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Trump won the fricking debate :marseykamala: last night. By a fricking mile. Kamala :marseyridin: and ABC lost.

If you can even call that a fricking debate. In reality that was a fricking carefully coordinated and executed subterfuge campaign.

The fricking media's bias was fricking on full display :marseyplushieswinging: and all of their dirty :marseyabandoned: tricks and techniques were fricking as well. I'm going :marseysalmaid: to explore each of them in this thread. Including:

1. Omitting fact-checks against false :marseypinocchio: information from Kamala

2. Misleading or outright false :marseyakshually: "Fact-Checks" against Trump

3. Moderator :marseymooserevenge: Bias

4. Network :marseymar: Bias

5. Post-debate spin propaganda

There were so fricking many examples last night :marseysamfisher: of David :marseyhitlerjew: Muir and Linsey Davis falsely "fact-checking" Trump :marseyliberty: whilst letting Kamala :marseyridin: get away with lie, after lie, after lie without a fricking single :marseywall: fact-check.

They did exactly what their boss, Dana Walden, who is a fricking close :marseynoyouzoom: personal friend :marseychinchilla2: of Kamala's, wanted them to do. Walden isn't just a fricking close :marseynoyouzoom: personal friend, she's also hosted fundraisers for Kamala :marseyridin2: at her home in Brentwood.

"In many ways, Dana and Matt are fricking responsible for my marriage," Ms. Harris :marseykamakama: joked at a fricking fund-raiser inย April 2022ย at the fricking Waldens' home in Brentwood, a fricking wealthy :marseycosmopolitan: Los Angeles enclave where :marseydrama: Ms. Harris :marseykamalablackface: and Mr. Emhoff also own a fricking residence. Source: The New York Times

Make no mistake, this wasn't a fricking debate. This was a fricking meticulously crafted and rehearsed subterfuge campaign against Trump :marseyliberty: and the fricking American :marseyappleseed: people.


1. Mandatory Firearm :marseyww1french1: Buybacks:

Kamala Harris :marseygivecoconut: told Trump :marseyliberty2: to "stop lying" about her wanting to confiscate firearms. Harris :marseyeric: has previously stated multiple times that she wants to launch :marseycruisemissile: a fricking mandatory buyback program.

In fact, the fricking last time Kamala :marseyridin: ran for President, she told David :marseyhitlerjew: Muir, the fricking same moderator :marseyreportmaxxer: of last night's debate, that she would :marseymid: use executive orders for gun control.

You can watch :marseypopcorntime: that video :marseylegion: here.

Even Biden :marseyridin: was fricking telling her that it wasn't constitutional. She just laughed at him.

The fricking ABC moderators, including Muir, who had heard :marseyjacksparrow: Kamala :marseygivecoconut: give him the fricking exact opposite answer :marseyconfuseddead: 4 years ago in the fricking video :marseymeowth: linked above, said nothing last night.

Here's the fricking videoย of her saying she would :marseywood: make her gun buy back program :marseyyarn: mandatory.

No fact check, no clarification, no follow-ups on why her position has flip-flopped. Nothing. They just moved on.

2. The fricking Charlottesville "Very Fine People" Hoax:

Kamala Harris :marseygivecoconut: claimed Trump :marseychuddance: called neo-N*zis "very fine people." This hoax has been debunked by everyone, even Snopes, but the fricking ABC moderators :marseyjannyprotest: let it slide.

Here's what Kamala :marseyridin2: said in the fricking debate :marseystrawman: and the fricking next video :marseyzeldalinktoonblue: is the fricking full clip of Trump's actual comments.

He clearly states :marseylibertyfireworks: that he was NOT fricking TALKING :marseypluribusanus: ABOUT the fricking Neo-N*zis who he said, "Should be condemned completely."

The fricking ABC moderators :marseyjannyprotest: said nothing.

3. Post-Birth Abortion:

Trump claimed babies :marseykiwimom: were fricking 'k*lled' outside :marseytouchgrass: the fricking womb in failed :marseychonkertrain: abortions. Under :marseyhole: Tim Walz, babies :marseykiwimom: born alive :marsey3d: in botched abortions are fricking allowed to be left to die.

Eight babies :marseykiwimom: who survived :marseytrumpfistpump: abortions in Minnesota were fricking abandoned and sadly perished under :marseyhole: Walz.

The fricking ABC moderators :marseyjannyprotest: simply said Trump :marseybackstabglowie: was fricking lying :marseydeception: and moved on without adding context.

