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[Foid advice needed] A resetERA poster has posted cringe on main :marseycringe: "I have a 20th high school reunion with my crush since 3rd grade. I found out she is single. This reunion is this October."


Let's do some quick math before we get into it. 18 years old at graduation + 20 years = hanging around 38 years of age. 3rd grade in the US is when you're 8-9 years old. :marseythinkorino: Bro is down VERY BAD




Even ERA members are not particularly supportive. Maybe if he came out as a trans-3rd grader transbian they would be more supportive. Scrotes just can't help but give the ick

It gets worse, they start dunking on him and he has to call in the janitorial support




I like the word :marseynull:shit instead of bullshit



More like invite her to rdrama so she knows you're a cool cat :marseycool2:



Womans of rdrama, can you save him?

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i dont remember anything about third grade except i thought i was going to get a C on my report card so i spent like 2 weeks panicking and practicing changing C to B with moisture on the wall in the shower and praying a lot

i ended up getting an A

but that was very emotionally charged and worrisome so it tracks that id remember it how the FRICK do you remember classmates from then


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I got sent to the principles office in third grade for accidentally farting during quiet time by this b-word Ms. Bednarek who looked like a fatter version of Pat.


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anyone who goes into childhood education is literally an r-slured person I swear

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Teachers are women who couldn't cut it in college doing anything else.

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Teachers are just women who were too stupid to become nurses or work in HR.

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I remember in 1st grade it started smelling like shit in the classroom so our teacher smelled everyone's butts one by one to find out if someone pooped their pants.

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!metashit one of the many reasons I've started hating wh*te w*men from a young age.

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:quote: accidentally :quote:

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:marseygiggle: :marseyfart:

she would also try to make the class go quiet with this r-slurred tactic by counting down from 5 for everyone to be quiet but half the time we would all just shout "BLASTOFF!" to the point where she would say "3.. 2.. 1-no-blastoff.." lmao

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was yer :quote: accidental :quote: fart right after saying blast off cause that'd be hilarious

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sadly no


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and here i was thinkin' you were cool :hmph:

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>third grade

>had to do a tree diary

>entire year

>log tree and tree stuff

>dont do shit

>last day


>pick up couple of leaves

>draw tree at various stages

>draw a walnut too for some reason

>mfw everyone got an A anyway


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How do you currently feel about trees? :#marseytherapist:

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Theyre sexy

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The only thing I remember from 3rd grade is that I was so disorganized I would just shove papers and stuff into my desk shaped like this with all of my strength:


Then once a semester I would pull out the compressed formed brick of papers and stuff and throw it away lmao

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In third grade i was sent to some therapy group because my desk was messy and the counselor asked if our parents abused us or were hoarders :marseyretard2: i just built Lincoln logs and said id have the Wii taken away if i didnt do chores. Idk why i was in this group since my desk wasnt even that bad some other kids desks had moldy food or baby teeth in them

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some other kids desks had moldy food or baby teeth in them


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I remember the girl behind me in 3rd grade said Missouri like "missour-uh" and I made fun of her accent, then she slapped me in the face and the teacher laughed at me.

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i dont remember anything about third grade

is it possible that it's because you got molested?

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I know a girl who thinks like this

she sees "trauma" as a mystical force causing all the evil in her life :marseyunamused:

and thinks she has repressed memories from improbable time peroids but then everyone is like

:marseyconcerned: "but that was the year you played 50 hours of sims a week and refused to do after school activies and I'm pretty sure no one hurt you because you didn't leave your room much :marseyhmmm: probably why you don't remember that year too well. Oh! You also watched Supernatrual that year... like a lot..."

(and those people are TOXIC manipulators, and hiding in your room is a symtom of TRAUMA)

she's like two steps away from "I absorbed by twin fetus now I'm haunted and traumatized and need to recover womb memory" psychology


Some "womb twin survivors" have moms with ultrasound pictures and even videos like

:derpwhy: "Look! No twins! See? You didn't eat your imaginary brother in the great placenta war. This is really bothering us and you need to stop."

:derpinapokerface: "I'm traumatized. Traumatized and you're invalidating me! I must build a shrine to resolve the trauma. I'm calling my counselor for an emergency meeting. AIIIIEEEEEEËAUGHH"


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>too little anger

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:marseydisagree: Too little anger is a huge sign of prebirth trauma, we'd better do some dead twin rituals if you have too little anger

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17236708080802364.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17236708082707658.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17236708084653332.webp

:marseydisconcerting: don't be resistant to trauma healing

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dialogue with the twin

So the twin was alive an well after all? Even though he was eaten? Did he get vored and kept living in your tummy all happy and shit?

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No, literally we need to do a ritual to speak to your dead twin's spirit otherwise you won't process your trauma

:marsey666: "Hello it's ME, ur dead hooman twin. Light some candles please. Yes, it is indeed my presence that you have been longing for your whole life. "

:marsey666: "Oh wow, it looks like you're really ✨healing✨ the more that you listen to me and beginning to unlock special gifts the more that I consum-- I mean the more that you become in tune haha"

:marsey666: "I wish I was alive , looks like you will have to live for me..."

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Darn, you're really mad over this, but thanks for the effort you put into typing that all out! Sadly I won't read it all.

