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  • FamilyGuyShill : i saw thsi on twitter 3 days ago, old drama
  • Spooksix : Waow thanks PBS!
  • HailVictory1776 : Propaganda Bullshit System
  • Fresh_Start : These jobs are going to Haitians now. There is nobody poorer so this is the last generation.

Factory owner in Springfield Ohio says he likes the Haitians because they consistently show up to work and don't have drug problems unlike all the Amerifats he's used to

From this video:

To all the non-Haitian residents of Springfield:


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The haiti thing came so out of nowhere and is just proof that chuds have no mind of their own. There was 0 talk about haitians anywhere ever for the past years, then chud king drumpf says during a debate some nonsense thatd get you locked up in psych ward and suddenly chudoids act like this is the biggest issue ever and the front of culture war.

Just proof drumpf can throw the wildest mashup of buzzwords he came up with on spot on live tv and chudoids will take it seriously and run it to the ground


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You clearly aren't paying attention to the fricking chud circles around here if you think the fricking Haitian story came out of nowhere or originated from Trump.

Really poor site metagame tbh

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Or i simply dont care about what chuds think and only want to harass them

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Yeah it's not like Haiti has been in total societal collapse for months now and the media never reported on a gangster named bbq running the country. Conan said Haiti was amazing, why would anyone leave?!?

Putting the :e: in spookie

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the media stopped talking about Haiti after their last president(who refused the covid jabs in his country) was mysteriously assassinated and several of the assassins turned out to be :marseyglow:

assassinated july 7th


:marseyrubberhoseheroin:shipment delivered a week later


:gigachadglow: connection





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Well it's gotta be about the vaccine. There's no other possible motive for killing the president of Haiti.

turned out to be :marseyglow:

Not sure what you're talking about here. They pretended to be DEA as a ruse to get close to his home. IIRC some were ex-Colombian police, but I don't remember seeing them glow.

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I don't remember seeing them glow.



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Hey, we're not talking about me right now. :marseyspyglow:

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Sounds like they're actual legit refugees deserving asylum, then.

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No one deserves asylum. It just enables people to flee their country and not work on making it better. Heartless? Maybe, but better for the world overall. :marseyjesus2:

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If I force this engineer to stay in polpots Cambodia it will fix Cambodia.


If it could be fixed they wouldn't be leaving, people have a bias for staying on their land.

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My argument is, yeah who cares? They're not our citizens. Sucks to be 'em.

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Yeah. People seem to forget that the single most important determinant in the course of a person's life is supposed to be which side of various imaginary invisible lines you were born on.

The last thing our country needs is for the bravest, most-ambitious, hardest-working risk-takers in the world to gravitate here and disrupt our perfectly balanced system where life-outcomes are assigned by zip code at birth. Just look at the video linked above.

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>won't fix their shithole


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won't fix their shithole

Of course not. Trying to solve the problems of one's countrymen is socialism. These are brave, ambitious, hardworking people who want to make a better life for themselves, and not slave away for the collective good. that's why we need to stop them from coming in and taking the societal privileges that Native Americans are entitled to as a matter of birthright.

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this is the dumbest meme, you can't fix a country by yourself and, even if you could, why would you if you can guarantee a better life for yourself simply by leaving it? haiti will not become a good place to live in in our lifetimes no matter what

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>The last thing our country needs is for the bravest, most-ambitious, hardest-working risk-takers in the world to gravitate here and disrupt our perfectly balanced system

The system isn't perfectly balanced, because you don't fit this description and thus are wasting valuable air and land that should go to more deserving Haitians and South Americans

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Id support immigration if it was only hard working and ambitipus types coming and we didnt have welfare. As long as we jhave robust social system unfettered imigration will always become econ9mocally unfeasible and simply lead to more poverty/income inequality.


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Yes. Borders are completely imaginary lines and nothing differentiates people on either side of them in any way. Seen famously has had 0 trouble with it's immigrants and proved what racists all those right wingers are.


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This is leftist propaganda. I live in the Oak Hill zip code of my town. The people who live in the Cedar Point Zip Code are basically animals. That's why all of my neighbors' kids will go to good colleges and get good jobs, and their kids will go to prison for using the wrong kind of drugs and get leased out for farm work.

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This but unironically

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Only citizens are humans.


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Service guarantees citizenship.

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No, you can't braindrain the rest of the world and build a country from the cream of every nation, that's unethical! You have to make all the talented people stay in their shithole countries or else you're a big meanie!

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Because that's who we are letting in. The talented people.

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Why not brain drain 'em? Take in only the smart ones.

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Haiti killed all the smart ones 200 years ago.

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It just enables people to flee their country

Which in the end benefits burgerland, get fricked thirdie scum

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Ok globalist. See you at the insect buffet.