Kamala also never :marseyitsover: answered whether she would :marseywood: be okay with abortion :marseybountyhunter: in the fricking 6-9 month rage. She and the fricking moderators :marseyjannyprotest: simply pretended that wasn't legal or isn't happening.

Yet, eight states :marseykamala: don't have any restrictions on abortion.

"nO oNe SuPpOrTs AbOrTiOn :marseygilead: iN tHe fricking 9tH mOnTh"

No fact-check on her or that whatsoever.

4. Defund the fricking Police:

Kamala Harris :marseykamala: laughed when Trump :marseyusa: said she wanted to defund the fricking police. During a fricking previous interview, Harris :marseyridin2: said having more cops on the fricking street :marseycountvoncount: is fricking "wrong."

Here's Kamala :marseyridin: telling us she supports defunding the fricking police :marcuscop: and "re-imagining" how we "create safety"

She also supported taking police :marseythinbluebline: officers out of schools in the fricking name of "equity."

The fricking ABC moderators :marseyjannyprotest: said nothing.

5. The fricking "There's going :marseysal2: to be a fricking bloodbath" Hoax

Kamala Harris :marseygivecoconut: claimed Trump :marseymagahatbipoc: said there :marseycheerup: would :marseywood: be a fricking "bloodbath" if he is not fricking elected, insinuating that his supporters would :marseywood: start killing :marseymegalodon: people.

This is fricking completely false. The fricking comment :marseysoypointtrips: was fricking made during a fricking rally where :marseydrama: Trump :marseychuddance: said there :marseycheerup: would :marseywood: be a fricking "bloodbath" for the fricking American :marseybateman: auto industry if he is not fricking elected.

You can watch :marseysalitssomewhere: the fricking full clip here.

The fricking ABC moderators :marseyjannyprotest: said nothing.

6. Project :marseynoyouzoom: 2025

I mean, what is fricking there :marseycheerup: even left to say about this one, b-word?

Trump has denied :marseyno: having anything :marseycoleporter: to do with it over and over and over again. The fricking former Director :marseyhouellebecq: of Project :marseynoyouzoom: 2025, Paul Dans, has said, "Trump has nothing to do with Project :marseynoyouzoom: 2025."

Kamala linked Trump :marseybootlicker: to it again multiple times last night :marseysamfisher: without a fricking single :marseykiwimom: correction :marseyakshually: or fact-check from the fricking moderators.

7. Border :marseyabbott: Security

Kamala lied, and the fricking moderators :marseyjannyprotest: framed the fricking question :marseyconfuseddead: to Trump :marseyhitler: as "Why did you kill the fricking Border :marseyabbott: Security :marseyblart: Bill in order to help your own chances in November."

Putting aside how comedically biased :marseybiast: that is fricking (lol) - Let's review :marseynostalgiacritic: the fricking Senate "Border Security" Bill.

The fricking Senate "Border Security" bill:

-Allows 5,000 illegal :marseymoonshine: border :marseyabbott: crossings per day.

-Keeps catch-and-release in place.

-Doesn't stop parole abuse.

-Sends hundreds of millions to NGOs to facilitate illegal :marseymoonshine: immigration.

-Requires that any alien :marseypharaohcat: who claims asylum :marseycommitted: be released into the fricking country :marseyukraineflag: and granted work authorization almost immediately.

It doesn't matter :marseypinkname: whatsoever if there :marseycheerup: was fricking Republican :marseytrumpgarrison: support for it. That bill would :marseywood: have literally :marseyme: exacerbated the fricking problem. It wasn't a fricking solution, it was fricking throwing :marseybreadcrumbing: gasoline :marseyflamewar: on an already raging forest :marseymushroom: fire.

A fricking bad bill is fricking still a fricking bad bill even if it is fricking bi-partisan.

On this, the fricking anniversary of 9/11, I invite you to consider :marseygigathonk: the fricking ramifications of the fricking bi-partisan Patriot :marseygasden: Act.

8. Flip-Flopping on Fracking

Linsey Davis: "VP Harris :marseyridin: in your last run for president :marseyvanburen: you said you want to ban fracking, now you [claim that] you don't. Why have so many of your policy positions changed?"

Kamala Harris: "My values have not changed. I made that very clear in 2020, I will not ban fracking."

Kamala Harris :marseykamalablackface: running :marseychaser: for president :marseylincolnchad: in 2020: "There's no question :marseyconfuseddead: I'm in favor of banning fracking."

