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Yes like how would you explain now everyone licking China and Indian Anus asking them for fair peace for khohols ?

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17221235193590019.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17221235195929463.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1722123519992779.webp

Ukraine now basically admitted it gave up on Crimea and now wants to save other 4 regions through diplomacy

  • Ukraine holds like 0,1% of lughanks


2 small settlements behind the river

But Russia seems to be more interested in fighting in Kharkov (region not included in 4 regions)

One map week ago one today

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1722123520948631.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1722123521592296.webp

So they moving above territory that part of Lugansk



They moved around 10 miles this week to that kivsharivka city

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Holy shit BIPOC I'm not reading any of this

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Then don't question my competency. Business insider told tons of shit


Last year Russia out of everything


This week Ukrainian main general Russia has everything more than in 2022

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>Russia has taken nearly half a decade to kill, 10 million of their own citizens


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You pulling arguments out of your butt now. Now that Ukraine it's scraping bottom of the barrel why your homosexual brain think they with the rest they have will kill 20 times more Russian than their claim (claim is now even kills) ?

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What's the kills for each side the

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Nobody knows but Ukraine told 80% of all loses are from artillery and Russia has 10 times more artillery on top of that Ukraine has manpower advantage over Russia and is getting pushed by Russian is hard to imagine Ukrainian numbers are real

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>nobody knows

Shut the frick up then r-slur LMFAO

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Ukraine told 300 or so Ukrainian marines are missing in Krynky are they all dead non of those were captured non survived ? Can you be sure ?

That's just simple example that nobody knows.

People don't know real numbers of ww2 loses and here you think someone know this conflict loses

I just pointing that if Ukraine says 80% loses are artillery then tells Russia has 10 times more artillery than drones than that Ukraine army is bigger than Russian in Ukraine then claimed they have kd of 8 over Russia and on top of it getting pushed by Russian it just don't make sense. You can't have a big black peepee a small Asian peepee and no peepee at same time

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Ukraine failed 2023 Offensive: 545.06 squared km gained

Current Russian 'overwhelmingly successful' Offensive: 599.27 squared km gained

Explaining how this isn't an embarrassment and a blackhole of resources for Russia? Let the mental gymnastics begin!

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You want me to explain to you that you are an idiot ? You looking at the global map and thinking oh there must be equal numbers of khohols in every square inches of Ukraine or whole Ukraine is equally fortified ? Your map is also not very updated since Russia captured decent chunk in July


You would had noticed there is speed up


And now fight are moving to most strategical city in Donbas but that's not something you understand since you just looking at global map.

It's impossible to explain to you how some locations are more important than other


Russia could now take the whole Sumy region but what would that give them ?

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Bakhmut is a strategically important location and Ukraine's losses will be so high that Russia will see massive gains in the near future

>Battle of Bahkmut ended May 2023

Avdiivka is the most heavily fortified position in Ukraine and its loss will allow Russia to see massive gains in the near future

>Battle of Avdiivka ended February 2024

It's amazing how you can't see the forest for the trees, honestly to the point that I am still 50/50 on you just being an outright troll (though a dedicated one). Who is winning the war? Russia, no doubt. Who should win the war? Again Russia, no question. Should the 2nd strongest :marseylaughpoundfist: military in the world, that has delusions of taking on NATO, won this over a year ago and probably even faster than that, with a fraction of their casualties and heavy weapons losses? 100 percent.

Instead we're on year three, crowing about a couple hundred of squared kilometers gained on a good month while having to bust out tank and artillery models that were developed in the 1940's. This shit was a pyrrhic victory for Russia assuming they won this a year ago. Now it's just sad.

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This shit was a pyrrhic victory for Russia assuming they won this a year ago. Now it's just sad.

It would been pyrrhic if west didn't jumped in helping Ukraine. Now Russia gained influence in third world countries and survived all the western pressure and game changers. Russia wouldn't had kicked US from Niger if not the great spring counteroffensive. Shit in Gaza wouldn't had happened if not the great spring counteroffensive. Yemen wouldn't felt so safe or Iran wouldn't been that bold to launch missiles towards Israel all those events happened that's to idea that west united can help Ukraine win. It failed because you need to be an r-slur thinking that NATO can sustain that type of fighting so Ukraine is now fricked.


You can't just walk away from all the sanctions, isolation, game changers, billions and etc

Ukraine got over 800 tanks from the west and all those were modernised like I event didn't knew Germany and US made t72 avenger modernisation


It got like 160 leopards-2

Over 1000 artillery guns. Ukraine now has more than rest of European countries patriots.

So it's interesting how some just want to ignore how strong Ukraine was pumped

The brigade underwent combat training in various locations throughout Ukraine and Europe and members of the brigade trained on vehicles at a U.S. base.

A lot of soldiers were trained in the west.

So don't be shy it's a L to the west, just after Afghanistan

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It would been pyrrhic if west didn't jumped in helping Ukraine. Now Russia gained influence in third world countries and survived all the western pressure and game changers. Russia wouldn't had kicked US from Niger if not the great spring counteroffensive. Shit in Gaza wouldn't had happened if not the great spring counteroffensive. Yemen wouldn't felt so safe or Iran wouldn't been that bold to launch missiles towards Israel all those events happened that's to idea that west united can help Ukraine win. It failed because you need to be an r-slur thinking that NATO can sustain that type of fighting so Ukraine is now fricked.

This is some advanced level :marseygigaretard:

>...Detail of arms sent to Ukraine, most of which is old and outdated equipment (the US had T-72's to give away? I assuming they bought them off someone to donate but funny if they did actually have some) while ignoring how much Russia has lost in the war

Even ignoring the fact that is a tiny fraction of arms that the US alone has (plus the complete lopsidedness in the difference in air power), Ukraine's biggest issue has always been man power. Russia can throw away 5 soldiers for every Ukrainian they kill and come out 'fine' in the end. The same results in a NATO-Russian war ends horrifically for Russia. And no, Russia isn't going to blitz anyone. They've devolved into fighting a straight artillery war and those are slow. Which is exactly what we've seen play out over the last year. If nukes didn't exist a quick NATO-Russia war would be worth it just to shut up the Russiaboos and the 'anyone but the West' contrarians.

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Ukraine's biggest issue has always been man power.

Yet 80% of casualties are from artillery and Russian are fighting in minority since day one. That Kharkiv push from Ukrainians only worked because Russian didn't had enough men.

Russia can throw away 5 soldiers for every Ukrainian they kill and come out 'fine' in the end.

So how is this phrase working out now ?

If Ukraine are getting pushed back when they have manpower advantage ?

If nukes didn't exist a quick NATO-Russia war would be worth it just to shut up the Russiaboos and the 'anyone but the West' contrarians.

If west still had AD, Kiev wouldn't been pumped at will.

If Ukraine had billions game changers it would had won

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