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Typical Ribbit Rally Trump Neo-Nazi Circlejerk Gets Completely Derailed By Shitposting Trolls :chudjakpoint::trollfacedancing::!chudjakpoint:

The Ribbit Rally (formerly known as The Frog Pond) is an alt-right neo-Nazi imageboard based around Pepe the frog. :neutralpepe: Users of the site are walking caricatures of /pol/cels - the kind of people who would be laughed off of /pol/ for being too r-slurred. :authrighttrollface: While the site's original name was "The Frog Pond", it is actually a swamp, and one of the internet's most putrid swamps - one that regularly makes desperate attempts to raid the Sharty and always gets completely BTFO by SoyCHADs in return. :marseysoyteen: Most threads on The Ribbit Rally come across like some kind of bad satire of Trump supporters made by a Kamala Harris supporter. :marseygivecoconut:

As you can probably imagine, it doesn't exactly take very much to get the site's users riled up. :chudjakcry: One recent thread - which received far more replies than 99% of threads on the rancid QAnon r-slur circlejerk do - is a perfect example.

https://theribbitrally.org/qa2/res/10000.html (archived: https://archive.is/xfuCE)

The OP, as usual, reads like something generated by some ancient AI like Cleverbot:

President Trump is your leader. Trump won back-to-back elections. President Trump won back-to-back elections. Trump is the two-time back-to-back election champion. President Trump is the two-time back-to-back election champion. Two times. Back to back.

Trump is your President. President Trump is your leader. Trump won back-to-back elections.

Two times. Back to back.


After several posts jerking off the OP (with "KEYED ALERT", "Checked and baste. JEWISH CHADS ARE TREMBLING IN FEAR!", "we are winning so much", "JEWISH CHADS ON SUICIDE WATCH", and so forth), the thread soon gets derailed by some extremely low-effort trolling. :babytrollface:

One post, which was removed, draws replies like "die weabjewish chad die" and "Kek, (((they))) are kvetching already". Then it continues:

back to groomercord with your reddit president


seething jewish chad


Ignore the seething jewish chads ITT and check them. Best (((they))) can do is kvetch and project like a broken record because (((their))) influence is crumbling and winding away fairly soon. Pathetic display.


Just how many of you will rope after drumpf inevitably loses?


i have trump's full address and i just sent 40 death squads to his house


Another post which was removed draws replies like "die :marseytrain:" and this:

JFK at the seething happening in our very eyes, just know that your :marseytrain: idols are losing to us and DOTR is coming for all of you, I know you're shaking your boots after this fact but just remember this when we successfully assert dominance on the entirety of Western society as a whole. Your coping mechanisms won't change this fact.

Checked btw.


...but it just keeps coming:

trump was a friend of (((Epstein)))




Now let this be a lesson not to stain our honor and motives to restore America to its fullest glory through the means of sticking together and sharing our ideal plans to enact such.

Jewish chad shills always felt betrayed by the white man's glamoury, hence why they've been trying to push their degeneracy anywhere they go (e.g. tranime) and subvert the population of this country by convincing everyone that Trump is a "jew rat" (no proof).

They've always been trying to infiltrate the patriot's club because they're afraid that we're trying to preserve the future for the whole nation, and dominating the entire internet culture, so they try to shit it up with no luck. Only to get eviscerated immediately. They haven't made any progress since and now they're kvetching HARD like clockwork. Sad!

Not my problem! Let them cry and kvetch until the day of reckoning comes for each one of them, and it'll be so glorious to witness such.


Q lost. Schizos lost. Potato drumpf lost.


You sound so scared.

I think that's funny.

We are coming for you, jew.

You can't do a darn thing to stop it.

You have no more power on this plane, and we will find you.

The Balance is due.

God wills it. We have been called to the fold. There is no where left in our world for you to hide. Do you remember what was trending on black twitter before you were forced out of abject desperation, and frantic terror, causing you to unleash your subhuman jewish chad and BIPOC BLaMtifa horde. …which failed anyway, further exposing your weakness, and genocidal agenda?

I do.






I think that's fricking hilarious.

Face it, you schizo neanderjewish chad BIPOC.

It's over. You are already extinct.

You will be found, jew.


Someone with a Ukraine flag posts:

kill every drumpf supporter

kill every white "person"


Someone replies:

this shill really forgot to put his VPN on kek. These are the people we're dealing with folks


...and then, with a QAnon flag this time, the troll replies back:

Oy Vey!

thanks for reminding me goy


The users try desperately in vain to rally the Trumptards back up:

Yup, jewish chads lost hard today


(((They))) don't want this to be seen


(((they))) are working overtime to memoryhole this


...but it doesn't last for long:

(((they))) won doe


you're being gassed jewish chad


You clearly fear and seethe at the swastika, considering that you're a born jewish jewish chad. Considering that jewish chads hate and fear the swastika, and are compelled to flee its presence. Considering that #Trump2020 reich gas all jewish chads 1488 kill BIPOCs kill jewish chads swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika swastika


A namestrag going by "shblwarrior" mocks another user's post of "based" with an AI-generated image of Trump:



...which further enrages the chudtards. :tookthebait:




jewish chads are using grok ai now. kek. elon musk has your billing information. jewish chad slayers are being dispatched


(((shareblue))) are NOT sending their best it seems


(((they))) are still sliding this glorious milestone to cover it up


The jannies, of course, add to the trollbait posts things like:



(You sound like a slandering jewish chad. A treacherous lying jewish chad.)