Videotape does not lie. Unlike Kamala :marseyridin: Harris.

No follow-up or fact-check from the fricking moderators.

Then there :marseycheerup: were the fricking true things Trump :marseyhitler: said that immediately got "fact-checked," albeit incorrectly, by the fricking moderators.

1. Springfield Ohio

This one is fricking wild. There :marseycheerup: are so fricking many videos going :marseysal2: viral about Springfield natives complaining about Haitians driving :marseysteer: recklessly & committing vehicular manslaughter, eating :marseyramen2: cats, ducks, swans, geese, etc.

If you know anything :marseycoleporter: about Haiti, this doesn't surprise :marseyspitmoji: you one bit. If you don't know anything :marseycoleporter: about Haiti this might sound :marseyhearnoevil: bizarre, but all you need to do is fricking watch :marseywait: the fricking videos.

Springfield, Ohio couple :marseycupid: mourns the fricking death :marseypills: of their mother, 71-year-old grandmother :marseybabushka: Kathy Heaton, who was fricking allegedly struck and killed :marseyconfuseddead: by a fricking Haitian migrant "driving recklessly."

"She was fricking collecting her trash :marseyraccoonregular: from her driveway when a fricking car struck and killed :marseydeadpooner: her instantly."

"A Haitian immigrant :marseytunaktunakinvasion: was fricking allegedly driving :marseysteer: recklessly when he struck and killed :marseyconfuseddead: her."

"I say 'allegedly' because, to this day, there :marseycheerup: has been no punishmentโ€”not even for the fricking expired tags on the fricking vehicle :marseysteerchingchong: he was fricking driving."

"Months before :marseyskellington: she was fricking killed, I noticed the fricking reckless driving :marseysteer: and disregard for traffic laws by some members of the fricking Haitian community."

"We have unfortunately seen countless vehicle :marseysteerchingchong: crashes in our area involving people of Haitian descent."

Other residents have voiced similar :marseypamsame: concerns, with a fricking video :marseyzeldagerudolink: circulating showing :marseypoint2: some of these alleged incidents.

Kamala Harris's open border :marseyabbott: policy has brought around 20,000 migrants to the fricking town of 60,000, straining public services and creating a fricking housing crisis, according to Mayor :marseybuttigieg: Rob Rue.

Here a fricking women :marseyblops2chadcel: describes witnessing Haitian immigrants :marseyabbott: in Springfield, Ohio hunting animals, k*ll*ng them, and then feasting on their remains.

She says a fricking neighbor :marseyfrickyou2: had come home from work to see her cat hanging :marseyropeyourself: from a fricking branch being carved up to eat.

Two Surreal :marseykitti: Testimonies from a fricking Recent City Commission :marseydrownedcarcass: Meeting about the fricking Illegal :marseymoonshine: Alien :marseyscalped: Haitian Takeover


Women who's lived in her home for 45 years breaks downโ€ฆ

โ€”โ€” "it's so unsafe in my neighborhood.." and homeless :marseystinky: foreign men are fricking camping out on her property

โ€”โ€” I have men who cannot speak English :marseyqueenlizard: on my front :marseyviewerstare: yard, screaming :marseyletsfuckinggo2: at me, throwing :marseystoning: mattresses in my front :marseyviewerstare: yard, throwing :marseybreadcrumbing: trash :marseyraccoonregular: in my front :marseyviewerstare: yardโ€ฆ.

โ€”โ€” I understand you are fricking protecting them, but who's protecting the fricking citizens, b-word? Who's protecting me, b-word?

"Look at me, I weigh 95 pounds and couldn't defend myself :marseypain: if I had to."


Man describes what everyday life is fricking like in Springfield

โ€”โ€” Haitians are fricking flipping :marseyfuckyou: over trash :marseyraccoontrouble: cans, they're running :marseychaser: into buildings, they're flipping :marseyfuckyou: cars in the fricking middle :marseyfuckyou: of the fricking street.

โ€”โ€” I feel like people are fricking getting paid for this in the fricking background.

โ€”โ€” there's nothing but immigrants :marseyabbott: at the fricking Welfare :marseyantiwork2: office :marseypamsame:

โ€”โ€” it's unsafe for kids to walk to school.

"They're in the fricking park, grabbing up ducks by their neck, cutting :marseycut: their heads :marseyexeggcutor: off and walking :marseyzombiewolftrample: off with them and eating :marseycrayoneater: themโ€ฆ"

But according to ABC Debate :marseystrawman: Moderator :marseyonemediumsnekvibing: they talked to a fricking "Springfield Ohio City Manager" earlier in the fricking day who said there :marseycheerup: was fricking "no credible evidence :marseyproofster: for any of this."

