Mr "Beast" :marseydevil: is cooked :marseyskull:

TLDR:- Mr Beast knew Kris was a p-dophile and covered it up

  • Mr beast videos are all faked for scripted outcomes

  • most contestants are employees or friends/family or large youtubers

  • Mr beast ran multiple live streams where he claimed random shirts bought during the stream would receive prizes (basically counting as an illegal lottery targeting kids)

  • Mr Beast's "autographed" merch has been caught being autographed by his team members forging signatures on video

  • Mr Beast always acts like in his videos his fans and monetary supporters will be able to win random rewards and he is always loosing money with his generous giveaways basically training kids to consume in hopes of winning a tesla

Ive alays thought mr 661 was a bad influence on kids. I dont think this kind of mind rot editing, money obsessed content is healthy especially in how he lies about real it is when its blatantly faker then any traditional game show which has actual regulations on it. My big red flag came a while back when he claimed he actually made very little money on videos since he was always rolling over profits into new videos which seemed like such a massive lie like yeah dude you totally arent rich and are giving all the money to your fans its not like you own a whole butt town.

My ultimate psychoanaylsis is that like most kids content Mr mark of the beast tries to act very childish and that his bussiness is run by kids (hehe our accoutning nerds are telling me to stop making such crazy challanges since we loose all our profits) its how like Marvel comics used to operate in 60s where Stan lee would act like the whole thing was this crazy spontaneous bullpin of wackiness with merch deals so good his finance people tried to kill him! The difference is unlike a lot of other kid facing preformers who know how to act like a "big kid" and appeal to children Mr Breast has no charsima so the only way he can keep a child's attention span is via lots and lots of money.

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Reminder that i've been hating on MrBeast for years now

I also made these ones of some crank youtube :marseymetokur: doctor :marseyprostateexam: but I don't remember why:

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Lots of r-slurs on rdrama think Mr Beast videos are real, in case you were wondering how stupid our users are

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@HailVictory1776 he's calling you r-slurred for your love of children's YouTube videos

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Darn right I am

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I never ever fell for it oh no siree :marseyindignant: but seriously at least the fountains in africa are real right? right right? :marseypearlclutch2:

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I don't know anything about african water fountains. I've never watched a Mr beast video. I saw some thumbnails and declared everything fake with zero further thought

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I always thought people were overreacting with hating his "philanthropy" stunts, but since he was apparently enabling this p-do :marseytrain2:, frick him. Hope his little brainrot empire crashes and burns.

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I don't really :marseythinkorino2: care about the :marseytrain: :marseychonkertrain: thing. I just think :marseyoscargamble: he's an annoying :marseypop2: cute twink :marseygaygeneral: because he makes algorithm slop catering to r-slurs

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He honestly just strikes me as a classic narcissist with a god complex who desperately needs the world to adore him as a superhero. That's known as a narcissistic feed - narcissists live to have their massive egos validated with endless praise and adoration. :marseyattentionseeker:

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lmao is that the former staff? looks nuts

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That's a Weasley twin

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I appreciate the police uniform as a throwback to classic Content Cop.

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Its certainly over for mr beast. :marseysmug2:

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Surely. :marseysmug:

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Fr I keep hoping I meet this neighbor at the store and I ask him to pay it forward to a family in need and then he offers me 5x as much because I'm a "good person" :#wink:

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Classic patron Saint/old hidden master mythos recreation.

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Literally nothing besides him covering for a peso matters lol

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Solo un peso?


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Is it bad or is it good though?

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Good :marseyzoomergenocide:

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I saw this too!!! :marseyexcited:

I hope he crashes and burns, I hate him so much

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There's NOTHING that I've ever found appealing about Tex Butt...NOTHING. Now that it's become ground Zero in the decades-long fight against giving women the right over their own bodies I'll never set foot in that God forsaken shi* hole again. I'll do my best not to support any business that's based or supports the American version of the Taliban. If they want to fight they got it because I'll dedicate all my resources to fighting for women's rights, human rights, gay rights, people of color rights, and doing what's right. They've pushed us too far. We always play nice and want to find compromises. They don't understand compromise, they understand smashmouth football and don't respect you on the field if your only game is flag football. Time to put our money where our mouth is and get out there and fight them in every election from local school board to local zoning commissioner to local dog catcher up to the governor's office and eventually up to the Congress and presidency because they're turning this into another Saudi Arabia where the slim minority dictates to the majority how they're going to live their lives...



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