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Have you guys noticed foids stopped posting here?

Snally :marseysad:, Ted, Frozen, Penny, Intervention, HardIsLife :marseygravedance:.

What could have caused this? :marseythinkorino: Are foids on their way to extinction?

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The only big losses are Snally, Frozen and HardIsLife and Snally is still here and Frozen fixed her ailing old mind by overdosing on homemade bathtub SpecialK so she probably wouldn't be funny anymore if she were here.

You guys are all doomer pieces of shit, no offense.

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I have been coming here much less; the posts where people do line-by-line soyjack commentary on barely/non-dramatic posts got way too annoying. It's like an r-slurred adaptation of John Oliver lecture porn. I've always cycled in and out of /r/drama/rdrama, tho. :tayshrug:

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!metashit discuss

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Half agree. Posts where you're told how to feel about something via soyjack commentary are annoying, especially if it's wingcuck shit.

But otherwise it's often that good drama just isn't that common so dramatic commentary on something that might not actually be that entertaining is forgivable and better than just not posting anything at all.

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good drama just isn't that common

Wrong! Good drama is incredibly common, but instead of posting wingcucks dramatically freaking out about some mundane happening (like tr*ns did something), rdramatards post the mundane happening and freak out about it themselves.

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Trains doing anything is the height of internet drama

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people just want to watch trainwrecks

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>SRDine loves reddit

>SRD hates anything non-reddit


What a mystery.

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The fricking racists, furries, fembwoys and the fricking hwouseless dwon't want u two knyow this, but u would have a fricking wot mwore fun on this site if u jwoinyed Hwouse Vampire. !vampires


:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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>I have been coming here much less;


>the posts where people do line-by-line soyjack commentary on barely/non-dramatic posts got way too annoying.


>It's like an r-slurred adaptation of John Oliver lecture porn.


>I've always cycled in and out of /r/drama/rdrama, tho. :tayshrug:


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God you are SO FUNNY :marseylaugh: I'm saving this post

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What kind of posts do you like.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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the posts where people do line-by-line soyjack commentary on barely/non-dramatic posts got way too annoying

Hey :#marseymad:

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I just ignore threads that look like that and move onto the next, same with threads that are over a paragraph of continuous text :marseywords:

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nothing being said on the internet is worth more than like 5 sentences of my time, tops

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We have far too many nega-srdines that do the 'I want to argue with this bad evil man but muh anxiety won't let me :marseyshy2: :marseyshy2: :marseyshy2:"

I contribute nothing of value so I can't complain too much tbh

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Fight me

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No thanks I don't think I could handle the 30,000 word zebra posted screed that would follow.

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Another win for me


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Please come back and post obscure drama from time to time

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It's like an r-slurred adaptation of John Oliver lecture porn.

sad but true.

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like women have something to contribute

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>SRDine leaves for her motherland

>this is bad somehow


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Deux isn't SRD though? :marseyconfused:

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Sup bb?

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and Frozen fixed her ailing old mind by overdosing on homemade bathtub SpecialK

I thought she got some treatment where she goes to some drug center and gets high af for uh purely therapeutic reasons

I did like her posts though.

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>I thought she got some treatment where she goes to some drug center and gets high af for uh purely therapeutic reasons

You gotta read between the lines

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She needs to come back and teach me how to make bathtub special k

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@HardIsLife thinks you are all losers(she is right).




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All that b-word ever did was make boring blogposts

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Those are the best kind of post :#marseycry:

Come back @HardIsLife :#taypray:

Palestinian lives matter less

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!cuteandvalid should i restart my boring blogpost career?

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Yes and tag metashit everytime.


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No it's only good when women :marseysuffragette: do it :#marseyindignant:

Palestinian lives matter less

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Wasnt she the one cutter that posted nudes every where? Pretty sure she popped up as soon as Jewdank disappeared.

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Where are the nudes?


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No idea. I didnt save them, she had weird scars all over, thats not my thing.

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No clue what she looks like. She was a duex poster. I know she is Asian living in Russia working as a front end dev :marseygiggle:. You'd think that would be an interesting perspective for stories. Wrong.

Every once in a while she posts something funny. Usually it's about her inexistent love life and maybe she's asexual now and I'm already bored talking about her.

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Who is she even tweeting for? Does she have followers?

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The second one shows how inferior she feels about yt womyn :marseylaugh:

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"I don't want to be mistaken as mid" :marseyxd: must be worse than mid if you're so insecure bb

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She's posted facedox before and she's pretty

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Link? Prettier or uglier than ted

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Idr it was posted here a long time ago on a meme with pizzashill cause i guess the pic came from groomercord. I just remember thinking she was cute

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You haven't answered if she's prettier than Ted :marseysmughips:

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I legit don't remember what her face looks like other than being asian so i can't. I only saw the pic once and it was ages ago

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lol r-sluro over here hedging his bets in case teddy ever comes back to town

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She's Asian and talking about how other foids are mid?

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you are the r-slur for a reason

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Because i can't picture in my mind every face I've ever seen?

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no. because your username is literally that

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Oh yeah that too

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Absolute :marseyattentionseeker: behavior.

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Glad to see she's taken her irritating smug-posting that no one could be bothered to read to twitter, where it belongs.

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The minute I let someone like that dictate what I "should" do or think is the minute I put a 12 gauge in my mouth and pull the trigger with my toes

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Nobody was getting mad at his tweets here, we're fricking laughing at his mental break down.

Typical foid overexaggerating shit.

And of course she never contributing anything interesting on the site, she depends on the "mid men" to do everything for her.

Which makes her a lowtier foid.

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there was no mental breakdown, it was just you and your ilk getting really mad at him and him continuing to bait you lmao

also the mass number of people defending cancel culture because it was "your side" doing it (bit mask off there, eh?)

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Hardislife also kept posting stupid " sooooo i like this song :3 " nonsense that i couldn't unfollow


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No, I don't keep track of - or care about - who might be a woman on rDrama.net

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When I first joined I thought that the list of holes was a list of all the female posters :marseyemojirofl:

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Well they won't stop talking about it until they are gone.

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This but unironically. Foids can go the way of the wooly mammoth.

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:#realisticelephantgenocide: :#marseyfluffygenocide: :#marseytradgenocide:

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There are a lot of secret foids here, I try not to disturb them unless I'm sending them peepee pics.

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I'm one of them. I used to be a man but now in 2024 you are a woman if you enjoy fashion and drinking daiquiris

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this is 100% real and true. most real women who wanted to be a part of moid centric online spaces learned how to blend in their first few years of using the internet.

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It's still surprisingly easy to bait them out though. All you gotta do is make a post about how they do xyz thing and they all come crawling out of the woodwork to disagree with you

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All you incels chased them away

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Total victory.

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We'll chase away the normie men next.

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Foids are fricking over, now is the fricking era of MEN


:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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I think it's mostly just the natural progression of a forum user. It's fun until you get bored of it and then you stop doing the thing. There are probably a bunch of other foid members joined since but just no one's uncovered their femaleness yet and given them a shitload of attention for it in typical internet community style.

I do think we need more female members in general though. They find much more entertaining drama than the average moid does who just tends to seethe about :!marseytrain:s or wingcuck shit all day.

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