I guess :marseyshrug: ABC decided that hearing :marseyhearnoevil: what they wanted to hear from one bureaucrat was fricking enough :marseyitsallsotiresome: to not dig any further.

There's a fricking police :marseybongcoplaser: report, police :marseysalutecop: call recording, and testimony from residents about Haitains stealing :marseywatermark: and eating :marseypopcorn2: animals :marseytedsimp3: in Ohio.

ABC "fact checked" Trump :marseyliberty: on this and let Kamala :marseyridin2: get away with the fricking bloodbath hoax, fine people hoax, and lying :marseydeception: about police :marseycop3: dying :marseycutwrist: on Jan 6, violent :marseymilei: crime :marseyscaredpolice: being down, and not wanting to take away your guns.

But again, The fricking ABC moderators :marseyjannyprotest: "fact-checked" Trump :marseyliberty2: and said there :marseycheerup: was no fricking credible evidence. Then they kicked it over to Kamala :marseygivecoconut: so she could get in her rehearsed line of, "WOW, motherlover! I mean, talk about EXTREME, motherlover! :P"


2. January :marseytrumpitsoverwereback: 6th

Here are the fricking Trump :marseyusa: videos and tweets from J6 that the fricking Democrats and media :marseyjourno: like to pretend don't exist. Trump :marseybackstabglowie: calling for peace :marseymuslimwereback: at the fricking Capitol :marseyqoomer: each time.

Here's Nancy Pelosi, on January :marseytrumpwereback: 6th 2021, saying she was fricking fully responsible for J6 and that she failed :marseyoutried: to secure the fricking capitol.

The fricking moderators :marseyjannyprotest: moved on right :marseytransmisiaaward: away and Kamala :marseyridin2: claimed that J6 was the fricking worst attack :marseychudheart: on our Democracy since the fricking Civil :marseysaluteconfederacy: War. On the fricking eve of the fricking anniversary 9/11, no less.


3. Post-birth Abortion

They said that post-birth abortions (infanticide) never :marseyitsover: occur and that no one in the fricking Democrat :marseyliberty: Party :marseycupcake: has ever advocated for that.

Here's the fricking video :marseychocobo: of, then Virginia-Governor Ralph :marseypuke: Northam, in 2019 endorsing post-birth abortion.

There were fricking plenty of others he got fact-checked on despite :marseybipocattentionseeker: being largely correct, but this post is fricking already long enough. You get the fricking idea.


This tweet is fricking perfect :marseychefkiss: so I'm including it here in its entirety.

>This clip may be the fricking most egregious example of ABC debate :marseyshapiro: moderators' direct actions/inactions to affect viewers' perceptions of the fricking information presented at the fricking debate.

There are fricking at least seven :marsey7o7: instances of this within a fricking two-minute span.

This is not fricking "bias."

It's much worse.

This is fricking direct, planned :marseyhanger: interference in the fricking debate :marseykamala: outcome. When moderators :marseyjannyprotest: take on the fricking role of "fact checkers" the fricking inference is fricking that the fricking absence of a fricking "fact check" confers validity to the fricking non-fact-checked information.

When one side is fricking repeatedly "fact checked," while the fricking other is fricking not, that is a fricking signal to the fricking viewer that one side is not fricking reliable and truthful, while the fricking other side is.

The fricking ABC moderators :marseyjannyprotest: had their orders, and here you see those orders executed.

In this clip:

1) Trump :marseybootlicker2: says Pelosi is fricking responsible for security :marseyblart: at the fricking Capitol. True. Muir intervenes on Kamala's behalf by cutting :marseycut: him off with snarky retort, doesn't acknowledging the fricking validity of Trump's statement, and immediately redirects to Kamala :marseyridin: to set up her "answer" he knows is fricking coming. This is fricking direct action :marseypop: by Muir to affect the fricking outcome of this exchange.

2) Kamala :marseyridin: says she was fricking at the fricking Capitol :marseytrumpgarrison: on J6. She was fricking there :marseycheerup: in the fricking morning, but left to go to DNC HQ prior to the fricking riot. Critical information is fricking omitted. No fact-check.