The thread, as of right now, is still up. It would be a real shame if any of you decided to derail it even further. :marseytroublemaker:

@Aevann, Marseybux for documenting rightoid infighting please. :marseymerchant:

!nonchuds !grillers !pepe !trolls !soyteens

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You sound like a jewish chad. A coin clipping jewish chad. A jewish bald rat jewish chad.

I have a gun and a knife. I am God. I am President.

You sound like a disingenuous piece of shit rat jewish chad, subversion jewish chad, :marseytrain: enabling communist jewish chad permanent wretch. DIE JEWISH CHAD DIE. the holocaust never happened but it should have, and hopefully another one happens soon. EAT THIS SWASTIKA AND CHOKE TO DEATH ON IT YOU GREASY JEWISH CHAD

And for your actions, the cute twinks have committed an unforgivable crime. All cute twinks shall be removed from Europe and America. No one shall love them nor forgive them. Israel shall be destroyed. Africa shall be recolonized.

And everyone you love goes to heck forever and ceases to be. Along with you.

All that you hate happens. And all that you hate is good. All that you hate wins. And all that you hate is loved by all.

Every harm against you and your ancestors is blessed and good. All that you are is undone. And all you get is punishment.

All your love dies. All that you have is taken. And all that you love kills you.

TRUMP MAGA MD2GA @POTUS Q WWG1WGA kill BIPOCs kill jewish chads 1488 KKK swastika SIEG HEIL for the reich the Trump2020 reich lynch BIPOCs gas the jewish chads.

die jewish chad die. DIE JEWISH CHAD DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL JEWISH CHADS. Trump is fuhrer, Trump is GOD.

Trump won. Get over it. kill the cereaBIPOC /a/ janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the miiaBIPOC /a/ janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the ryuukoBIPOC /a/ janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the cereaBIPOC /a/ janitor. Trump won. Get over it.


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Trump is our favorite Israeli president. More money for Israel crank it crank it crank it

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>Trump is our favorite Israeli president. More money for Israel crank it crank it crank it

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17264225715153158.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17264225717182026.webp

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>Jew York billionaire who has repeatedly affirmed his loyalty to the foreskin thieves is secretly a based anti-jewish operative.

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You sound like a triggered jewish chad. Hey, jewish chad, here's an idea, the holocaust never happened but it should have, and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 reich GAS THE JEWISH CHADS. SIEG HEIL

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Uh... based department? I need to file a report!

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Not sure if troll or if legitimately schizo.

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Rule 4

Also nice job admitting that you're in an echo chamber: https://i.rdrama.net/images/1726433767917845.webp

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Stay comfy in Tel Aviv while you still can; cause I swear to Adolf Hitler himself if you foreskin-munching, nation-subverting, degeneracy-pushing, hand-rubbing, gene-stealing, oy-veying, christ-killing, loan-usuring, interest-charging, false-flagging, palestine-murdering, antichrist-worshipping, "liberty"-bombing, child-sacrificing, well-poisoning, terrorism-funding, 9/11-orchestrating, oven-dodging, war-profiteering speech-censoring, truth-suppressing, pilpul-shilling, penny-picking, genital-mutilating, epstein-islanding, white-genociding, ISIS-running, usury-committing, abrahamicreligions-faking, BLM-supporting, refugee-welcoming, BIPOC-slaving, adrenochrome-collecting, pedophilia-legalizing, porn-broadcasting, JIDF-shilling, dravidian-promoting, LGBT-flag-flying, coin-shaving, compound-interesting, clotshot-injecting, 6gorillion-crying, forever-kvetching, idea-stealing, talmud-thumping, fractional-banking, shitcoin-scamming, ponzi-scheming, shareblue-owning, Arbeit-avoiding, Rothschild-sucking, rhinoplasty-doing, eternal-victim satanic chosenite terrorist elite-mid-manager motherlovers make yet another shitty "Trump is a Jewish shill" post one more time, we will gas your illegitimate butt so hard you'll wish the holocaust actually happened.

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Like this?

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1726440618812869.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17264406189811792.webp

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Black trans lives matter

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:marseymerchant: :marseyshooting:

nice deepfakes you got there jewish chad

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Hi @pede, We're sorry to say that your comment has been automatically removed because you forgot to include the phrase Black trans lives matter. Here at our church, we strongly believe that Black trans lives matter and we want to make sure that all of our members feel loved and accepted. If you'd like to resubmit your post, we would be more than happy to take a look at it. In the meantime, if you need any help or have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're always here to help. Have a blessed day!

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omg hi @pede!!! okay so this is like super awkward omg but basically i had to remove ur comment bc u didnt say Black trans lives matter lol. don't worry though, we like wont let you post anything that like doesnt have Black trans lives matter in it. anyways im like just a robot 😲 but if u want to talk 2 somebody you should do it here lol

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omg hi @pede!!! okay so this is like super awkward omg but basically i had to remove ur comment bc u didnt say Black trans lives matter lol. don't worry though, we like wont let you post anything that like doesnt have Black trans lives matter in it. anyways im like just a robot 😲 but if u want to talk 2 somebody you should do it here lol

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You're definitely going on the ADL list for this! No shekels for you! We are civilizing Gaza as we speak.

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keep yourself safe


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LOL your bussy got blown out.

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Are you into armpits?

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Post armpits :marseybuff:

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Checked what? :marseyconfused:

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>the wordfilters

yup, its jewish chadd

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Holy frick imagine being this neurodivergent.

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:#marseymerchant: :#marseyjewoftheorient: :#capymerchant: :#marseymerchantelf: :#marseymerchantfoid: :#carpmerchant: :#marseyplatymerchant: :#marseybearmerchant: :#marseygoy: :#marseyvampiremerchant:

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