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tumblr ruined an entire generation of women

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ig is worse than twitter

edit: i meant tumblr

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it's not only possibly but highly likely

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In 3rd grade one of my best homies moved to my town and we met :marseywholesome:

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in third grade i learned to do a bunnyhop on my bike!!! :marseybike: PERIODT

omg! !slots111

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I remember 3rd grade because it was the year one of my best friends since he was my desk neighbor in 1st grade moved back to Japan.

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Idk how far out you are from high school, but 14 years later I remember a lot of it pretty clearly. My best friend's wife is always amazed when my friend and I reminisce because she can't remember who she sat next to in whatever class in whatever year with whoever teacher.

Honestly, maybe it has to do with how many people I stayed in touch with after.

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I remember high school way better than my 20s. Probably because when you're in high school everything seems so important. I haven't been able to care about stuff as much since then.

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I remember it since I had like half of it during lockdown so the contrast between post lockdown and the one year we had in person during senior year is memorable

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Wtf dis neighbors my age

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wtf you're both that young of Zoomers :marseyshook: @Aba

And I thought i skewed young here

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You're a boomer r something bro frfr

!zoomers how old are you??? :!marseynotesglow:

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I sure as heck didn't have school :marseyeric: in lockdown

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I'm 29, which means that, depending on who you ask, I'm either one of the oldest zoomers or one of the youngest millennials. :marseyzoomerimplosion:

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I don't think you'd count as a zoomer since I consider the cutoff to be 25. Makes no sense for a near 30 year old to be considered on

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Mid 20s :marseythumbsup:

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fr tho.

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3rd grade isnt high school tho

Or maybe it was for you :marseysmug3:

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Prayer works :marseyletsgo:

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Think how different your life would be if you had ended up with that C on your permanent record

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My father would have actually murdered me

rDrama would not exist



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!whitetrash carp is a janny of white trash but his dad would've murdered him for a C, how much did your parents care about your academics?

i'm the only person in my family to graduate high school let alone go to uni, actually i think my dad only got his grade 7 and dipped https://i.rdrama.net/images/17237512380631313.webp my parents were always gassing up my unbelievable genius and would brag about me to strangers and i found my elementary school report cards last time i visited and i was only getting Bs and very bland remarks from my teachers lmao

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My mom grew up in the everglades without power or running water and raised her younger siblings herself and i feel like her overcorrection in wanting a normal, white picket fence family is a big part of why i ended up the way i am

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i could definitely see someone going thru that and wanting the opposite, makes sense. my mom had a similar severe poverty childhood, her thing was "i will live the absolute most dogshit existence if it means i can put all my resources towards making sure my kids have opportunities and the choice to do better" which i love u for that mom but :marseysob: wish she was nicer to herself

she was never disappointed with my brother for not "making something of himself" or anything tho because he is happy and that's all she ever wanted, RIP MOM I LOVE U SO MUCH

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My mom was def affected by her childhood, spoiling me constantly and a straight up helicopter parent. Like when i got a girlfriend in highschool she was an absolute nazi about being able to see us at all times so i wouldn't cause a teen pregnancy, whereas her parents just wanted us to keep the door cracked while in her room so obviously we were always at her house. Heck, after id been dating her long enough that we were obviously having s*x they'd leave the house to ride a golfcart around the neighborhood and tell us when they'd be back as an unspoken way of giving us privacy.

After six months of spending all my time at her house my mom apologized to both of us and chilled out tho

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aw that's honestly really good of her to recognize it and apologise, esp to both of you. not a lot of parents would do that imo, maybe way later on in life but changing how she was acting while she was still worried about it is top tier shit tbh

i can't really blame helicopter moms much, i know it's frustrating but also when i think about having kids i imagine them getting up to any of the r-slurred dangerous bullshit i did as a kid and :marseysweating: gonna take a lot of effort to be chill lol

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Yeah, i love my mom and wouldn't trade her for any other mom

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dont recall if it was 3rd or 4th grade.

we made fun of a cripple (one of his arms didn't properly develop) who was named Adolf.

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I can't remember a single thing about 3rd grade except getting in trouble.

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:quote: i can't remember a single thing about 3rd grade! except all the things i remember. :quote:

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the one thing i remember about 3rd grade is a new kid showed up one day and the second she walked through the door i fell madly in love with her. :smoke:

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Try to rizz her up at the next reunion

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my teacher would randomly start telling stories about her life and completely forget about teaching us

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my 3rd grade teacher had an ex husband and some bad boy son and the police wanted bales and we told her bales were everywhere and i forgot what she said after that but it was boring


I figured he stole some hay bales and the police wanted them back


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i had this fat b-word as a teacher in third grade n since i was always in trouble my desk was right next to her. she would always say shit like "i dont know why im not losing any weight" "why am i gaining weight?" b-word had a mini fridge under her desk with all the good snacks in it thats why

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I remember there was an r-slured looking girl named Britany who cried because the teacher wouldn't let her write in her journal. Another girl who I remember looked tallish tried saying she was smarter than the teacher and had to do some extra tests because the teacher got annoyed and took away her recess.

Oh and for some reason this one girl kept trying to sit next to me on the bus a lot when we'd go on field trips, I think she had a twin who also kept doing the same idk why but I couldn't tell them apart much

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Twins either try so hard to be different or lean all the way into being as identical as possible down to their wardrobe.

I don't trust them. Demons. :marseydisagreefast:

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