3) Kamala :marseykamakama: says Trump :marseybootlicker2: incited a fricking mob to attack :marseychudheart: the fricking Capitol. False. Trump's "peacefully and patriotically" comments are fricking ignored. Trump :marseybootlicker: is not fricking charged with inciting violence. No fact check.

4) Kamala :marseygivecoconut: says that "some" police :marseybongcoplaser: officers died on January :marseytrumpwereback: 6. False. No fact check.

5) Kamala :marseykamakama: recites the fricking Charlottesville "Fine People" hoax. This has been thoroughly and repeatedly debunked. No fact check.

6) Kamala :marseyridin: recites the fricking "stand back and stand by" hoax. This is fricking designed to infer that Trump :marseysnappymaga: was fricking ordering a fricking "militia" to act on later :marseywave2: orders, when he was fricking clearly asking for a fricking cooling of tensions. No fact check.

7) Kamala :marseykamakama: recites the fricking "bloodbath" hoax. Trump :marseymagahatbipoc: was fricking talking :marseypluribusanus: about the fricking automobile industry, not violence. No fact check.

To quote Megyn Kelly on the fricking ABC moderators:

"They did exactly what their bosses wanted."

Not to mention that ABC's coverage of the fricking two candidates leading up to the fricking debate :marseykamala: had been 100% Positive :marseyfingergoodjob: of Harris :marseyridin2: and 93% Negative :marseydisagree: for Trump.

Trump was fricking almost assassinated 2 months ago and they didn't mention it once. Not once.

Trump had to make the fricking comment :marseysoypointtrips: that he almost had his head taken off because of the fricking rhetoric spewed by Kamala :marseykamakama: Harris :marseykamakama: and ABC and all they did was fricking quickly change topics.

That's so beyond :marseynietzscheretard: shameful I struggle to even put it into words.

It's just absolutely abhorrent.

In conclusion, Trump :marseyrussiaglow: won that debate. By a fricking mile.

The fricking story :marseyslime: today :marseyclueless: is fricking about the fricking moderators, their bias, the fricking network :marseymar: (ABC), ABC's bias, and the fricking real fact-checks are fricking taking place :marseywinner: on X, Substack, and Youtube.

The fricking Springfield Ohio stuff is fricking especially making waves because they dismissed it so out of hand and yet there's so much evidence.

Kaitlin Collins on CNN certainly wasn't ready :marseyexcited: for this answer from JD Vance on the fricking matter.

The fricking number :marseyfourreasons: 1 question :marseybeanconfused2: Kamala :marseyridin2: should :marseynorm: have been asked :marseythinkorino2: over and over again by the fricking moderators :marseyjannyprotest: is, "So then why haven't you already done it?" They never :marseyitsover: asked :marseythinkorino2: that.

Only Trump :marseymagahatbipoc: mentioned it in his closing remarks, and a fricking lot of focus groups are fricking saying that resonated with them more than anything :marseycoleporter: else said in the fricking debate.

If she wanted to be doing all these good things...why hasn't the fricking Biden/Harris administration been doing them the fricking past 3.5 years, b-word?


Kamala lied, was fricking never :marseyitsover: fact-checked, and was fricking called a fricking truth-teller.

Trump told the fricking truth, was fricking "fact-checked" with misinformation, and was fricking called a fricking liar.

Our media :marseyphoneglued: is a fricking bought and paid for circus :marseyelephant2: of propagandists and clowns. It was fricking on full-display last night.

The fricking American :marseyhealthy: people are fricking by and large :marseyslimegreen: not dumb enough :marseyitsallsotiresome: to fall for it.

ABC was too fricking obvious :marseyoctopus3: in their bias and they're getting dragged all over the fricking internet :marseydeception: (everywhere except for the fricking major :marseygaygeneral: subreddits, of course, lol) today. As they deserve.

For Trump, that's a fricking major :marseygaygeneral: W.



BREAKING: Trumpย remains the fricking favoriteย in Nate Silver :marseybadgejew: election :marseynatesilverfox: model :marseylaying: after new polls released yesterday.

Trump: 61.6% (+23.5)

Harris: 38.1%

Independents tracked almost perfectly with Republicans during the fricking debate

On the fricking major :marseygaygeneral: issues โ€” economy, inflation, illegal :marseymoonshine: immigration, energy :marseyreactor: โ€” independents sided with Republicans.

Democrats weren't huge fans of some of her answers.

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4th highest comment is saying "your source for the killed babies is... a tweet?"



I HATE REDDITORS WITH FIRE AND FURY :#marseyraging: :#giggabork: :#donkeykongchestbeat:

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