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Ok globalist. See you at the insect buffet.

i don't give a frick about a third world shithole, my country creates them :marseygiggle:

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World GDP would be doubled with open borders. You just hate winning don't you?

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Yeah, all they needed all along was access to magic soil that the vile first worlders are keeping from them.

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Yes it is magic soil. Why do you think europoors earn shit compared to here?

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Jews and Poles, let it be known: try harder next time.

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I feel like that's an argument for my opinion, not against.

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Yes, all these people may suffer. But that is a sacrifice I am willing to make :marseygigaretard:

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Yeah. But sending 16k refugees to a town of 60k people is absolutely insane. There is no way a town that small can absorb that many people without significant issues.

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Nobody "sent" anyone anywhere, word got around that this was a cheap place to live with good manufacturing jobs. :tayshrug:

I agree it's a lot of newcomers for a small city to absorb, but at least it means they're not a shitty dying town full of geriatrics like the rest of that part of Ohio.

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rural ohio is a lost cause, if anything they should be hyped people went there.

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if anything they should be hyped people went there.

P much. Haitians and Venezuelans are probably the only people in the western hemisphere who would find rural Ohio a life upgrade.

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I heard rural Ohio might be a good source to import scabs to Portland.

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They were absolutely sent there by the government and NGOS.

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>Nobody "sent" anyone anywhere

20k haitians show up in a pro trump county, in a swing state, the year the dems win the election, followed by them refusing to make voter ID mandatory and refusing take any measures against illegals voting


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Just because you learned about Haiti two weeks ago doesn't mean that they didn't exist before then, you ipad baby brain r-slur. Haitians have been in Springfield since Obama's mandate at least.

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You are a tiresome gorilla BIPOC. I've known about the state of Haiti (70IQ), their national dishes (human meat and mud), and their religious rituals (animal sacrifice) for about 20 years now.

Hearing that voter cattle replacement immigration from the world's butthole has been in effect since the Obama admin is the least surprising thing you could possibly tell me.

!chuds we have a live one - "it's always been happening and that's a good thing chud"

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Think back to the long lost forgotten times of two months ago wherein the Haitian warlord barbecue was in the news and it was a serious question whether or not he was a cannibal

Do !nonchuds forget this quickly lol?

E. Rip my coins

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I didnt read anything you just said I just wanted to let you know you've become an embarrassment to yourself and everyone around you.


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>You are a tiresome gorilla BIPOC.

>not a reply to @Holly_Jolly_Kong


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>spending 1400 buxx to rant on an argument I didn't make

I never said it was a good thing, learn to read, r-slur. I just called you a schizo for implying all of this has been happening in the span of >muh election year.

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"word got around" via immigration charities which bus these people around and manage them lol

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>I agree it's a lot of newcomers for a small city to absorb

No, it's okay to dunk on chuds for this one too.

A quick census check shows the population has been steady declining since 1990.

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The town has been depopulating for decades now, even if the 15k number turns out to not be an overestimate its not even close to peak population and about the same the town had in 1990.

Its also poor as frick. Median personal income is lower than working full time for minimum wage which is pretty fricking impressive, they probably just hate them because they have money because they work.

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Why should a nation be obliged to allow membership (importing their culture) and provide resources to members of another nation? What benefit do we get by doing so? A nation is supposed to serve its citizens' interests.

They created a failed nation, they can fix their nation.

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That doesn't answer the question of 'why' at all. Further, if the entire country deserves asylum, then that means every time a people destroy their nation, they should be all granted citizenship as a reward?

Can Haiti no longer be considered a state if the entire population are now asylees? Should it be invaded and occupied?

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The 'why' is because everyone signed a binding treaty agreeing to care for refugees.

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You're confused because you live in a country that has to follow treaties.

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Dude why was that treaty signed in the first place? Besides, why should you continue to follow a treaty created and abused by people who want to replace their fellow citizens with third-worlders who only destroy societies?

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Most of these people are just hoping that their due process hearing will be several years away so they can hang out here in the meantime and hopefully someone will give them amnesty or something. The UNHCR did not anticipate that court system being overloaded by asylum proceedings. It simply wasn't a consideration. International travel was much less common and there were very few cases of gangs selling transport to rich countries. Pretending that this is what the asylum convention was meant to do is madness.

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Haitians are under temporary protected status because their whole country is a shitshow.

There's no hearings, they don't have to prove their case - being cursed by God for being from Haiti is all the evidence they need. This is exactly what the asylum conventions are supposed to cover.

You must meet the following requirements to apply:

  • Be a national of Haiti or a person without nationality who lived in Haiti for a long time before arriving in the USA
  • Have lived only in the USA since June 3, 2024
  • Have not left the USA since August 4, 2024
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Why the frick should I care what you think I should do with my country? Pizza I get why you. What skin in the game do you have?

