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Blessed and preaching the Gospel to all nations pilled. Unless this is bad somehow in which case idk I'm a boomer. :marseyarchangel:

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Should've developed interstellar travel so you could learn about Jesus. Enjoy eternity in heck :marseynails:

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Oh.... Ken Ham, a name that I do not hear since 2014, this brings me spiritual PTSD during my days in the New Atheist rabbit hole of the early 2010s, since Young Earth Creationism and the utterly insufferable behavior of Evangelicals was one of the main things that turned me into an Atheist at that time, I do not even like being reminded that Ken Ham exists, American Young Earth Creationists has been great at spreading Atheism much like how Reddit I HECKIN LOVE SCIENCE Atheists have been great at spreading Christianity.

American Fundamentalist Protestants and New Atheists are an Ouroboros, or twins separated at birth, they are unable to exist without each other. :marseysadge: !christians !ifrickinglovescience

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Ken Ham is objectively the most KEYED christian alive :#sigmasnap:

>thinks all humans deserve NOTHING and have no say on morality, even children :#gigachad2:

>will only debate people with a PHD even though he doesn't have one :#gigachad3:

>made Bill Nye go into a 2 hour :#malding: spiral during his ark encounter tour :#gigachad4:

>literally looks like an ape, proceeds to deny all human genetic connections to them :#monke:

>links the cause of nazism, communism, and all modern evil to Evilution https://media.tenor.com/j-fJIMrTe2EAAAAx/happy-cat.webp


"Hey kids the evilutionists say that you descended from apes, is your grandfather an ape? No? Case closed" :#marseylincolnchad: !christians !atheists

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God Bill Nye was r-slurred for doing that and everyone tried to warn him

One of my best friends though is a young earther, I used to think he's just r-slurred but now I just think he's the least diluted religious person I know :marseydarwin:

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I want to visit Ark Encounter so bad

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I heard it has a zipline


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it does! doesnt fit the theme of anything at all and ruins a lot of pictures so thats why all the photos of the ark are at wierd angles. its extremely overpriced so i didn't go on it.

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>its extremely overpriced

:#tfwyougettrolled: !besties can someone lend me some money so we can go on the zipline together :#trolldisappointed:

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ive actually been, its pretty cool from an amusement park standpoint and not as cool from a museum standpoint. the ark is suprisingly big and they nailed the atmosphere, but most of the :marseyairquotes: evidence :marseyairquotes: is along the lines of "yeah they couldve done it like this and technically not died, idk" kinda like the excuses star trek makes for their loopholes but stone age bible themed

the answers in genesis museum right next to it is definitely more scholarly (mainly because ken ham didnt have as much control over it) and has normal exhibits like a carnivore plant swamp which is pretty cool, at the ark petting zoo i got to see 2 employees frantically try to stop 2 donkeys from fricking in front of some field trip kids which was funny

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every culture from the New World too the Old and the Orient have myths and stories of a great deluge. coincidence?

"Hey kids the evolutionists say that you descended from apes, is your grandfather an ape? No? Case closed

honestly very good logic. The leaps of logic you have too do too make humanity a descendant of a darn ape are tremendous, idk why atheists ever got up on their high horse when their creation myth is just as silly as the Christians.

jewish lives matter

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"You cant believe ape anscestry cause its cringe!" :#carpchud:

:#rukiddingme: !downmarseyrs !soren !atheists apemisia + i dont want to have human grandfathers i want ape grandfather :#platycryreal:

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This is the best comment you've ever made. :#marseyhesright:

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:#chadthankskingcapy: Jesussianna says this will get the evilutionists :#malding: :#gigachadcapy:

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I shared this one because you were OP. :marseyembrace: :marseyandjesus:

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What if the Aliens had their own Jesus?

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That's the whole premise of Narnia, would Jesus appear to different worlds or in other universes? :marseysoypoint: !bookworms

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imagine how upset the reddit atheists will be when aliens show up and they're already catholic :#marseyxd:

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imagine a book about first :marseywinner: contact but it's just a bunch of a religious :marseyjesus2: scholars longposting about how the aliens :marseydalegribble: represent their religion.

