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The villains now in comic books and movies draw the line at bigotry and transphobia. Redditors: :marseysoylentgrin: :marseysoylentgrin: :soysnoo: :soysnoo: :bigsmilesoyjak: :soysnoo:


https://i.rdrama.net/images/17220286734004517.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17220286736081822.webp

One of the stupidest vibe ruining tropes ever lmao. "Hmm it's been like 17 minutes since I used my story to virtue signal about current culture war... Oh I know! I'll have the bad guy do it this time!" Like, literally replacing the whole page with a "sonic sez" would be better lol

Having fun on the wrong side of history there bud?

Villains typically have respect for everything but the actual life of people or they don't genuinely care. Bigotry isn't evil it's an ideology.


I honestly find it funnier when a fanbase is somehow disappointed with a villain for being racist/sexist. Like, when Freddy Krueger's about to kill a black girl and says a racist one liner first, people were like wtf. As if Freddy fricking Krueger is some kind of role model lmao

Oh, or the recent Halloween movie where people were upset that Michael Myers killed a gay couple. Like, obviously? He's an indescriminate serial killer, what did you expect?


Honestly joker hating Nazis makes tons of sense, he's all about chaos and they're a dictatorship.

That might be the most reddit thing I've read.

the imperium of man in warhammer 40k, famously murders people for heresy and being mutants (which often is just humans who adapted to other planets), is incredibly accepting of trans and gay people. in one book (pariah nexus i think? i don't remember) the practice of "tactical pansexuality" is discussed

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Sure I may enjoy force choking my employees, killing children, and even blowing up planets with millions of inhabitants but I'd never call someone the N word.

- :marseyvader:

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Is that white george floyd?

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:#marseyxd: this meme was made back in like 2017, way before the whole Floyd thing, very coincidental!

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David Floydstein

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It's because modern consoomers are subject to a lifetime of programming that racism/homophobia/transphobia/etc etc are literally worse than murder.

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new villain idea: Cracker Whacker

trans nonbinary disabled black woman that only murders cis white men

You can have that one for free Marvel

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Doesn't sound like a villain to me

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he is also transphobic to trans kids

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reddit would throw the biggest fits ever if that was a thing because :quote: villain :quote:

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pitching to marvel a 24 episode direct to streaming tv series where brave heroes investigate the exact proportion of various minority groups killed by thanos to determine if he was prejudiced

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>killing half of the universe chosen at random

:soyjakanimeglasses: wow what a compelling tragic villain, you know he had a point right? Overpopulation is a serious issue and had he not done what he did there might have been even more death and destruction, the ends very much justify the means in this case

>killing half of the universe based on skin colour, IQ, gender, sexual orientation etc.

:soycry: Nooooooooo!

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The Joker Red Skull panel was from a comic in 1997 and wasn't as PUNCH A NAZI DRUMPF context then. Was a pretty good bit then, that got redditors really hard in 2015.

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Yea that one is pretty entertaining. And him turning on allies for the smallest of reasons is within his character anyway.

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It's not because nazis are bad it's because nazis are german

The punchline is racism

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!comishitters I am very unaware of the official Marvel and DC crossovers, was this Joker vs. Red Skull one from an official comic or no?, and is there a list of all of the official Marvel vs. DC crossovers?

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ive seen it with Red skull's speech bubbles cropped off before and him considering joker prime nazi material makes it even funnier:marseyxd:

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Never forget the original


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>Next week: Dr Doom builds a death ray that is going to destroy the entirety of New York

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Le doom ray, I'm building it to make... le doom???

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Doom stole all the pixels

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How do comic book writers put this drivel to page and not feel embarrassed

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It is pure desperation and emotion man, we all pass through this in moments of crisis :marseysadge:

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I'm referring to the turgid bloviating that these dunces cram into comics. No matter what the occasion. They are writing some cartoon in a halloween costume in the most pathetically self serious (and probably only) way they know how

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Doom is my favorite because he looks cool and knows he needs to control the world to protect it

I Stan :#supersquirrel:

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:#marseyitsnuts2: https://i.rdrama.net/images/1722055994530295.webp

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Kingpin is just there because his office was in the first tower

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the imperium of man in warhammer 40k, famously murders people for heresy and being mutants (which often is just humans who adapted to other planets), is incredibly accepting of trans and gay people. in one book (pariah nexus i think? i don't remember) the practice of "tactical pansexuality" is discussed

I wish I could burn every single 40k """"lore"""" youtuber alive along with the "fans" who bring it up constantly based entirely on shitty memes and youtubers.

