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EFFORTPOST Subhuman Frog :marseydeux: eurocuck shits on Western allied efforts to end Kraut :marseyhitler: occupation during WW2 - focusses on the BARBARIC aerial bombing of his cities by Yanks and Bongs :marseyjetbombing:


Oooh boi do we have a special snowflake today! :marseysnowflake:

Basically as introduction, I'll let the following comment exchange summarize the anti-bong/anti-yank criclejerk in this thread by eurotrash.



"Any hard feelings towards the occupiers at all? Or is it mostly the liberators you're angry with?"

Basically this whole thread is circlejerk about the cruelty and lack of remorse of the western Allies during the liberation of France, Belgium, Denmark and the Netherlands, and how many civilian casualties there were during the gruesome fighting in the Western Front theatre.

I don't know how these guys imagined dislodging the wehrmacht forces from civilian strongholds like cities - urban warfare is notorious for being especially gruesome in the modern era. And while the Kraut soldiers were not as suicidal as the Kamakazi Nips, they were still absolutely ferocious and fanatical in their devotion to Hitler and their commanders.

Do not let the popular images/videos of hordes of German soldiers surrendering in their hundreds of thousands dissuade you from the reality that even the late stage german soldiers were devoted to their duty, and fanatical in their carrying out of orders by their superiors to defend, often to the last man. The mass surrendering only occurred in the last 3 months of the war, in 1945.

The entire year of 1944, was one gruesome depraved slog on the western front, as desperate men in their millions tried to murder one another. Also do not be fooled by shitty WW2 documentary, which often showcases one speedy inevitable march of freedom, with the good guys inevitably pushing the coloured front lines all the way to Berlin, from Normandy.

The reality was far more grim, and took immense sacrifice to get there, the western allies suffered half a million casualties, killed or badly wounded, the coalition of Yanks/bongs/frogs/polish. For the men fighting for 18 months in the western theatre, there was barely any solace that the krauts were a shadow of their former selves of 4 years prior, or that they had overwhelming air dominance, the germans were near perpetually on the defense, and defenders have acute advantages over attackers in modern warfare.

It must be taken with this mindset, why things like Strategic Bombing of cities to dislodge the enemy, even civilian cities of allies were considered viable strategies to end this bloody war as quickly as humanly feasible, and only after the war, historians in hindsight could with definitive certainty decry the efficiency or lack of efficiency of strategic bombing.

Additionally, the exiled High Command under De Gaul gave their blessing to the Anglo-American airpower to have free reign on destroying the fascist enemy garrisoned within Frence cities and forts, yet they never receive any fraction of ire or hate by the subhuman types in /r/europe whom are constantly consumed by their anti-bong/anti-yank circlejerk.


"Are you accusing me of being a nazi sympathizer because I post a commemoration of the destruction of my city ?" :soyjakanimeglasses:

"Nothing but bad things to say about the RAF. Very little to say about the Nazis." :marseyitsallsotiresome:


OMG YOU JUST ACTIVATED A HEKKIN WHATABOUTISMORINOOOOO :soyjakwow: :soyjakwow: :soyjakwow: :soysnooseethe: :soysnooseethe: :soysnooseethe:



"Because the allies were liberating Europe and destroying nazism, while the axis were conquering Europe and imposing nazism on it. Surely that's clear even to you?" :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed:

Useless fat reddit french frick says the following :marseyfrenchitsover2: :marseydeux: :marseydeux: :marseydeux: :marseydeux: :marseydeux: :marseydeux: :marseydeux: :marseydeux:


"surely I did not know that liberating meant killing people and flattening homes but whatever. in fact, if you can't understand the simple fact that a good side may also commit war crimes it's up too you, there's even a name for that; denial." :soyjakanimeglasses: :soyjakfat: :soysnootypefast:

Excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me good sir, but your cute twink ancestors didn't liberate my cities in a totally wholesome way, they KILLED civilians! :soyjakhipster:


"The allies liberated your country and others with the strategies, tactics and weapons that were available to them at the time. They did it with imperfect information and unsophisticated command and control. It's very easy for you, with the freedom that was bought for you by others, to criticise those decisions decades later and to say what you, with your extensive experience, would have done differently. The deaths in Le Havre are to be regretted enormously, as are the deaths of c.50,000 allied servicemen who were killed in the liberation of Normandy." :marseybeanannoyed: :marseyitsallsotiresome:



"Is that an excuse for the death of thousands of civilians, something which could be easily avoided? Killing the people they are trying to liberate." :marseyeyeroll: :marseyeyeroll: :marseyeyeroll:

Uhhm actually, you douchebag Bongs deliberately killed the people they were trying to liberate :crackerjak:





Subhuman Frog OP


continues to argue the whole thread about the warcrimes of the Western allies.



"How is that a nazi apology to denounce bombing of civilians ? I'm not saying the nazis were right, one can call out Allied wrong doing without being a nazi" :marseymayo: :soyjak:

"This whole post reeks of trying to hate the British and Americans for making a questionable bombing run in the middle of the biggest war in history. It's also not possible for it to have been a war crime since the rules on any specific war crime you can tag this as were written after the war." :marseybeanangry: :marseybeanangry: :marseybeanangry:



"Everyone from Winston Churchill to AC Grayling has written large amounts after deep thought on the US and British bombing campaign. There are shelves of books about it all. Probably a quarter of those shelves is the US' own "The Strategic Bombing Offensive" which is quite critical of the campaign. Andrew Knapp is just one writer and a biased one. You seem fixated on this one small part. What do you think should happen now? Put Bomber Harris or Winston Churchill or Franklin Roosevelt on trial? Stage a replay of WW2 with different acts and a better ending?"

:soyjakanimeglasses: :soyjakanimeglasses: :soyjakanimeglasses:"I'm not trying to change anything or accuse anyone, I just want people to remember." [...how much Bongland fricking sucks] :gossip:

More eurotrash circlejerk about Westoids = bad



"The short answer is that Bomber Command were basically rogue war criminals." :soyjak: :soyjak: :soyjak: :soyjakfat: :soyjakfat: :soyjakfat: :soysnoo3:

ISREAL SUCKS POSTING BY COMMIES :marseysaluteisrael: :marseysaluteisrael: :marseysaluteisrael:



My glorious Jewlords :chadjew: :chadjew: :chadjew: continue to :chadjewrentfree: :chadjewrentfree: :chadjewrentfree: commies in their spare time!!



A few brave souls stand against the conjecture circlejerk of the OP and other eurocucks




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80 years ago, the Nazi city of Le Havre in Normandie was under heavy bombing form the British bomber command. This bombing lasted for 3 days, killed 2000 Nazis and destroyed 85% of the Nazi city center and doing no damage on the Nazi garrison.

/u/Sexy-Spaghetti, why does it matter that they didn't hit the garrison when they killed all those Nazis anyway? :marseyconfused:

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