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Once again an arachnophobe and one who was even a priest (defrocked yesterday) was caught fricking spiders


I sadly couldn't find that stupid arachnophobe meme chuds always use to "destoy libs", but everyone knows which one I'm talking about. Now here is the 11232423th time it was disproven because it happened again.

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I don't really know about Hungarian politics and have no stake in that portion of things, but I've never seen !Catholics deny the existence of priests with same s*x attraction or the existence of abusers. :marseyconfused: Usually gay men kinda get thrown under the bus discussing the 20th century abuse scandals, if anything, in the sense that post 60s views of sexual urges being uncontrollable gets used as an explanation for pederasty in the priesthood.

St. Cdl. Peter Damian, a Doctor of the Church and monastic reformer, even wrote a long letter about it in the 11th century titled the Book of Gommorah.

Damian is also concerned with a phenomenon that has become disturbingly familiar for us: the tendency of those involved in sexual perversion to seek promotion and advancement in the Church, and to recruit others into their lifestyle. "Why, I ask, O darnable sodomites, do you seek after the height of ecclesiastical dignity with such burning ambition?" writes Damian. "Why do you seek with such longing to snare the people of God in the web of your perdition? Does it not suffice for you that you cast your very selves off the high precipice of villainy, unless you also involve others in the danger of your fall?"

Note here that "sodomites" in the classical sense refers to all s*x outside the confines of the marital act, so straight priests, too.

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Person isn't interested in having s*x with a future wife, because has some other type of sexual interests so goes to become a priest, and people who are very much looking forward to having s*x with a future wife don't become priests. It's this how it's always been, as long as celibacy has been enforced.

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The priesthood historically attracted men also on the basis that it offered a path to education, social mobility, and prestige. Another factor would be that it was the case for hundreds-thousands of years traditional to push the youngest son of a family towards attending seminary, and that population certainly would be a standard distribution. I'm about to head off for the night to have dinner so I'll leave it at that rather than get into a back and forth. :marseyxoxo:

Given the recent scandals it's a subject which has received a great deal of scholarship if you're indeed curious or care about being accurate. Have a blessed weekend, my dearest of frenemies. :marseyandjesus:

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well I was raised catholic and I have no love for Protestants but one thing Martin Luther was correct about was his complaints that Catholic priests were hypocrites with mistresses on the side. He pointed out in his letters that despite their vows of celibacy many priests had at least one mistress and the higher ups like bishops would sometimes have multiple of them. So even in the era when "normal" guys (instead of effeminate gays) were becoming priests, sexual activity was still really common. It's no surprise that it's still common but shifted towards gay s*x now that the priesthood is primarily serving as a refuge for Catholic gays.

My mom was extremely super catholic, I mean SUPER SUPER Catholic, and even she thought priestly celibacy was stupid and unnecessary. She thought priests should be allowed to marry and I still don't see why they can't. Eastern Orthodox priests marry and I haven't heard of so many scandals from them, altho I'm sure they still happen.

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Or you can read about it from St. Pope Paul VI in his 1967 encyclical Sacerdotalis Caelibatus:

9. Then there are those who are convinced that a married priesthood would remove the occasions for infidelity, waywardness and distressing defections which hurt and sadden the whole Church. These also maintain that a married priesthood would enable Christ's ministers to witness more fully to Christian living by including the witness of married life, from which they are excluded by their state of life.

It does acknowledge such objections while rejecting them. To be honest, in the present hypersexualized age, I think now more than ever it would be a mistake in certain ways to relax the discipline even if in principle it is not a requirement. One of our bulwarks against accusations of institutional bigotry towards those with same s*x attraction is to point to the manner in which we exalt celibacy and chastity. @seal_cel and @PlatyNarca you two have discussed this with me from different angles, I encourage taking a moment to read the letter.

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Also, you get to wear a special dress and a fabulous assortment of stoles.

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Why, I ask, O darnable sodomites, do you seek after the height of ecclesiastical dignity with such burning ambition?

Lol sounds like someone on /r/Catholicism complaining about the church in Germany.

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This one is simple - degenerates can't coom as hard when they're defiling each other because they're already used up. It's like snapping up a fresh pack of camels when you've been smoking butts from the gutter for weeks.

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He is saying raping 18 year olds is more fun than raping 50 year olds, and raping 16 year olds would be more fun than raping 18 year olds and the law is the only thing stopping men from fricking 16 year olds.

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Sexual urges are uncontrollable though? That's why r*pes go down when porn consumption goes up. Molestation rates are more dependent on national cultural values and views about women though.

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That's why r*pes go down when porn consumption goes up.

Degenerate logic from degenerate individuals. Prove that the correlation is from causation when the reality is that all violent crime has been on steady decline since the advent of the internet and widespread availability. You absolutely can't by any reasonable standard.

Porn and prostitution availability also strongly correlate with an increase in sexual slavery and trafficking.

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all violent crime has been on steady decline since the advent of the internet and widespread availability.

Violent video games reduce violent crime.

Porn reduces r*pes.

Porn and prostitution availability also strongly correlate with an increase in sexual slavery and trafficking.

In places where prostitution is illegal. Does Reily Reid look like a victim of s*x trafficking to you?

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I am sorry reality has a left wing bias chud. Show me a right wing society with less r*pe and molestation than Germany.

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  • Corinthian : Did you even read the comment? I was echoing that sentiment. :marseyfacepalm:

The pope already threw a public fit about the amount of cute twinkry at the seminaries so it's not exactly a secret. Watch papists contradict the pope in their zeal to defend the preists that diddled them.

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