Pizzashill be like

He started like this

But went like this

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All this nonsense with the dementia and the shootin got me paying attention to the news a little bit. The current narrative is that the trump campaign wasn't prepared for Kamala and is terrified of her.

You can tell which sites and orgs shill for the DNC because they're all pushing this specific thing even though it's kinda r-slurred.

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Pizza's not even original :marseylaughpoundfist:

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I don't get this narrative at ALL.

Initially, the Biden team goads Trump into a debate. "He won't do it!" :soyjakanimeglasses: "He's too scared!" :soysnooseethe: "He'll make excuses to back out of it!" :soyjakwow:

Trump's team agrees to everything Biden wants in the debate. The network, the time, the moderators, the questions, the rules, fricking everything.

The week afterward, Trump even goes so far as to have the audacity to survive an emergency muzzle moment of a nearby AR-15, looking even stronger emerging from it.

Now that Biden got his butt was kicked so hard in the polls he had to drop OUT OF THE RACE, the same copers are now saying "Trump is too scared to debate Kamala!" :soycry:

"He's totally panicking! He's crapping his pants!" :soysnootypefast:

Are you people REALLY this darn stupid? Do you actually have the memory span of a goldfish?

Is there any narrative you WON'T just blindly pick up on a whim and run a full marathon with??

!neolibs !nonchuds @pizzashill Explain yourselves, you fricking NPCs.

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well-sourced reports based on interviews with the heads of the Trump campaign (from before Biden quit, mind) suggested their whole strategy was built around running up the numbers against a weakened Joe Biden:

In the months that followed, Trump and his campaign would seize on Biden's every stumble, his every blank stare, to reinforce that observation, seeking to portray the incumbent as "stuttering, stammering, walking around, feeling his way like a blind man," as LaCivita put it to me. That was the plan. And it worked. Watching Biden's slide in the polls, and sitting on hundreds of millions of dollars for an advertising blitz that would punctuate the president's visible decrepitude, Trump's team entered the summer believing that a landslide awaited in the fall.

Only one thing could disrupt that plan: a change of candidates atop the Democratic ticket.

There was always a certain danger inherent to this assault on Biden's faculties. If Wiles and LaCivita were too successfulβ€”if too many Democrats decided, too quickly, that Biden was no longer capable of defeating Trump, much less serving another four years thereafterβ€”then they risked losing an ideal opponent against whom their every tactical maneuver had already been deliberated, poll-tested, and prepared. Campaigns are usually on guard against peaking too soon; in this case, the risk for Trump's team was Biden bottoming out too early.

In my conversations with LaCivita and Wiles over the past six months, they assured me multiple times that the campaign was planning for all contingencies, that they took quite seriously the possibility of a substitution and would be ready if Biden forfeited the nomination.

By mid-June, however, not long before the debate, their tone had changed. Trump was speaking at a Turning Point USA rally in Detroit and the three of us stood backstage, leaning against the wall of a dimly lit cargo bay, a pair of Secret Service vehicles idling nearby. When I asked about the prospect of Trump facing a different Democratic opponent in the fall, LaCivita and Wiles shook their heads. They told me it was too late; the most influential players in Democratic politics had become too invested in the narrative that Biden was fully competent and capable of serving another four years.

Trump himself even whined

So, we are forced to spend time and money on fighting Crooked Joe Biden, he polls badly after having a terrible debate, and quits the race. Now we have to start all over again. Shouldn't the Republican Party be reimbursed for fraud in that everybody around Joe, including his doctors and the Fake News Media, knew he was not capable of running for, or being, President? Just askin'?

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Of course Biden dropping out of the race would disrupt a plan that involved running against Biden. Real galaxy-brain logic we're using here. :marseybigbrain:

Up until two weeks ago, the dementard kept telling everyone in earshot he was still in the race!! But this brain-dead idea that the GOP has no idea how to adjust to Biden down mid-race is, quite frankly, foolish. The RNC just ended days ago, and Vance is already campaigning to put himself in the public eye every bit as much as Harris is; we all know who Trump is, but Vance still needs space to prove himself in the VP ticket spot. The debate will happen; both Trump's and the VP's, and it's childish to think otherwise, especially after the results of the last performance.

