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:marseystarbucks: /r/starbucks attempts economics


The new Starbies CEO (the guy who turned Chipotle from $200 million net profit/year to $1.2 billion) got a $113 million sign-on bonus. Let's see what the smartest Redditors at /r/starbucks have to say about that:

God he looks like a smug little butthole. He has a very punchable face.

I literally want to shatter my phone screen just looking at this picture.


Remember baristas... Starbucks has millions of dollars to spend on this guy but not millions of dollars to spend on your hours and payroll!!


For some reason a watch enthusiast chimes in with a wall of text that I'm not reading:

Why would he wear a Rolex Daytona in this photo? It's a $30,000 watch. Who does he need to impress at this point? His employees make peanuts. Insane.

He's a VIP consumer. He was probably able to get it at MSRP. And while yes, it's a very expensiveβ€”even at MSRPβ€” and completely unnecessary "thing," a Daytona isn't really a timepiece to impress/flex. Crazy as it is to say: in the watch world, Rolexes, especially these steel models, are entry level. The kinds of pieces to "impress/flex" are easily 10x a Daytona's market prices. YouTube search "watches worn at Paul Rubin's White Party" if you want to get really disgusted at the money being thrown around on and wasted on stupid bullshit. Now, all that being said, I personally agree with the essence of your observation. I believe the ultimate flex would be having the ability/money to wear such an ostentatious watch or piece of jewelry but choosing something understated just because it means something to you. E.g. Prince William only wears an Omega Seamaster that his late mother gifted him. It's like a 1k watch. Even wore the thing at his wedding. I'm not a fan of the Royal Family by any means, but that's classy AF.


to be fair, he did 10x chipotle stock and gave investors a 50:1 stock split. if he can work something similar here, well worth it. [-13]

/r/starbucks is such a low quality subreddit that even the rational users write in all lower case.


I don't gaf about shareholders i want to own a house!! Fricker!!!!


That sign-on bonus could alternatively have been allocated to staff wages. It would have given every partner in the world an $8 wage, raising my wage at the very least to $24 an hour, a far more comfortable wage to be living at. They could give you more staff and more wage, they just don't want to.

This is lowkey delusional lmao

Ignore that fact that most of that 113 million is gonna be non liquid stocks.

Assuming the CEO get $0, 113 million / 381000 workers means every single person get like......only 300 dollars.

8 dollar wage increase is like an extra 3 BILLION alone after a single year, and I'm assuming everyone only works 20 hours.

113 million is only enough to give every single worker an extra 8 dollar per hour for like 2 weeks, you can't be serious.


:#marseyreport: :#marseyreport: :#marseyreport: :#marseyreport: :#marseyreport:

I've got a guillotine in my garage, should we put it to use?

I've been saying we need to bring back guillotines for yeeears lol please πŸ™

This is who wants to use guillotines: https://old.reddit.com/user/Analog_Retentive95/submitted/. It would be a shame if someone reported her to Starbies corporate...



Smug looking sockcucucker!! It won't last long. Chipotle isn't Starbucks. Not a lotta corners to cut in overpriced butt coffee. The gimmicks just up. When one cup of coffee costs as much as 16 K cups. Cmon now. A weeks worth of coffee you can buy the dern Keurig. Screw'em. #NotACoffeeSnob

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Watch nerd :marseyakshuallytyping: to the :marseymcwagie: is :marseyakshually: indeed correct, Rolex is considered mostly a new money/consoomer brand that wouldn't stand out or impress anyone hanging around CEOs.

Quartz is objectively better in every conceivable way (cheaper, more accurate, more durable, less maintenance required) and it's laughable that the watch industry managed to market themselves into surviving the quartz crisis. Get a Casio/Seiko and stop :marseyjerkofffrown: about wasting money.

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Unironically if anyone here neurodivergent enough wants to elaborate on this meme and explain to me about watches. I got 100 dramacoin with your name on it.

Edit: Thanks to @seal_cel and @Corinthian. I decided to give both the reward since they wrote it really close to one another.

