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EFFORTPOST Leftoid Callout Post: Impassionata

If there is one person who has done more to discredit leftism than @Impassionata, it's probably some reddit moderator.

But between Impassionata's wide-eyed histrionic projections that Trump was finished, their vicious attacks on hardworking Americans like @TracingWoodgrains, and their ill-considered repetitive longposts about fascism that no one reads, the state of leftism on the Internet these days can only be described as 'in shambles.'

The simple truth is that Impassionata and the other leftists who hiss and screech about Trump never gave Trump a chance.

Politics isn't about being liked. Politics is about getting what you want. People who support Trump or Vance are getting what they want out of the arrangement, and that, I think, is what makes leftists so angry about the situation.

Let's look at what Trump accomplished:

  • Got us out of Afghanistan, though Biden did his best to sabotage it,,probably on purpose.

  • Met with North Korea's leader in a genuine peace overture.

  • Put conservative justices on the Supreme Court.

  • Connected with Putin at a time we need to be diplomatic and thoughtful towards the Russian people.

  • Killed terrorists like Iran's minister of terrorism.

Let's look at what leftists talk about:

  • Trump firing Comey for investigating him, even though Trump is the president.

  • Trump's campaign connections with Russia, even though the Mueller Report indicated that they could not charge Trump with a crime

  • Trump's call with Ukraine pressuring them into fabricating lies about his political opponent, even though the subsequent impeachment did not lead to his conviction.

  • Trump crushing protests and touching a Bible. Sometimes state violence is called for. We must have order.

  • Trump's bombastic rhetoric. The leftists can't understand the concept of 'kayfabe,' to them everything Trump says is a real threat.

  • Trump's attempts to overturn the 2020 election. Though many people went to prison for the fake electors plot, Trump has been ruled to be immune to prosecution for it by the Supreme Court. This makes the left mad, but the law is the law: we must have order.

  • On January 6th, Trump and his crowd enjoyed their freedom of assembly in a mostly peaceful protest.

But let's look at what Trump says:

  • His sincere call for unity in the wake of the unjustified and egregious attempt on his life at the RNC touched many.

  • His calls for a peaceful day on January 6th.

  • When asked to condemn the various enthusiast groups who have some views that leftists find distasteful, Trump told them to 'stand back.'

The violence of leftists, however, always goes unacknowledged by these leftist types. We all know that leftists are little more than pack animals, striking at vulnerable targets, wielding social consensus against people in ways which harm people.

Leftists are and have always been the real authoritarians.

And Impassionata doesn't have the authority to make the rightoids listen to the leftist ideological confabulations, and that makes Impassionata, and the entire left, angry in their powerlessness.

When will these sad leftists understand that politicians are a means to an end? A means to good policy, implemented by clear-thinking, rational and considerate discussion?

Leftists will lose election after election until this lesson sinks in.

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