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Get banned Speedrun. Making fun of Hitler for murdering whites is a big no no

White fragility, this was my post on CP

Germphobia is a heckin war crime. We're the most efficient degenerate destroyer(whites and lesser whites)


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I got banned for “advocating cute twinkry” even though I haven’t posted about gays at all and I was just genuinely engaging them.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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Modern Jews are not the same Jews [blah blah blah]

What? They're all Jews, through and through. You say some words, the rabbi rubber stamps your forehead, and *poof* you're a Jew.

Technically, the consoomer is right in that the people of today aren't exactly the people of 2000 years ago, but then you'd get uncomfortable implications for the Race Supremacists. "We wuz Romans!! [Actually White] Greeks invented philosophy and the arts, etc., and we are totally not modern day Amerimutts! Aryans are real! I'm so Aryan, bro!"

For real, modern day Moroccans have Vandal blood running through them. We're all mutts, especially the Chinese because FRICK CHINA! TAIWAN NUMBA WON!!!!

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Downvoted for the lies at the end.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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Downvoted because deep down inside you are a stragg0t.


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https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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Who knew being a proud Germ could get you booted lol. Apparently I'll never be a real woman in addition to being a BIPOC jewish chad, so I guess it's time to 41% :marseydead:

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shlomo, BIPOC jewish chad,

Why do they think these are good insults? It makes them look like schizos.

go suck more baby peepees

If it wasn't for poltards, I would have never known about white supremacists' obsession with orthodox rabbis circumcising babies with their teeth.

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I guess they think I actually am a trans black jew and that they're getting me where it hurts lmao

It makes them look like schizos.

They unironically are

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What's a "donny dong," DonGER?

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I named my self DonnyDongConsumer :marseyxd:

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remember when ban whining wasn’t funny

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Especially from an internet asylum like consoooomproduct. Post something as benign as "Jews are pretty cool" and you'll be banned.

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That's why we have the Paradox of Intolerance

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PSA:We aren’t ringing the alarm hard enough about the United States. Trump isn’t gone, a third of the country are literal fascists who had immense political power and trump isn’t going anywhere. He’s faced practically no repercussions from the coup attempt. Trump planned out that entire event and was planning on deploying the military to kill protesters. Literally none of what I’m saying is an exaggeration. Yet people, even leftists asre falling for the idea that we should now ignore trump. Liberals never have been and never will be adequate fighters of fascism. If they were they wouldn’t be capitalists because they’d know that’s what produces it. It’s almost solely on leftists such as us to do something about this. No matter how oppressed we are as individuals the line is always pushed back eventually by leftists and nobody else. Take care of yourselves and do some activism.

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