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powerful subreddit :marseymonk: r/AstralProjection :marseymonk: where people overanalyze daydreaming


AP or dream?

I remember having what I thought was a dream of being at my elementary school playground except everything was black and white and I wasn't wearing my regular clothes, I was wearing a girl's skirt (I'm not trans but I was always more feminine than my brother). The playground and the school buildings were a 1:1 match with what it looked like in real life, nothing looked abstract or fuzzy like it does in my dreams. I thought it was a dream so I tried to wake myself up but nothing worked. Usually I can easily wake myself up from a dream, it feels like rolling back and forth in bed with my mind. After a while I kinda just gave up and sat down on one of the slides until the experience ended and I woke up in my bed.

Extraterrestrials in the astral realm?

I did some meditation and astral projection last night. I did the technique where you fall backwards out of your body instead of floating up. I fell forever and ever. I was falling into a black hole. When I landed I was on a street lined with shops. I was approached by a giant green praying mantis. He looked me in the eyes and said he's a safe being and he is not harmful telepathically. We walked down the street side by side and he stopped walking, I kept going. When I turned around he was gone- I was suddenly someplace else.

When I got up this morning I started googling praying mantis being. I didn't know that there have been reports since the 60s of people being abducted and seeing a Mantis being. As well as some ancient tribes in Africa worshiping a Mantis God.

Is it possible to come in contact with aliens in the astral realm? Was I even astral projecting????????

I always Astral Project when I play my didgeridoo!

There was one time when I was playing my Didgeridoo on top of a roof, I was Astral Projected into a spaceship floating above the earth.

When I made different sounds with my didgeridoo, I was moving left and right, as navigating the halls of the spaceship. Literally as tho the sounds were what was moving me through this ship.

This spaceship was made of waves and frequency and I could view earth from one of its windows.

Have you had any crazy moments astral projecting when listening to a didgeridoo?

Question about identifying entities (good, bad, neutral)

I haven't astral projected yet but I've been incredibly close a few times. That said, although I've never "seen" an entity aside from the blue crystal light being I mentioned in my previous post (I have otherwise heard odd sounds and muffled voices), I have sensed and felt various presences next to or around me at various times. The thing is, I have no idea what they are or what their intentions are, what they want of me, etc. It's either just a "knowing" that something is there or I vaguely feel "physical" contact/touch from it. For context, my background is the Gateway tapes.

These experiences are even before I get into a sleep-ish or hypnogogic state. Simply lying down and waiting a few minutes until my upper chakras start shallow vibrating can lead to these experiences. During the tapes, I've asked for guides to confirm their presence before and recieved a vague "touch" on my arm before, and took that as a sign of "okay, friendly."

But uh, what ways are there to tell or sense an entity's intent or nature? I even felt something lay beside me and as though my astral was stretched out towards it like a blanket, but I get zero sense of their nature, intent, their vibrational state, etc. It's as though I've unlocked something with the tapes but am blind and mostly deaf to it all. Any advice or insights? Thanks a bunch!

Can a blind person see when astral projecting?

So I recently started diving in astral projecting and I'm skeptical about things however I believe the AP experiences are real, I just got some things that I see as flaws with my current knowledge:

1 Can a blind person see when projecting? Because the way I see it, this should be a physical limitation, not a spiritual one. This also applies for other conditions like deafness.

2 If astral projection is real and you can at times hover around Earth and real places, wouldn't it be used as a weapon for spying by governments? Wouldn't you be able to see privileged secrets that could potentially make you money? Like, what stops someone projecting from getting inside Area 51?

Yes blind people do see in the astral realm. And yes but don't think other projectors and spitirual guardians would let them just come in? Don't be naive

Choose your own adventure

Today was my 73rd successful AP and the best more fun one I've ever done.

I have been out loud setting intentions to not just go through walls, then start having some kind of sexual experience and knocking me back into my body.

This time I still did have one sexual experience but it was fun and more like that exciting feeling when you're in love.

I felt my legs being tugged on and got close a couple times and just kept at it. What was odd was I think I fell asleep during trying and in the past if I ever AP after dreams start, I pop out of the dream and I'm in my room or I'm in the dream and feel the feelings but don't really have total control vs the times when there is no dreaming and I go from laying still to lifting out.

This time I must have JUST dozed after the normal feeling of it almost happening, then I was fully out, in some kind of warp zone looking thing. It reminded me of Bill and Ted's excellent adventure when the phone booth is going through warp zones time traveling etc.

I have SO MUCH control. And I did pop back into my body several times but it was my full physical version, I was vibrating so insanely heavily that I just went right back every time.

... :marseylongpost:

All right, I have to go pick my kids up from school and try to act like I didn't just fly and go through walls and create a tornado.

Ps: sorry if things are misspelled or rushed. I had to do this fast and mostly from talk to text. Bye! Ahhhhh so great!!!!

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