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Ok so quartz (the :marseygem:) reacts to pressure in such a way that it can generate an electrical current very reliably. This is the mechanism through which electric cigarette lighters, sonar, and many other technologies function.


Before circuit boards though, the motors were quite bulky. Above is a picture of the first 1927 Bell Telephone laboratories quartz clock. This technology is much more accurate than a traditional watch movement, which operates by a steel spring or by a pulley system operating a pendulum (the first type of clock invented). Until the development of atomic clocks in the 60s this was the best technology had to offer and it was used by the military and other government agencies standardizing measures of time.


Wrist watches thus fall into three categories: hand-wound movements where you have to wind the spring yourself, automatics (like you'd see in a modern Rolex) which winds the spring through the movement of your arm, and quartz. For the development of the quartz wristwatch though we still had to wait for the development of cheap consumer printed circuit boards (PCBs). This technology was invented in the 1930s and by the time WW2 rolled around PCBs were used in mines and bombs for the fuse. They still are, and IEDs are often made with fuses built from wrist watches like the cheap and reliable Casio F-91W.


Anyway, by the 1960s PCBs had developed to the point where we could create (relatively) cheap and reliable movements for a quartz clock. They were used in the 1964 Olympics, and in 1967 the Centre Electronique Horloger (CEH) and Seiko unveiled wristwatch prototypes to take this to the consumer market.


Enter the Astron. In 1969 this first quartz model was released (though priced at $10k USD in 2024 monies because they used gold etc. :marseycapitalistmanlet:) and the watch industry was truly never the same after. The IEEE even marks it down as a milestone event in electrical engineering. When this occurred, Swiss neutrality during WW2 had enabled them to maintain a stranglehold on watches and manufacture/sell to everyone. By 1970 they still had over 50% of the world market.


The Swiss tried to stay in the game, too, with Rolex and Omega and the fancier brands all jumping in and making their own advances in the tech in the early 1970s... but Seiko had the best team and their proximity to Chinese factories meant they were positioned to dominate.


Between 1970 and 1980 this caused the Swiss industry to collapse entirely, from 1600-1700 companies down to 600. The success of the 1983 plastic case Swatch enabled them to buy up the market, and the Swatch Group now encompasses Blancpain, Breguet, GlashΓΌtte Original, Harry Winston, Longines, Omega, Hamilton and Tissot amongst others. For the most part, anyone who remained had to retreat to the luxury market and focus on selling themselves with an image focused on aesthetics and craftsmanship.


One of the key marketing strategies in the decades since has been to focus on the "sweep" of a traditional handwound or automatic watch. Quartz movements typically "tick" and move all at once in a very springy motion rather than gliding along the dial.


Which brings us back full circle to the first line of @sage-'s shared meme. In 1999 Seiko released new lines of watches utilizing their "spring drive" movement, which combines the superior accuracy of quartz with the aesthetically pleasing motion of a steel-wound spring. They're accurate to within seconds per month, but look just as nice as a Rolex while costing ~1-2k instead of 10x the price. Anyone who is not a massive frickin' fop loves these things, and even zimzoom celebrities like Pewdiepie will :marseysoylentgrin: over them because it's :marseyjapanese:. I don't like the Nips but I find the Swiss watch market ludicrous because they're a massive waste of money and serve no practical function whatsoever. Seiko even dominates the low-end automatic movement market these days, you can get a Seiko 5 for $100 with sapphire glass and a window to view the motor on the back. Nobody except :marseyautism: and :marseyhomofascist: will ever care about what's on your wrist. Just get a quartz, and a Grand Seiko if you need it to be pretty.

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:ma#rseyakshually: spring drive GS are like $6k

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I haven't looked at watches since COVID, I knew that the prices exploded and should have checked. I bet you can still get a lightly worn one for like 2-3k.

TBH other than the finishing on the case and dial there's no :marseynoooticer:-able difference between a Casio rocking one of the 4-tick quartz movements and a Grand Seiko so even they are kinda dumb. There's a couple Chinese companies who make GS knockoffs like that and you can pick one up for like $100 and literally nobody in your life would ever care so if you're :marseyautism: just do that.