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That being said drukhari and genestealer cult are probably cool with trans people and all the forces of chaos but especially Slaanesh and Tzeentch would probably support and encourage trans people.

:marseynooticeglow: torture aliens, s*x parasites, radical extremists and people who do conspiracies for fun would probably support and encourage trans people.

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Why would Jeanstealers support :!marseytrain:s?! They need their cultists to breed and multiply, not chop off their peepee.

DEldar would probably find it amusing that monkeighs have started mutilating themselves, and then find a way to turn a neokitty into a musical instrument.

AGP :marseytrain2:s are alsready as close to slaaneshi cultists as we're gonna get, so they can have that one.

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It's wild that of all things to try to tone shift away from the edgy shit in its world building, 40k is at the front of it all. Edgy shit is all 40k has to stand out.

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They've been trying to get rid of Slaanesh as a part of the tabletop games for years now because :marseytrans2: would shit themselves if Old-School Slaanesh was done seriously.

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I miss when engaging in hedonistic degenerate s*x literally tore apart the entire fabric of the universe.

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@kaamrev in shambles :#marseynpcsheepgenocide:

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I may murder and r*pe you, but at least I'm not rude on the internet.

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:marseygigaretard: The United States were never allied with the Nazis, and Nazi supporters are traitors to the United States for siding with an enemy to the nation


https://i.rdrama.net/images/17220363749274387.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/172203637526703.webp

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The OG Nazis fricking hated the German-American Bund so much that they even forbade all German citizens from having associations with them, and Hans Heinrich Dieckhoff, the Nazi German ambassador to the US, even went as far as to imply that the GAB was a Jewish psyop that was trying to provoke anti-German and anti-Nazi sentiment in the US:

Key members of the Bund often claimed to have a relationship with the German Nazi party in Berlin in order to legitimise the organisation in the eyes of the American public. For example, Helen Vooros, the former Bund youth leader, claimed that '"she was taught" that the Nazis planned an Austrian-like anschluss with the United States and 'recognised Bund leader Fritz Kuhn as the "United States' Fuehrer"'. Although there was never any evidence to suggest this was true

members of the Third Reich continued to discredit the Bund with the German Ambassador to the United States, Hans Heinrich Dieckhoff, voicing his disproval of the Bund when he expressed his belief that the organisation was only serving to stir up anti-German sentiment among the American public. Due to this conflicting relationship, Germany distanced themselves from the Bund as they saw them as being untrustworthy and detrimental to German-American relations.

On the 1st of March 1938 the Nazi government declared that no German citizen could be a member of the German-American Bund and, no Nazi emblems or symbols were to be used in association with this organisation.


!historychads !nonchuds if the Nazis fricking despised full-blooded Germans who were just merely cosplaying them in the US, but otherwise being quite consistent with Nazi racial ideology and worldviews (i.e. they used "Aryan" and not "White", Slavs were still subhumans, etc.), then imagine what they would think of the modern-day loli tranime avatar Mexican catholic catboy enthusiasts from Xitter and Groomercord :marseyxd::mutttantrum::marseycatgirl::chudnazi:

@Agharta @MoonMetropolis

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then imagine what they would think of the modern-day loli tranime avatar Mexican catholic catboy enthusiasts from Xitter and Groomercord

Dirlewanger brigade cultural victory

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>Aryan Pedos: :#chudnazi:

>Non-Aryan Pedos: :#naziseethe: :#chudturbospergout1: :#chudseethe:


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Never forget, this man was an "aryan"

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A PhD, too!

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He better be with that dome.

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>Hans Heinrich Dieckhoff

Come on, you really expect us to believe there was a nazi with a name that silly? :marseysurejan:

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:#pepoboner: !historychads

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Thats @PeepeeButtKiss's great grandfather ur talking about buddy

Jewish lives matter

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National socialism is a uniquely German ideology that can only be implemented in Germany. A nationalist ideology is unique to that nation because its meant to be tailored to that nation

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@MoonMetropolis would be on his way to the gas chamber anyway for his criminal record.

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I am aware of this. That's why I wrote my comment.

@MoonMetropolis Pink Moon is on its way

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Pink Moon is on its way


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That's what I thought of at first as well, but... what, did you mail me the album? :marseyconfused:

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Thought you were a pinkoid

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Redditors are right on that, nazicels were dictatorship cucks, imagine using George Washington's image while simping for some foreign manlet? The idea of needing a totalitarian state along with "the Führer knows what's best" is an antithesis to America and its principles and even the most racist burger patriot could tell that.


