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/r/medicine chuds out over study :marseyweeb: that showed black :marseykneel: infants had a lower mortality rate when treated by black :marseyblm: doctors compared to white :marseydimmadome: doctors




I especially like this thread :marseystitch: where :marseydrama: they discuss the most diverse Supreme :marseyelliotrodger2: Court :marseybiast: justice :marseyblm: ever


The original study :marseyreading: didn't control :marseyshadow: for birth :marseychestburster: weight? That is literally :marseyme: the strongest predictor of neonatal mortality. Incredible :marseygassy: that they got published.

And it got extremely widespread circulation and citation, including by a Supreme :marseyelliotrodger2: Court :marseyjudge: justice. Because as shitty :marseybadlydrawn: as the original study :marseychristchanreading: was, it supported the hot narrative at the time.

… lol and you don't want to even know what the Justice :marseyusa: misrepresented the already wrong :marseyxdoubt: finding as.

What did she say?

That for black :marseyalice4: babies, having a black :marseybattered: doctor :marseyliquidator: doubles the likelihood of them living.


Holy shit. Scary :marseydaemon: that someone with that low of an understanding of how statistics :marseychartbar: work is in such a high position

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The people in that thread are 100% right

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