@seal_cel this is my answer to your other response too. Escapement Time was I think the first to do it but there's another even cheaper one.

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!followers I turned @AverageBen10Enjoyer's thread about frickin Starbucks :marseywagie: into a thread about watches just like the guy in his OP. :marseylaughpoundfist:

@nuclearshill @C333 @ACA one of you nerds ping engineers for me and tell me how I did explaining this in layman's terms without getting more :marseyautism: than necessary. I tried to use pictures to break it up.

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I meant the other comment so they wouldn't need to click 'context' to see it. :marseyfacepalm:

Regardless thank you. :marseyloveyou:

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Tbf if they're not willing :marseywould: to hit context then they ain't gonna :marseyvenn6: read all that lol

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!physics can you guys clarify I doubt for me? Does piezoelectricity generates current? It generates voltage due to mechanical stress, but current is the flow of electrons through a conductor and crystals like quartz are not conductors.

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the electrons in the crystal move just a bit to give it an overall polarization which creates the potential difference. the current in the wire is induced by the voltage from the crystal. heres an analogy, i have two bound charges so they dont move and an electron in between them (or in the wire). they create a potential difference that causes the electron (or electrons in the wire) to move. moving charge(s) thus a current, but the charges that created the voltage difference (the dipoles in the crystal) arent moving themselves. (someone better at physics than me will correct me below) https://i.rdrama.net/images/17242132445194275.webp

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but the charges that created the voltage difference (the dipoles in the crystal) arent moving themselves

But you put work (either mechanical compression of the piezoelectric or in form of external electric field) into the crystal to separate these charges in the first place. That is an induced current, which then polarizes the crystal and creates the potential difference. And similarly opposite current is generated on relaxation of the crystal, when the 'stabilizing' force on charges is removed and they are allowed to recombine based on the polarization of material. I doubt that there are any external charge cariers that use the polarized state to move, rather it's the relative motion of the crystal lattices itself that is considered the current in this case. This also makes sense since you're not using the quartz as a battery but rather as an oscilator.

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I cheated and edited rock to mineral since you're inviting the :marseybigbrain: to :marseynoooticer: me.

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Scro just join it

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one of you nerds ping engineers for me and tell me how I did explaining this in layman's terms without getting more :marseyautism: than necessary

I don't wear a watch and I know shit about watches so your post was informative to me :marseyreading:

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I meant commentary on if I'm describing the soyience correctly. :marseyscientist: I just read it again and realized I had already messed up in the very first sentence. Quartz isn't a stone.


But I haven't taken or applied trig since 9th grade to really understand electricity :pikachu: and my undergrad degree didn't require me to take anything in math except statistics stuff, so I know I'm out of my depth talking about tech history beyond the basics. But you know when someone engages me politely I'll always :marseylongpost: for them if I think they'd read it. :marseyautism:

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Quartz isn't a stone.

It's a mineral made of silica


Learned that in geology


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The phenomenon is called "piezoelectricity". Some crystals like quartz have that property by which voltage is generated due to mechanical stress.

But I haven't taken or applied trig since 9th grade to really understand electricity :pikachu: and my undergrad degree didn't require me to take anything in math except statistics stuff

I honestly don't remember a lot from my electricity related subjects from college. We covered electricity and electromagnetism on my second year (Coulumb Law, Faraday Law, Maxwell's equations, Kirchhoff Laws) but it's been years and I haven't check them. We touched circuits on Differential Equations exercises as well (I remember the math more than the physical concept you're supposed to apply lol).

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Today you have made an enemy.

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B-b-but someone asked me to explain a meme, @AverageBen10Enjoyer. :marseycry:

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but also interesting :marseynotes:

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I could get nerdier. I tried to keep it at a level anyone might actually read.

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All them words won't bring your pa back.

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All watches used to be all-mechanical, with springs and gears and flywheels and no battery. An automatic watch is a mechanical watch that's powered automatically by your wrist swinging as you walk rather than having to periodically hand-wind the watch. "Movement" refers to the timekeeping mechanism inside the watch.

