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Holy shit that second post lmao

20 and 29 years old stepkids still living at home

Dude makes 70k / year and pays fricking 50k in rent rofl

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I married some old bint and support her and her parasite offspring.

Am I a turbocuck? No, the American Dream is DEAD.

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If they're adults living in the family home, they should be working and contributing towards expenses (e.g. paying sone share towards rent and groceries and utilities). That's how a lot of people lived in previous generations.

I wonder about the 29 year old, they could have had a bad breakup/divorce and had to come back home for a while. Who knows what is going on.

EDIT: Thinking about it, maybe they mean 19 and not 29. Because if the stepdad is 40 this year and the stepkid really is 29, that means stepdad was 11 when stepkid was born. So unless it's an Emmanuel Macron situation where he married a woman old enough to be his mom, it makes more sense if it's "13 year old kid with wife, 20 and 19 year old stepkids from her first marriage".

That's if any of that post was true and it wasn't all pure bait.

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4k a month lakehouse :marseydicklet:

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I know a place where you can park a house on a lake for about 400 a month. :marseysneed:


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and I don't think 70k is all that hard out here :marseydisagree:

urboids be like "the city/expensive place is where all the jobs are"

then work/complain abt minimum wage anyway :marseyeyeroll:

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You can buy an Island on a lake for 4000 a month

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set them up for success

29 years old

This guy is just r-slurred lmao

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In that povertyfinance thread, the stupid poors think you need to make at least 100k/year to not live like a hobo. In 90% of the country, a family of four can own a small house and live "middle class" on 100k/year.


You know what? Frick Arcade Fire for getting a generation to pretend that growing up well-fed in safe neighborhoods with good schools was some kind of "trauma."

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you can certainly live

like we continue to live, on this nice property . my prents always made much less than tht

but I could never buy this bigass property like my mom was able to do working a normal butt job 30 years ago, before getting married

i'd literally have to be a millionaire :platyrich:

I think house/land prices might eventually become manageable again, but it would require the deportation of millions.

until then I'm living with them. god forbid I ever become a rentoid. (unless its in :marseyflagalaska:) I'll just build another house on this property

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I tried to rescue a failed woman like some pitbull from a shelter and she tore out my financial jugular, why has capitalism failed everyone?

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rent is 4k a month

Move BIPOC, Move!

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I can't even imagine how mad neighborz are going to be in the first thread (not reading it tho)

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The guy in the second post has what should be one of the easiest setups to live in financially but still fails spectacularly because he lets the worthless step kids do nothing.

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>two stepkids

Now there's your problem

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>$300/mo car insurance

How many vehicles? What kind of vehicle?

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Same as it ever was

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I'm doing well at everything but still want to keep myself safe :marseyshrug:

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Dude just make better decisions poors lmao

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