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  • HailVictory1776 : That boy needs to find Christ and get out of Britain stat

Am so tired :marseymug: of islam :marseysalat: being shoved in my face everyday : atheism :marseyflyingspaghettimonster:


This sick religion :marseyluthercringe: (religion of peace :marseymuslimitsover: they say) is really :marseythinkorino2: tiring. I live in a muslim :marseyali: country :marseypalestineflag: i am financially independent. I dont want to get away from my country :marseycatgirl5: but also i cant get away from it. I am also gay, i just want to live happily have a family :marseyquagmire: and that is it, but no impossible, it is a dream :marseypillpopper: i will never :marseyitsover: ever achieve in my lifetime. My parents are the sweetest but they will never :marseyitsover: accept :marseyokay: me and i am tired :marseywoozy: of this. I dont speak to them a lot nor bond with them because of islam, i know they wont accept :marseyokay: me.

Wherever i go i have to pretend that i am a muslim, even when i go in a taxi, and always have to agree :marseyjeremiah: that islam :marseytaliban: is perfect, while muslims are generally one of the worst ppl you could meet, they are only this Β« decent Β» because they dont know their religion. I am just too tired :marseydeadinside3: of islam :marseyisisfemboy: being shoved in my face EVERY SECOND :marseygunnut: and at this point :marseyshesright: i hate hijabies and women :marseyuterus: wearing niqab for no readon… i cant control :marseyshadow: my hate towards it anymore. It is fricking :marseytom: up my life in all of its aspects.

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Is that person just overly cautious (prefacing their posts with a dozen apologies and disclaimers) or is the discourse in /r/atheism so unhealthy that you risk censure for criticizing a religion other than Christianity?

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when the OP is about islam, most of the comments are sneeding about xistanity. judism is still spoken about with reverence. bibi is bad, but jewish foreskin munchers are totally sane.

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Eight is not pronounced as ite btw

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judism is still spoken about with reverence

As it should be. :chadjew:

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It's because they live in quaking fear as a cute twink in a Muslim country

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hot hot r*pe now

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Last thing a Greek conscript ever hears

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only if theyre cute :marseybow:

@Cute_Good_Friend :marseynails:

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