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Gonna be really funny when they will only treat with the Vatican and express horror that many people are secular.

i don't understand, your people were favored enough that the King of Kings came to you physically and yet people still do not follow him. We have yet to have him come to us, it is a blessing that we receive his Word through you.


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There's a proverb on Planet Zorblax: A prophet is not without honour, save in his own country, and in his own house. :marseythinkorino:

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If there are other civilizations out there then it's almost certain they'll have some sort of religion.

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  • FreedomforIsrael : Great children's lit, movies sucked, not exactly the meatiest read for an adult

Redpill me on the Chronicles of Narnia. My parents took me to watch the first films on the movies when I was a kid buy I never liked them

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The movies are extremely :marseymid: but the books are fantastic children's stories with very clear redemption arcs and moral teachings along with a Christ allegory in Aslan the lion. CS Lewis was a close friend of Tolkein who was converted by him to become Christian and went on to write popular apologetics works (Screwtape Letters being the best but Mere Christianity the most popular). Like LotR it's implicitly Christian without being overtly so. Lewis created Aslan to answer the alien Jesus question.

It's one to check out maybe when you have kids as night time stories when they're in kindergarten-early elementary school. :marseywholesome: :marseyfamily:

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The movies are extremely :marseymid:

I was 8 when the first film came out, I didn't like the faun guy and when Santa Claus showed up I was like "who's this guy" and my dad whispered "Papai Noel (Santa Claus)", and I was like "it can't be, that doesn't make sense". But I thought the lion dying was super sad :marseysad:

It's one to check out maybe when you have kids as night time stories when they're in kindergarten-early elementary school

Who reads novels to toddlers?

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My dad read The Hobbit to me :marsey:

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The Hobbit is easily digestible and a good choice for 8-12 year old kids to get them into reading. My mom read me the Jungle Book and The Little Prince.

Narnia seems much more complex on a thematic level.

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I got excited because I thought that you meant The Prince and leapt to the assumption that I'd finally heard of someone else who had to read Machiavelli as a child as well.


May Marsey Ta'aevann rectify our affairs. Marseummarhamna bil Bussy 'azeem. :marseyakbar:https://i.rdrama.net/images/169731781958969.webp

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Narnia's prose is easier than the Hobbit IMO. And the books are shorter. The only book where you really need to understand the Christian symbolism is The Last Battle. The last act would just be confusing to a younger kid.

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It's extremely important for early childhood development to read to kids. All of my siblings and I could read at a late high school/college level by the time we were around 10, and I don't think it was genetics or whatever just good parenting.

I was in kindergarten when my parents read them to me and I understood. :marseyshrug: Also could comprehend Lord of the Rings a year or two later. Dad would ask us questions to check our comprehension and define the vocabulary if it went past us.

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It's extremely important for early childhood development to read to kids

I agree on that but toddlers need something digestible to start. Narnia and LOTR seems a bit dense for 4-6 years old, the Hobbit or Roald Dahl are better choices at that age.

All of my siblings and I could read at a late high school/college level by the time we were around 10, and I don't think it was genetics or whatever just good parenting.

Define high school/college level. If I gave the 10 year old you a copy of "Lolita" would you get it?

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I used to think I was special :marseyspecial: because I read at a "college level" ars a kid

but its really just that most ppl don't improve past that point (and reach it later ig :marseyshrug:)

listening to the avg student trying to read a paragraph in class was always a blackpill and it honestly never improved from elementary through HS and cleg

if they sounded like a robotic rslur and stumbled on every fourth word at age 11 they still would by age 20

im a social !r-slurs and cnt talk to ppl :marseyshy: but there's something that either clicked or didn't

I could always read like I was talking, with enunciation and all that. natty speech

some kids were just incapable. always going from word to word but never building a 'picture' of the whole sentence before speaking it

so they sounded like a robert. :marseyrobot:

nevertheless these same kids could run circles around me in actual conversation :marseyshrug: and sound perfectly normal as I utter one-word responses at -6dB

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Define high school/college level. If I gave the 10 year old you a copy of "Lolita" would you get it?

