama escalates, some people start noooticing the hypocrisy of e-celebs who had "different energy" when addressing Dr. Disrespect situation.

Pokimane and Valkyrae are under fire and are ratio'd pretty hard for walking on eggshells around Kris. Twitter users are NOT happy.


They posted at the exact same time to kiss up to transvestites and refused to disavow Kris, but they went completely scorched earth on Doc on 𝕏 and on stream.


I want everyone to keep the same energy with Kris Tyson as they did with Dr Disrespect

Hasan chips in.


HasanAbi refuses to speak about Kris Tyson sending inappropriate messages to a minor

And as always: e-celeb is outed as being a groomer. Trans community most affected.


Kris Tyson has been outed as a p-dophile. The fact that she then went and deleted everything off her acc js proves it was true. She js set back the trans community 1000+ years and now MrBeast is going to have to deal with the backlash too. Frick Kris Tyson.

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She js set back the trans community 1000+ years

The trans community gotta be chillin with the dinosaurs by know which how much they get set back all the time

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it's called a hyperbole :marseyindignant:

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Who's that?

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some Spanish chick I think

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One of those weird graphs that goes off to infinity in different directions

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Imagine every role model you put forward turning out to be a p-do.

Trains just can't win

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Babe wake up. New noticing just dropped

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man willing to go far enough from the norms of society to chop their own peepee off not expected to also be willing to go far enough from the norms of society to diddle whatever he is sexually attracted to irrespective of age.

:marseyconfused: :marseyconfused2:

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Nah only set back 3000 years til when demons influenced the earth and tempted jews to :marseytrain2: out and abort children (literally nothing has changed)

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Same thing every time this shit happens. Though I'm glad it's actually getting called out.

  • White male groyper diddles kids, gets ran off the internet in less than 24H, zero advocacy. Unredeemable trash.

  • :marseytrain: involved? UHHH shit, we need to wait til more facts come out, man. Oh there's multiple accusations? Well, we just don't have enough info yet. Just wait and see.

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It's the bigotry of low expectations and ask snappy how the gays reproduce.

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It's because they don't want to get blacklisted from le hekin Mr Beast bibeos :marseysoyhype:

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I dont think he really does collabs

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Only wit starving African children!

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He's thinking about them ears.

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tastiest part of the boxer.

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He just did a massive collab with 50 yters including pokimane and a bunch kf other popular ones

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KF as a typo makes that sentence hit different

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/17218172166899693.webp :#marseyfortuneteller:

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TBF, it doesn't take much smarts to figure out a :marseytrain: is a weirdo :marseymanysuchcases: Does take some courage to post it to normie youtube in spite of the cancel mob tho :tiphat:

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The Farms has been archiving and cataloguing all of the pedophilic loli shit that Chris has been into for fricking YEARS, only now that normgroids pretend to be "HECKIN BRAND NEW REVELATIONS", because le Kiwiggers are literally Voldemort or something so they cannot be trusted, even though they just simply archive public information that the lolipedo:marseytrain2:s post themselves.


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If not all trains are p-dophiles and pedophilia has nothing to do with transsexuality then why are they so afraid of calling him out for it?

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because they are afraid of being cancelled. Their moral action goes as far as the claps of the people.

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You know I'm not gonna name names but a lot of people (prob zoomies) on rDrama defended this guy for being a p-do when he first :marseytrain2:ed out. Which is pretty funny tbh it just shows that even the most hateful bigot reddit rejects can't stop simping for r-slurred e-celebs.

Also :

and now MrBeast is going to have to deal with the backlash too.

Nooooo think of le heckin multimillionaire


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Mr based is actually good and cool despite the annoying videoes. He actually helps poors. I hope he uses this moment to find some new friends like whistlindiesel which would own

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Why do you exclusively watch youtube videos made for children?

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Arrested development

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I don't? Keep yourself safe

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You watch cop outrage videos and mr beast. Youre a child.

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Your father should have slit his own throat so his seed wouldn't have spread to create a bootlicking cute twink like you so please do the needful and rope

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That's the edgy comeback of a 12 year old.


Oh wow it's 92 and I'm being insulted by a 12 year old punk.

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Once again, keep yourself safe bootlicker

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Keep being mad. I'm glad your step dad hit you and your mom.

Picture of you


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I bet you put your hypercolor crewneck in the dryer and ruined it.


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I have no idea what a hypercolor crewneck is.

ha you wear the wrong brand of clothes

And again we have the insults of a 12 year old.

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He actually helps poors.

so he's not cool at all.