>So, we are forced to spend time and money on fighting Crooked Joe Biden, he polls badly after having a terrible debate, and quits the race. Now we have to start all over again. Shouldn't the Republican Party be reimbursed for fraud in that everybody around Joe, including his doctors and the Fake News Media, knew he was not capable of running for, or being, President? Just askin'?

It's the same base-baiting bluster you've come to expect from Trump since 2016.

Remember "LOCK HER UP"?

Remember "BUILD THE WALL"? (ok well at least he made SOME progress on that front)

It's a cute quip for Fox News, but how is this any different from libs crying about "muh convicted felon" when the real punishment is supposed to be a fine with 0 jail time?

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:marseyshrug: you can go read the original Tim Alberta piece or his recent follow up yourself.

For months, in talking with Wiles and LaCivita, I was struck by their concern about the potential of a dramatic switchβ€”Democratic leaders pushing out Biden in favor of a younger nominee. They told me that Trump's campaign was readying contingency plans and studying the weaknesses of would-be alternatives, beginning with Vice President Kamala Harris. By the time of the debate, however, they believed that Democrats' window had all but closed. Even in the immediate aftermathβ€”as Democratic officials openly called for Biden to quitβ€”Wiles and LaCivita were betting on the status quo. More than anything, Trump's allies believed that the president's stubborn Irish ego wouldn't let him back out of a fight with a man he despised.

It's interesting you bring up Vance because he's very much a "red meat for the MAGA base" type VP pick. He's not the one you choose to balance the ticket if you are trying to win over suburban women or old school moderate Republicans.

The fact that they went with him suggests strongly they felt like they had it in the bag.

Obviously yes they can and will try to retool to run against Harris, but the confused, doddering old man shoe is on the other foot now, and I'm not sure how they run away from that after spending 4 years banging that drum.

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>Obviously yes they can and will try to retool to run against Harris, but the confused, doddering old man shoe is on the other foot now

If Cheatle's assassination attempt never happened, and Butler PA was just another in a long line of Trump rallies, I'd believe you.

But as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. And the one made that day is going to be worth more than that in votes.


Side-by-side on the debate stage, I simply do not believe the sheltered VP Kamala has what it takes. Gabbard BURIED her last time, and Trump will do the same.

Time will tell who's right, I guess.

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I guess we'll see. I think you're right that he's still the favorite, and the polls reflect that, but DDR's always been a deranged stream-of-consciousness rambling grandpa - it was just less obvious when you put him next to Old Man River. In any decent debate where the moderators make half an attempt to keep the candidates on topic, he will lose because he can't hold a train of thought without going off about sharks or Venezuela or some shit. Also, if he tries to bully Kamala too hard he will look sexist talking over and insulting a woman. (double standards cut both ways)

It probably won't matter, though. Most Burgers don't care about debates and they've already decided if they like Trump because he's funny or makes people they dislike sneed. There's hardly any actual swing voters.

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You can't reason with these people.

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Now that Biden got his butt was kicked so hard in the polls he had to drop OUT OF THE RACE, the same copers are now saying "Trump is too scared to debate Kamala!" :soycry:

Then why does he not want to debate her

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He literally had a debate in the last 30 fricking days, how often do you want these?

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So you're admitting he's scared?

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"How come you don't want to go to the doctor?"

"I literally had an appointment a month ago."

"So you're saying you're scared of going to the doctor?"

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September 19th data and he's cancelling, wow he's so scared of Kamala it's hilarious

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You complain a lot. Daddy issues?

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He's paid by the DNC to shill here. He doesn't actually eat expired meat for a living. That's not even a thing.

No one was saying this before the DNC and CNN decided it was their narrative. The only news was that the Trump campaign hoped the nominee would be Biden but were already making plans to pivot to Kamala. Now they apparently had NO IDEA that this could happen even though any r-slur could have told you it was likely. I'm sure they're displeased that their opponent won't be pooping a diapey on stage, but just LMBO at the notion of anyone full on panicking over Kamala.

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