In the 60s they invented quartz watches, which work electronically by making a tiny piece of quartz vibrate at a specific frequency, then taking that frequency and feeding it into the hands of a watch/clock/etc. This is way, way simpler than mechanical watches and also more accurate (and the watches require less maintenance, they're more shock resistant, they don't have to be worn or wound regularly to keep time, etc etc etc), so quartz watches are just straight up objectively better than mechanical watches if you want to tell time (this was before smartphones so nearly everyone had to wear a watch).

The quartz crisis was when everyone suddenly went from buying mechanical watches to buying these objectively better, cheaper, japanese quartz watches, which nearly bankrupted the entire Swiss watch industry because the Swiss had built a national identity around their fancy, mechanical watches and refused to adopt the cheap, mass produced quartz ones. A whole bunch of really big watch companies went out of business and the Japanese watch industry overtook the Swiss.

The Swiss response to this was to switch from making watches for everyone to making ultra fancy watches, focusing on "heritage", and pumping up their prices to the stratosphere. A rolex that cost you $200 in 1970 ($1600 today) is now about $15,000, and that's one of the more reasonably priced brands. You can easily get into the hundreds of thousands or millions for a plain watch with no precious metals that keeps time worse than a $5 children's toy, but people will tell you it's justified because of the craftsmanship or heritage or whatever. It's like designer clothes, but with the prices increased by a few orders of magnitude.

Grand Seiko's spring drive is a hybrid mechanical/quartz design, entirely mechanically powered but using quartz to regulate the movement so it can keep time much more accurately than purely mechanical watches. It can maintain +- 15 seconds per month, which is comparable to crappy quartz watches. Rolex will get you +- a minute per month, and high end quartz can get you to +- a second per year or nearly-perfect accuracy through the use of various things that broadcast the current time.

tldr: watches are a status symbol, use your phone to tell the time. Also Rolex and their dealers can all go die in a fire for all I care frick them I hate them all

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I didn't check to see that you'd already answered lol. My comment has a bunch of pictures so it's better. :marseyindignant:

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you actually posted yours first

and ur right, it is better. Although you did make one mistake

Nobody except :marseyautism: and :marseyhomofascist: will ever care about what's on your wrist. Just get a quartz, and a Grand Seiko if you need it to be pretty.

The real trick is to buy fake chinese rolexes :#marseyjewoftheorient:

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Ok r-slur

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If you're buying for utility, you should obviously go smartwatch. Customizable, tracks sleep/exercise/bpm if you want to, manages music etc.

If you're buying for fashion, the fit and style of the watch is way more important than the price tag. I got a stupid amount of compliments on a $100 armitron hunk of metal, just because it fit my broad wrist and general fashion sense at the time.

The only time expensive watches make sense are when you've got the collector 'tism, when you want to bang gold-diggers, and when you want to flex on other moids.

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Hey watch neurodivergents shut the frick up this is a Starbucks thread.

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If I'm buying for utility, I obviously go for an iced white chocolate macadamia nut shaken espresso.

But sometimes I wake up and I'm in that venti vanilla bean frappucino with 2 scoops of dragon fruit mood :#marseygirlboss:

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Get a Casio


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Casio F-91W is the connecting thread to @ObamaBinLaden's username :m#arseyschizowall:

I'm not in the pinggroup but my God I've solved it! :marseygasp: Someone ping schizos!

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Lmao I have that watch

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I had one of those. I tossed it into a drawer for like 7 years, after taking it out and changing the batteries it still worked.

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Real neighbors wear Vacheron Constantin or A Lange

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Listen, guy, I'm not going to argue with a pleb, but if you're a CEO of a billion+ corp, you need to atleast wear a triple axis tourbillion.

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If they weren't so incredibly bulky tourbillions are at least neat. Totally impractical to ever wear though. :marseydisagree:

If you wanna be fancy just get a custom Grand Seiko and it'll have the same polish/attention to detail as anything European while costing a few grand instead of a few hundred. I know they do specialized promotional runs so there's no way they'd turn down a :fancywithwine: coming along offering :marseybux: and free advertising by having it worn in public. I hate Japanese culture but I accept they developed the superior product in this case.

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or just not wear a watch

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