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Using the MSG German-American Bund rally as proof of "alliance" between America and Nazis is a new all-time low for rDrama

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:marseyindignant: if you have 1 nazi and 20,000 non-nazis in Madison Square Garden

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that's not a united states alliance with the nazis. :talk2hand:

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I do like Joker being anti-Nazi for a few reasons:

There are numerous Jewish comedians,

They're too orderly

That's it but it's neat

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Of course he would be anti nazi, just not for an r-slured reason like him being pro america. He should use them to get what he wants, then screw them over at the end for maximum chaos, like with any ally he takes.

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Would make sense for him to be anti-nazi, he's kind of an anarchistic figure. But why in the heck would he wrap it up in American patriotism lol

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I can't remember if he's got a relationship with Swastika Boobies or not.

Even with 80s Frank Miller, though, he never thought to have Joker and Batman team up to battle that ugly, ugly symbol of Hatred.

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>"It's so cool evil murderers stand with me on this"

>Meanwhile IRL: "Ava Kris Tyson just set us back 200 years"

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The joker panel is actually funny, all these attempts to capture it's energy are so cringy

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Fun fact: the Joker also pays his taxes, because even he understands you don't want to start a war with the IRS lol

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But that's actually quite funny though

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>Negev gimmickposter

https://i.redd.it/39hga05vq9g41.jpg https://i.rdrama.net/images/17220479489840946.webp

!coomers !anime !jidf

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Negev is made for big, white, creamy and porcelain pristine peepee

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:luminelick2: :marseyspalslurp: :luminelick:

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Honestly joker hating Nazis makes tons of sense, he's all about chaos and they're a dictatorship.

Hitler's government was an absolute mess with ministries often having overlapping duties and cabinet members fighting with each other like feudal lords. Rudolf Hess commandeered an airplane and flew to Britain behind Hitler's back to try and broker a peace deal. Hitler kept cycling through generals at an astounding rate because they pushed back on his insane orders, and top members of government made multiple attempts to assassinate him. It was extraordinarily chaotic, so this "well akshually..." falls flat on its fat pimply face.

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obviously thats not a step too far for joker, he was a minister for Ayatollah. i think it fits because its funny. like that popular "im not crazy enough to fight the irs" line.

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You'd think clashes of villains with le evil bigot would be an opportunity to show the impossibility to be friends with a villain, since they will likely faint sympathy in order to use each other for their own gains. But nah. Somehow being heckin valid is more important than your literal life goals :marseyshrug:

Honestly joker hating Nazis makes tons of sense, he's all about chaos and they're a dictatorship.

Let me rephrase that in a way that cleanses the brain rot out of it. Nazism is indeed a stellar example of too much orderliness. Its entire seductive force from the beginning was bringing order to the chaos that was germany at the time, and it properly convinced people. The evil followed that, in the sense that people easily fell victim to their love of simplicity, because of course everything is non-normie's fault. It's the extremism, the excess of order that produces the madness. The lesson to replace these brainrot virtue signals is to make the villain charming enough that people can catch themselves having fallen for the devil's seduction. :marseyhitler2:

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words words nazism is cool words words

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Daily reminder, superboy is bisexual now, and he literally stood at the end of a pier like a strag to oppose climate change,instead of dragging Earth 20 miles away into a different orbit.

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There should be a villain who doesn't kill or hurt anyone but is extremely racist instead.

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I would be honored if Marvel turned me into a villain :marseyblush:

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Is just the reverse of that trend of, 'the villain might murder people, even by the millions, but what makes him really a bad guy is he doesn't respect women.' Birds of Prey, Matrix 4, they did it with a Darkseid comic, it's like the only way they can try and get women/:!marseytrain:s not to simp for the villain is by having them call a woman a b-word.

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The chucky one is a joke though.

His trans kids name is shitface.

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The TV show is meant to be very gay. It's possibly from that.

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@Username was right though it really was genderfluid circa seed of chucky 2004 lmao

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Joker didnt draw the line at Red Skull dressing up as a nazi and murdering people as a nazi. He drew the line at actually having authoritarian beliefs because the Joker is an anarchic character and doesnt agree with it because it would personally affect HIM if Red Skull got power. People legit dont get the humor in that exchange, he was okay with him being a nazi as an ironic bit! It's like an edgelord chud meeting an groyper

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They've been doing this "what if the good guys were really bad and vice versa?" forever.

"Le satan respects pronouns"


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