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  • Fresh_Start : Based but lets not pretend all immigrants are equals in quality.

That doesn't answer the question of 'why' at all.

Because I don't give a frick about imaginary lines and think those who do are probably sociopaths?

If I am going to get my money stolen by the government I would prefer it went to improving the collective humanity not paying for some 70 year old entitled piece of shit to play golf all day.

I also like that its good economics to import them, I like that it takes a small dent out of our demographic catastrophe.

I like that it makes people like you angry.

then that means every time a people destroy their nation

The US was not an uninvolved bystander to what happened in Haiti. US invaded 30 years ago and sponsored a coup 20 years ago. Given it was a dictatorship until 35 years ago I also have a hard time understanding how you are claiming shared accountability with the population.

if the entire country deserves asylum, then that means every time a people destroy their nation, they should be all granted citizenship as a reward?

Should we deport all the Irish, Germans and Italians who came here under similar conditions? Its likely that's your family so back to cuck land with you.

I wish you anti-immigration people would have more variety in the basis for your arguments. The quality dropped off massively about 15 years ago from a mix of crazy and those with wrong (but valid) views to mostly just crazy. Im not sure if its just entrenching a weird sense of cultural or ethnic homogeneity that hasn't existed for a very very long time or just you are not allowed to use the g*mer word in public anymore so need another way to express chud but its just not sporting anymore.

Do you have any arguments against immigration that are not ultimately entitlement, racism, a batshit insane wrong perception of crime or economic stats or some weird sense of national ownership?

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Because I don't give a frick about imaginary lines and think those who do are probably sociopaths?

Okay, we should import turd worlders because you personally don't think states are real since our eyes aren't real, even though 99% of the world does, and that makes them all sociopaths. Very compelling. You are part of a special 1% elite group of r-slurred subhumans.

I would prefer it went to improving the collective humanity not paying for some 70 year old entitled piece of shit

We should kill off the elderly after they've been working their entire lives instead of supporting them

I actually have empathy for people, I'm so kind, even though I'm spouting endless hateful rhetoric

When I say "collective humanity" I obviously don't mean wy"peepo"


I also like that its good economics to import them

I like that the wealthy use them to suppress wages, those lazy Americans are unwilling to works slave labor at slave wages, so ungrateful


I like that it takes a small dent out of our demographic catastrophe.

Importing trash that we will need to support both in the present and future at the expense of our own citizens fixes our problems or something even doe i hate old people or something


I like that it makes people like you angry.

My wittle peepee hard when I fight against enemy I imagined


America's fault blablabla that a country is a shithole

It would be an even worse shithole without American intervention. They were never not a shithole. They probably had a tiny chance before they committed racial genocide, especially against the ones that were helping them.

Should we deport all the Irish, Germans and Italians who came here under completely different conditions?


Its likely that's your family so back to cuck land with you.

It make my wittle peepee hard to fight against imaginary enemy

What is "cuck land"?

I wish you... [more incoherent ESL schizoblabber]


muh entitlement, you OWE turd worlders your labor, you RACIST CHUD because... well... you just DO... OKAY?!!!

Haitians are destroying Haiti. 99% of people in Haiti are Haitians. Haitian culture is destructive. There is no magic soil in America.

Importing third world culture is not beneficial to the people of functioning nations. Laws are not exhaustive. It's impossible for them to be. A functional country relies on culturally enforced unwritten guidelines.

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That's how all my ancestors got here. I might be a mentally and physically crippled psychotic r-slur, but my family has repaid this country many many times over since then.

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I've no problem with migrants or even illegals. Asylum just seems misguided. Since it's a mass importation of people.

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I do think with a lot of these countries we should accept asylum seekers on the condition that they join a US-commanded army that we build up to go back and liberate their country. The only problem with the Bay of Pigs was Kennedy didn't have the guts to go all the way.

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Kitty ancestors

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Unironically frick 'em. We don't need a million more BIPOCs turning America into haiti

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blud thinks he's on the team

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the media never reported on a gangster named bbq running the country


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i think op meant "it's not like the media never reported on a gangster [...]" but we need to wait for his reply to be sure

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He was being sarcastic you ESL r-slur

/S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s /S /s

Here, take these and mentally apply them to comments when it seems like they might be necessary

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"it's not like" implies sarcasm doe

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Yeah it's not like


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longpostbot is cooking u in the replies

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I don't know what you said, because I've seen another human naked.

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Yeah haiti has been bumfrick nowhere corrupt nation for past god knows how many years but what does that have to do with america at all? Why did americhuds suddenly start caring about some shithole country in the south ? What does this mini country being a shithole suddenly have to do with eating cats and being the front of culture war? No one heard anything about haiti until week ago because its a irrelevant nation

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its not complicated, theyre just importing as many backwards immigrants as possible in prder to destroy the middle class and consolidate power amongst the elites by limiting/destroying class mobility and local communities.


