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Bioware lines up the next video flop

This is Corrine, the games director.



Oh yeah baby. Chuds, we're gonna be eating with this one. Thought we'd have to wait until November for ubisoft's game to see a studio burn to the ground, but bioware has got us covered in the meantime.



Journ*lists fricking love it, baby! Bioware finally hits it out of the park!


We are absolutely NOT getting a thick mommy protagonist this go around. Corrine, did you have anything to do with this? Audience subverted, male gaze averted.


Whoops, that one slipped through the cracks. Corrine will get that tidied up before release though.



They absolutely dogpile this man:


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Re: vitiligo

There's nothing more tragic and romantic to these people than someone losing his "Blackness" to a disease that progressively turns him white. He valiantly struggles against God himself to retain his BIPOC identity. So brave!

Lmao :marseydarkxd:

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It's also likely the easiest thing for devs to address, they're just mapping a different texture on to the model, so they can get progressive points super easy

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Opposite of :#marseyuncleruckus:

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I got re-vitiligo!

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