!nooticers why's that the first book you suggest introducing a kid to :marseywtf3:

Thematically I'm not sure I picked up on Biblical allusions fully but yes if you start reading to kids while they're young and demand more of them they can and will rise to your expectations if you teach them while you go along. How do you think !Asians teach their kids calc in elementary/middle school? I have multiple :marseychingchong: friends from school whose parents did that with them.

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If I gave the 10 year old you a copy of "Lolita" would you get it?

I would think you were a p-dophile.

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It's not even an allegory. Aslan straight up tells the childrens that he's the Narnian incarnation of Jesus.

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absolutely loved the books as a kid and as an adult. Fantastic series

jewish lives matter

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I thought that was Out of the Silent Planet, Perelandra.

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I just checked I thought Narnia came first but the Space trilogy is a sci-fi LotR to Narnia's Hobbit in a lot of ways (no shared universe/characters though). @nuclearshill

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Narnia is a kid's series that's really about our world. Lewis actually has a much more interesting take on this in Perelandra, from the Space Trilogy. In that book, the parts of God's plan that seem central on Earth may seem peripheral from other parts of creation, and vice versa. But at any given place you look, you will find a real actual center of God's plan, each one feeding and strengthening all the others. It's all one big impossibly grand thing.

So we wouldn't necessarily expect to find an ayylmao Jesus (which could reduce him to a recurring pattern) but what we do find would give better context and meaning to our understanding of God's story. It would result in Christ feeling more special, not less, even as we learn new and incredible stories from elsewhere in the cosmos.

I suppose this risks diminishing the Trinity, but we could imagine that the Son concept is expressed differently elsewhere in the universe, and that it need not always take the form of a messianic teacher who comes down to die for sin.

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:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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:#marseymormon: Mormon Moment!

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They wouldnt need a jesus :marseyimmaculate: unless they royal :marseycharlesiii: fricked up like man. But each alien :marseything2: life could have another set of gods a la ancient :marseytheorist: aliens.

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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God's face when he put jesus millions of light years away from aliens and never told them :trollolol:

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Jesus walked alongside them from the beginning :#marseyimmaculate:

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I don't know who that is, but I looked up that he's 25, so statistically he was named with Matthew Perry's character from Friends in mind.




I had a friend who bitched when he found out his parents picked his name from John Wayne, but growing up as that whiny snarky prime time television yuppie cute twink must have been something. Every 20s foid teacher he had probably saw him as little Chandler, every time his mom looked at him she thought about fricking Matthew Perry. Half his wagie job interviews were biased with Perry's stupid face overlaying his own. Every 10th TV mush brained Gen x or millennial he met probably brought up "oh like CHANDLER!" Whatever is going on in this dude's life is probably because his mom named him Chandler instead of John.

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Pretty sure all of the Mr. Beast people are from small town North Carolina, not surprising they're a diverse group of freaks

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  • BWC : TW: Transphobia

Matthew 18:6

but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to stumble, it would be better for him that a huge millstone should be hung around his neck, and that he should be sunk in the depths of the sea.

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You just don't understand, while she might look 14 she's actually 500 years old. Due to the curse put on her she never ages and as such, while she has the body of a 14 year old I'm basically beating off to a really old women. Calling me a p-dophile actually shows how ableist you are, because it stigmatizes anyone who might have a disability that makes them look adolescent like people with dwarfism. Even if she wasn't 500 years old, It still wouldn't make me a p-dophile. She's not prepubescent therefore not making me a p-dophile, but rather a hebephile. Honestly to assume that a 14 year old isn't intelligent enough to make their own decisions is both insulting to them as a person and also extremely ageist. It's not like I'm stalking them and befriending their parents so I can spend more time with them, eventually having a whirlwind romance kidnapping them driving with them across the country then getting arrested and eventually given the death penalty for my actions. Fricking SJWs.




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He started a golfing youtube channel that was fun because he sucked and was relatable but i think he abandoned it

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Chandler's dead

:#marseytherachel: :#marseyross:

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