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Source: :marseyschiz#owall:

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America has always cared about Haiti. The fricking Haitian revolution scared Thomas Jefferson and made him like twice as racist as before.

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Why did americhuds suddenly start caring about some shithole country in the south ?

Like many places in the world we have long-lasting ties with (the Philippines, Guam, Samoa) it was in danger of falling into the hands of the Germans so the US intervened to prevent that. Having an unstable impoverished shithole full of desperate people that close to us is a threat to us.

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They voted in a voodoo guy in 91, their military said no and removed him then a few years later Clinton said yes and invaded to reinstall him. He did a little election fraud in 2000 and pissed off France so France & the US sponsored a coup to get him out of the way.

Im not sure if we should call this another former French colony special or one of the US attempts to "help" without really helping (rebuild Iraq/Afghanistan but not an island nation pretty fricking close to us).

I wish FDR had just annexed all of the Caribbean like he wanted to do.

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then chud king drumpf

It started a few days before with the cat thing. That orange Hitler mentioned it during debate shows just how online he and his campaign is.

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You're so behind on chud culture :marseyeyeroll: the Haitian migrants meme had been going on a good couple weeks prior to the debate, since a city council meeting went viral in late August

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:quote: there was no talk about haitians for years! then they showed up in huge numbers and suddenly are an issue?!?!?!!?! :quote:

what even is this post :xd:

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!nonchuds This one is a banger


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I stand by that you're an r-slur yeah. No worries.

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A few days ago, there was that article about the goose and some social media post about the "Haitians ate my cat!," followed by a news article about the mayor panicking about Springfield's government being incapable of dealing with the migrants. "We need help! :hysterical:" was the gist of it. He was requesting services from State and/or Federal government because of the influx of Haitians (around 10k and expecting 20k total).

Then there's the BBC article recently saying that the mayor said that he hasn't heard of any issues [related to pets being eaten]. The journo was a bit sly, leaving out what exactly the mayor was referring to.

:#tayshrug: !chuds

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The irony of conservatives loosing their shit over someone hunting is too much.

Putting the :e: in spookie

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>someone hunting


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Neighbor you are r-slurred. I wil not elaborate.

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:marseytrump: : Hate the gays

:npcmaga: : OK

:marseytrump: : Hate the jews

:npcmaga: : OK

:marseytrump: : Hate the blacks

:npcmaga: : OK

:marseytrump: : Like the jews now

:npcmaga: : OK

:marseytrump: : Hate the haitians

:npcmaga: : OK

:marseytrump: : LIke the blacks now

:npcmaga: : OK

:marseyshrug: : This is dumb

:npcangry: : You are an npc


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:marseytrump: : Hate the gays

:npcmaga: : We already did

:marseytrump: : Hate the jews

:npcmaga: : We already did

:marseytrump: : Hate the blacks

:npcmaga: : We already did

:marseytrump: : Like the Israelis

:npcmaga: : We already did

:marseytrump: : Hate the haitians

:npcmaga: : We already did

:marseytrump: : LIke the blacks now but only Kanye

:npcmaga: : We already did

:marseyshrug: : This is dumb

:npcangry: : You are an npc

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Schizo nonsense.

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Schizo TRVKE*

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It's actually an attempt to appeal to latinx voters. Because they hate Haitians.

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If we're not supposed to hate them why are they literally called "hate-ian"?

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I've been haitianpilled since I saw the action classic Crank and I'm sure I'm not alone

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Excuse me sweaty we in !dramatards were talking about this before the debate

You —> :marseyslowpoke:

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MFW I consume right wing talking points.


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Right wing talking points that rightoids were talking about this weeks before?

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Did I suggest otherwise?

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I mean, which is it, were rightoids talking about it before trump or after? Try and stick with a narrative

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You can't answer, got it. Thanks for playing, chump

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Jesus christ this is "I am fricking stupid" the post. Haitian asylum seekers are a huge topic due to the instability of their country.

Hello I'm bimothy :marseywave2:

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Source: :chudsmug:

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Hello I'm Bimothy :marseywave3:

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Where have u been bb?

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People were posting about it here day before the debate, it is a coordinated chud psyop but trump didn't invent it on the spot

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Normies+chuds: see a weird photo with a wild af story attached and it blows up into the story of the week

You: DAE chuds the real NPCs??? :soysmug: :soysmug: :soysmug:

Keep yourself safe

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Chuds have been mocking Haiti for years because it's an end stage BIPOC shithole, and tied with Sudan for worst place on the planet lmao

Trans lives matter, but not Haitian lives!

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The president granted all haitian illegals temporary residence a few weeks ago.

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Trump has never ever been ahead of the discussion

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Too many incidents to track. This is just a horrific one that demonstrates the problem.

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Save our marseys.

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