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Who n who?

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p-do :marseytrain: but i repeat myself

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Your bussy :marseythong:

This pole @grizzly

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Who? :#marseysmug:

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Jesus, one of Allahs greatest prophets :marseybinladen:

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THE greatest* :#tayflex:

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1. Guy whose "internet persona" was just being a butthole, turned out he was like that IRL too. Got caught :marseygroomer: and was piled on by internet personalities

2. Guy whose "internet persona" was a :marseytrain2:, turned out he was like that IRL too. Got caught :marseygroomergrooming: and the same internet personalities are refusing to pile on in the same way

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What inappropriate messages did he send?

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the type you'd send, yamate

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It's him? :marseyshook:

@Piedro hi Yamete. :marseywave2:

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take a look at his posts, it's all about his rich gf and talking about :marseyairquotes: petite :!marseyairquotes: women lol

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How long was he at it on reddit? Starting to think he's got a screw loose

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i'm not sure i didnt use /r/drama :marseyteehee:

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I remember this BIPOC from 2017

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Is he the p-do BIPOC that posts "petite anime women" comment in every ghost thread? :#taylaugh:

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i'm not sure because i dont see ghost threads but probably lol

he's the one that keeps posting about his rich asian gf and then eventually posts pics of :marseyairquotes: petite :!marseyairquotes: asians

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Yeah his p-do shtick goes way back :#boomermonster:

Neighbor got suspended so many times lol

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don't blame me, it was the only result for 'futa'

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1. what are you talking about?

2. i never sent any messages to any miners :marseyindignant: I even once dumped a Chinese online friend because i found out she's only 18 and i think that is inappropriate, she should try harder to be older :marseyagreestill:

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1. what are you talking about?


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probably wouldn't have happened if the two events were not so close together. People are still talking about the dr disrespect stuff so the discourse is fresh. It's easy to notice you ran off the idiot who talked to a 17 year old a couple of times while simultaneously sticking your head in the sand when the obvious AGP :marseytrain2: did what AGP :marseytrain2:s always do.

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talked to a 17 year old

We don't know the age of the girl Dr. Disrespects the Age of Consent talked to beyond that she's a minor. The "she was 17 years old" is just cope from Dr. Disrespects simps.

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How old were the children Xhe talked to?

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i've heard different things, the lowest being 10 years old.

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When it eventually hopes because it can't r*pe its newborn son anymore will Mr Based even do a tribute to his former "friend?"

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Every man should play online games with women who use Mics. I dare you. Especially anyone crying "NOT ALL MEN!" Or saying all the good ones are at home playing videogames. πŸ™„

Cis/het/male here, and I have recently been playing CoD off and on with a group that is mostly women and OH MY SCIENCE DO NONE OF YOU HAVE MOTHERS/DAUGHTERS/BASIC HUMAN DECENCY?

Holy shit. I knew it was bad. Just not how bad.

By no means am i saying I didn't believe women on this one, but im just fricking impressed in the worst goddarn way. The things dudes say to women when there is anonymity protecting them from being outted as vile pieces of shit is insane.

And it. Is. CONSTANT. Every round. If they aren't hitting on them in the most crude and aggressively cringey way, theyre threatening sexual assault. If they're not doing those, it's kitchen jokes, calling them fat, or making comments about their genitalia.

And yes yes... I know not all online communities are this bad. But CoD is one of the biggest online communities in the world and a very casual-friendly game in general and its fricking revealing about the average male g*mer that i cant get into a single lobby where my female friends DARE TALK and not get some chode incel making everything uncomfortable or downright hostile.

Guys, if we want women to actually want to play games with us, we have to make some fricking space for them. And it doesn't stop at just not participating. If you hear some bullshit, say something!

Do better, y'all. Gaming is for everyone.

Edit: when i said CoD is "casual friendly" i meant that it's a pick up and play game that anyone can figure out and play the kill slot machine. Not that the community is anything but rude.

Edit 2.0: to clarify once more, using "not all men" to emphasize that men are not a monolith and have a constructive conversation is not the same thing as screeching it to dismiss the experiences of many women and put yourself on some kind of pedestal for showing basic human decency to the opposite s*x.






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Lmao if you dont like he post petite anime woman then why is it allowed here lmao?? Ive had a few accounts blocked for calling anime posters p-dophiles.

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>W*men are kittys


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!petitelovers look what they did to our boy


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Who knew the ultimate get of jail free card is cutting off your peepee.

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lol as if. they wouldn't be able to jack off to loli if they did that.

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