Why are Liberals NEETS and incels? Stupidpol discusses

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Why is it never the people who are winning the game who want to flip over the board and play something else?

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Itโ€™s 21 Jump Street in college and with glowies. :marseyglow: emoji

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But I think most people here will agree with me that terminally online leftists are a special type of loser, leagues ahead of your standard lolbertarian

Has he been on incel/redpill/DDR sites recently? I'm surprised they're even able to feed themselves.

Either way the symptom here is that people who spend their lives posting on political forums tend not to have much else going on

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:marseyagree: emoji

Anyone who attends those political events is a loser. I'll stay home grilling my veggie burgers.

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I swear every online leftist space is filled to the brim with fricking losers.

This is the most accurate description of reddit I've seen in a while

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We need to make leftism cool again, or at the very least, less fricking pathetic.

Having a sense of humor and being cool disproportionately affects women and people of color. The OP really shows his straight white male privilege that he can worry about things like image when the most vulnerable among us are just struggling to survive. The recent Dave Chappelle - Netflix debacle is the perfect example. In trying to be "cool" Dave spends his time punching down on trans people who have to face ridicule and the threat of being murdered every day. If that's what being "cool" is all about then I am happy to not be "cool". Very problematic.

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I don't think you understand this community. You're going to get fricked over, real hard. Stalked, Doxxed, Harassed, you name it. I guess that's what you wanted though, because you never had attention from your parents so you look for it online. Besides, her bussy was taken down twice already before, and it always comes back.


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:marseytwerking: emoji

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